Magic Punk

Chapter 556 Who is the Yellow Bird?

When Emperor Aosi heard Xuanyi's somewhat treasonous words, instead of being angry, he raised his lips with interest: You have only been in Qing'an for a few hours, and you can guess so much?

Xuanyi nodded: As His Majesty said, I worked in the Anbu Enforcement Department before, so I know a little bit about these dark jobs of assassination.

The main force of this assassination was the explosive device buried on the Cangyan train, and it was quite powerful, enough to kill a strong man in the Dongxuan realm who was not specially prepared, Xuan Yi said softly: Because I don't have any on-site personnel. First-hand investigation data, so it is impossible to prove whether these explosives are installed on the train body or in the tracks, but one thing I understand.

That is because the assassin knew the situation of Princess Yue very well, so he arranged such a targeted assassination.

For Green Wings, the life of an Os princess is not that important, even if she is the agent of the Os Empire.

But for those speculators at the top of the empire who are willing to support His Highness the Crown Prince, or the enemies of the Moon Princess, killing the Moon Princess and letting the Crown Prince take over is undoubtedly a matter of once and for all.

Of course, I just saw that the relationship between your children is not as bad as I thought. Of course, it may just be a disguise in front of others.

But you are an imperial family. Bloody heirlooms are never uncommon, let alone His Highness the Crown Prince taking back the power that originally belonged to him.

Even if Osyuyu himself does not have such an idea, it cannot stop his potential supporters in the DPRK and China from wanting to tie him to their own tanks.

Xuanyi looked at Emperor Aos: This is my analysis.

Emperor Aos laughed heartily and clapped his hands while laughing: Yes, yes, you have only been here a few hours and you are able to analyze such a thing. This further proves the necessity of Yue'er recruiting you.

Saying this, Emperor Aosi stopped laughing and looked at Xuanyi: I must admit that several of the links you mentioned are correct.

But you're wrong about something.

Or two.

The ones who took action this time were indeed the Green Wings. After all, they are very good tools.

But the ultimate mastermind behind it is not Qingyi Zhifeng, nor those members of the DPRK and China who hope that Hanyu can regain the power of the crown prince.

And it is precisely my good daughter who directed and performed it herself.

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyi was shocked. He turned over and left his seat, half-kneeling in front of Emperor Aosi: I can guarantee that Her Royal Highness the Princess has no such intention.

What guarantee does he have?

Xuanyi doesn't know.

His only evidence was that Jiaoyue repeatedly mentioned in front of him that she knew nothing about the matter.

But does Her Royal Highness the Princess of Os really know nothing about all this?

Moreover, Jiao Yue has always been good at using lies and masks to gain benefits in negotiations.

But he still lowered his forehead towards the emperor in front of him.

Emperor Aosi looked at Xuanyi's movements, and the smile on his lips grew stronger: Do you realize that what I said is true?

Xuanyi didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.

This is actually a possibility, and it is the most reasonable explanation for this matter. However, Xuan Yi ignored this possibility intentionally or unintentionally.

Because self-directing and self-acting is the embodiment of maximizing the benefits of this attack.

The possibility that this assassination could actually kill Aos Jiaoyue was very slim. At best, it would only kill some insignificant guards on the train. However, the aftermath of this assassination could trigger earth-shaking changes in the political arena of the Aos Imperial Capital.

Who carried out the assassination?

Green Wings' Edge.

Who provided the materials and assistance to Qingyi Zhifeng?

Xuanyi was analyzing the officials and forces of the prince faction in the Aos Empire. After all, as long as Aos Jiaoyue died, the crown prince would be able to return to power.

But in fact, if Aos Jiaoyue does not die, and the assassination follows suit, who will be the ultimate beneficiary?

Of course, it's not Ousu Yuyu, but Oushou Yue.

Because once the conspiracy of the Prince Faction is exposed, the fragile balance between the current generation and the Prince will inevitably be broken. Emperor Aosi will not be able to sit idly by and ignore His Highness the Prince being accused of parricide. If he shuts himself up and thinks about his mistakes, he will be deposed as the crown prince.

From this point of view, the Princess Faction is the one who should do this most, because there is a huge profit, and as long as Her Highness the Princess herself is fine, then this is the best way to get rid of the enemy.

Of course Her Royal Highness is fine.

Emperor Aosi smiled: I have told them a long time ago that many things are not what the superiors want to do, but the people under you who half-push you and half-force you to that position.

Now that Hanyu is getting older and older, he is about to reach the age of getting married and ruling, so many people's thoughts are aroused. And Yue'er has been in charge of state affairs for several years, and of course more people are unwilling to lose what they once held in their hands. Power, so there will naturally be some actions, but if these actions are done covertly, they won’t even be able to be beaten.”

So, when Hanyu still had no intention of walking to the front desk, Yue'er made this suggestion to me, and the most important thing is to have a suitable candidate like you.

But Her Royal Highness the Princess really knows nothing about this. Xuan Yi insisted on her statement, still kneeling on the ground with one knee.

When it comes to matters like seizing a legitimate son, there is no such thing as an innocent person who doesn't know. Emperor Aosi said coldly: The winner lives, the loser dies, it's that simple.

However, Yue'er really knows nothing. I have given her many opportunities. If she is willing to become the next Empress of Os, then she can just go for it. To say the least, as long as she can be ruthless If I kill Hanyu, then I will only have these two children. If one dies, I will definitely have a second one.

She didn't do either.

Emperor Aos said this calmly, even though he was talking about fratricide and human tragedy, the emperor's expression still did not change at all.

This reminded Xuanyi of what Jiao Yue said before he came.

That is, the person he met was not Jiaoyue's father, or one of the four most powerful people in the world.

He is the emperor.

The emperor of the Os Empire, Emperor Os.

I promise you. Xuan Yi said suddenly.

Although it was a bit abrupt, Emperor Aos understood what this young man meant.

He promised to be Osyuyu's shadow, to replace Osyuyu in doing things that he didn't want to do, and to help Osyuyu do things that she wanted to do but couldn't do.

Xuanyi stood up and stood in front of Emperor Aosi, looking at his deep and handsome young face. If nothing else happened, the emperor should have the same face in front of him when he died a few years later.

But I wanted to know, what would I gain if I did all this?

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