Magic Punk

Summary at the end of the volume

Chapter 103

This volume is basically the one I am most satisfied with so far.

The plot is compact, there are no particularly confusing chapters, and the story is told well, at least it tells a story with a beginning and an end.

The ending is also neat and tidy, especially because the writing speed has accelerated a lot with the change in writing style, which also gave me some unnecessary ambition.

In the original plan, this volume was a transition volume. In fact, I originally planned to write 100,000 words and end it, but in the end, I ended up writing 200,000 words. However, the plot was surprisingly not bloated. If the third volume can reach the level of the fifth volume, then I will be really happy.

Life is always spent denying the past self.

Originally, there were some different choices for the location of Volume 5. Except for the Ost Empire and Star City, which were not considered, the Republic of Ste and the Commercial Federation were also among the candidates. However, seeing as the Ninth Princess really did not have a share of appearances. Next, I finally chose Lanyin City, the city in the Lanye Empire that I am most familiar with.

Yes, this city is also the place where the prequel of this book, Summer Palace Green Geshi, begins. Most of the clues in this volume actually come from the background of the previous book, but it doesn't matter if you haven't read it. After all, most of the things I wrote were not actually written in the previous book. In a sense, just like the first and second volumes, they gave the final ending to the characters in the previous book.

Yes, the final ending I gave Shi Feng is such a slightly sad ending.

But this is his obsession.

I originally thought about giving Shi Feng a shot in the Palace of Bones, but then I thought about it, and the final BOSS also changed from simple Ji Beihai or Shi Qingchuan to Wuyougu, which is the Tianzhong Calamity Bone. Pure evil is really suitable to be used as a BOSS. It really doesn't feel uncomfortable no matter how you kill it.

Of course, it needs to be explained that Wuyougu, who appears in this volume, has almost nothing to do with Shi Li. She is a solidified realm spirit in the realm of Bone Garden, but was the product of final transformation after being contaminated by the evil bones of the Heavenly Bell, rather than The remaining part of Shi Li's soul has passed away with Shi Feng.

By the way, I continued to fill in the big holes about Xuan Er.

In the next volume of the Os Empire Chapter, Xuanji's identity and origin will be further revealed, and Xuanji's real name is indeed Jingmo, Osijingmo.

That's it, see you in the next volume.

At this point, the novel is almost halfway through.

I hope I can continue to tell the story about Xuanyi.

I still like this story very much.

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