Magic Punk

Chapter 544 Everything flows

And when he finally discovered that his most beloved toy was broken, Wuyougu let out a painful scream. The scream was so harsh that it was like crying, and Ye Ya couldn't help but cover her ears.

But then, the screaming stopped.

Everything is over. Xuan Yi's voice sounded from all directions, calm and gentle, but the way he spoke like this was just like Wuyougu before.

Wuyougu was truly panicked this time: It turns out that the loss of control just now was your fault. What exactly did you do to the Palace of Bones?

It turns out that even you are so confused sometimes. Xuan Yi smiled calmly: Do you still remember that blood pool? I am lying in the blood pool now. I think even you, as a palace spirit, I wouldn’t have thought that the blood pool could be used in this way.”

Wuyougu suddenly understood, and his tone was trembling: You, you dare to pollute the blood pool?

It can't be called pollution. Xuan Yi's voice was calm: I just want to get the final result.

Xuanyi lay in the warm blood pool and replied to the other party with calm consciousness.

This was his last thought.

In the end, he did not decide to kill the sleeping Jibaining in order to solve the problem once and for all. On the one hand, he could not do it, but on the other hand, he doubted that killing Jibaining would not fundamentally solve the problem. question.

Even if Ji Baining dies, it should only affect the final resurrection of Ji Beihai's wife, and the massive life aura absorbed from Lanyin City will not stop, but will continue to be accumulated in the Palace of Bones.

Moreover, Xuanyi doubted that whether he was able to successfully reach Jibaining's chamber was because of Wuyougu's deliberate seduction behavior, just like when Shi Qingchuan stopped him from behind, he showed his desire for Jibaining's life and death. He didn't seem to take it to heart very much.

And if Ji Baining dies, then Ji Beihai's wife will not be able to be resurrected smoothly. This resurrection ceremony will be destroyed by him.

Rather than being terminated by Wuyougu himself, in this case, she would still have kept her original promise to Ji Beihai about resurrecting his wife, and she would just be unable to continue because of her own destruction.

This makes perfect use of yourself.

On the other hand, when Ji Beihai's resurrection ceremony is terminated, Wuyougu may be able to resurrect the person she really wants to resurrect.

Who is the person Wuyougu most wants to resurrect right now?

There is no doubt that it is Wuyougu himself.

That is Shi Li.

In this way, Wuyougu will occupy Shi Li's body again, and possess the power that Shi Li had at its peak when he was Tianzhong's evil bone, and thus rule the world again.

According to what Xuanji once said.

The Heavenly Bell is a true creation of the devil that can swallow up one third of the world.

Because the Palace of Bones was originally Shi Feng's job to resurrect Shi Li, but it was just for Shan Jiuren, and the success fell short. At the last moment, Ge Sheng and Ye Qiao, who were notified by Shi Feng, broke in, subdued Shi Feng, and let him and the Palace of Bones were completely sealed together.

And with Shi Qingchuan's intrusion lifting Wuyougu's seal, the ultimate goal of everything Wuyougu is doing now must be to complete Shi Feng's unfinished ritual.

So if he really killed Ji Baining, he might have fulfilled Wuyougu's plan.

It's like Jimmy, or the real Shi Qingchuan's advice to himself before leaving.

Make your own choice.

For unknown reasons, Shi Qingchuan did not warn him not to kill Ji Baining, but correspondingly, facing Ji Baining who was so close at hand, Shi Qingchuan also did not put forward any confusing opinions.

This is an opinion in itself.

Especially when the Palace of Bones is still under the surveillance and control of Wuyougu.

It was only because Wuyougu's main consciousness struggled with Lin Wei in the realm of ice and snow that her control over the Palace of Bones was much weaker than before. This allowed Xuan Yi to find the opportunity to sneak into the Palace of Bones. in the blood pool.

Wuyougu, who had not yet been exposed at the time, introduced this blood pool in the hope that you would never use it.

In Xuan Er's exchange, Xuan Yi further learned that this blood pool should be one of the core devices in the Palace of Bones. Its main purpose is to accumulate life essence and maintain the consumption of the Palace of Bones, and presumably those absorbed The life aura is deposited in this blood pool.

In addition to these uses, another use of the blood pool is that it can repair almost any injury.

Originally, if there were no accidents and the resurrection ceremony was carried out normally, Ji Beihai's wife would eventually be reborn from the blood pool.

And this was exactly the opportunity that Xuanyi seized.

He found and entered the blood pool, then opened his consciousness to resonate with the Palace of Bones, and even tried to fight for Wuyougu's control over the Palace of Bones.

If it was just a matter of competition, then Xuanyi was certainly far from Wuyougu's opponent, but most of Wuyougu's energy was now fighting with Lin Wei, so even under Xuanyi's deliberate concealment, he never realized it. Xuanyi's true intention, and more importantly, Xuanyi also has the final trump card of Qixi Ziyi.

Under the guidance of Xuan Er, after entering the blood pool, he activated the taboo purple body again. Originally, such consumption would drain all of Xuan Yi's vitality in a short time, but Xuan Yi happened to be in the blood pool again. It is the most abundant pool of life in this world.

What's even more timely is that while consuming the vitality in the blood pool, it weakens the foundation of Wuyougu's power. While quietly fighting for control of the Palace of Bones, even a small part of Wuyougu's consciousness is still powerful and invincible. shake.

But suddenly for a moment, Wuyougu pulled out the small part of his consciousness that last guarded his lair. Although Xuanyi didn't know, it was because Lin Wei dragged Wuyougu's consciousness into her divine body, causing Wuyougu to lose consciousness. Gu was forced to use the backup as insurance, but this also opened the door to Xuan Yi.

Xuanyi can finally take over the Palace of Bones that have been completely emptied by Wuyougu without any hindrance. By the way, he can consume the life force in the blood pool faster, so that the realm that has been stagnant for a long time can finally be further improved.

Yes, the original reason why Xuanyi was stuck in the Zhizhi realm was because he used Qixi Ziwei as a root in the Dharma Realm last time, and when he received treatment in the ice lake, the foundation was greatly damaged. Before entering the Dharma Realm again, On the one hand, he has to face the foundation of deficit, and on the other hand, he cannot repeat the same mistakes again and enter the road of self-destruction.

Before that, even Xuan Er didn't give him the most suitable path to the Dharma.

But now, nothing is a problem.

The blood pool provided Xuanyi with a massive supply of vitality, and after long-term exploration and the current special environment, Xuanyi finally had his own clues about the path to the Dharma.

That is to imitate that mysterious rusty sword and learn the power to seek transformation from all things.

Just like he is now desperately absorbing the power of transforming the blood pool in the blood pool.

Originally, such an opportunity was rare, but who knew that Xuan Yi would bump into it by mistake.

So when Xuanyi finally used Qixi Ziwei and the Rusty Sword to absorb the power of the blood pool to saturation, the bottleneck that had imprisoned him for two years was finally broken. The boy entered the Dharma Realm again after two years, and he was not yet The Dharma form of Qixi Zizhen is a brand new Dharma state that no one has mastered before.

Perhaps, it can be named the flow of all things.

At that moment, the entire Palace of Bones was instantly extinguished, and Xuanyi truly gained partial control of the Palace of Bones.

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