Magic Punk

Chapter 537 The dust of the past

Faced with Wuyougu's question, Xuan Yi smiled: I am not the Jingmo I was back then, and you are not the Shi Li you were then, so what's the point of saying this?

But then again, since we have now seen each other, can you please help me answer the questions in my mind?

Ji Beihai didn't make any move, but Wuyougu's voice sounded quietly: You are still as lovable as you were thousands of years ago. You know that I don't like Jin Yi Ye Xing.

Xuan Yi got the other party's tacit approval and couldn't help but feel calmer.

Of course, the prerequisite for being qualified to talk to Wuyougu on an equal footing is because he has proven his current strength.

Although the bargaining chips in Wuyougu's hand include the Palace of Bones, which is the embodiment of the Garden of Bones, and Ji Beihai, whose sanity has been completely controlled by her, as the number one thug, Xuanyi also has someone who can compete with the Palace of Bones. Lin Wei, and the fierce Ye Ya.

As for Xuanyi himself, if he has the blessing of the Rusty Sword, even if he doesn't have to kill eight hundred enemies and damage himself by a thousand, the blood-burning technique is still above the level of ordinary Dongxuan. The two of them join forces, and they may not be able to compete with him at this time. The Battle of Jibeihai.

Besides - Xuanyi and the palace spirit who controlled the Palace of Bones really knew each other.

Even though the two of them are no longer the two people they were when they first met.

It is true that this resurrection ritual was researched by Shi Feng, but I believe that Shi Feng is definitely not the person to use this kind of ritual.

Even if Shi Feng gradually loses his mind due to aging, Shi Li will not allow him to use such a ritual to resurrect himself. What's more, since Shi Li himself slaughtered the entire Shi family, her close blood relationship will not be as good as her biological brother. Shi Feng himself only has his cousin Shi Ke left, right?

Ji Beihai stood there, like a sculpture, while Wuyougu used gray bone powder to shape her own body in front of Ji Beihai. She laughed so hard that she couldn't control herself: You have obviously been dead for so long, How can we still restore the scene at that time?

At that time, I thought that apart from inhuman monsters like Alaya, you were definitely the smartest and most powerful one among them.

If you hadn't died before the war actually started, I believe the war would not have been so difficult, because Emperor Tianwu would not only face the ninth princess Lan Ye.

Xuanyi ignored Wuyougu's hints and provocations. He just cared that his speculation had been confirmed by Wuyougu.

So, after Shi Feng built this Palace of Bones according to his own ideas, you were born here as a being who preserved Shi Li's evil side, and gradually developed to the point of corroding Shi Feng's own will?

Wuyougu did not laugh this time, but looked a little more serious: Resurrection is originally the biggest obsession. It is because of guilt that I want to redeem it, and if I want to redeem it, I must pay a more painful price than when I lost it.

So although Shi Feng built the Palace of Bones very early on, he did not try to implement this horrific plan that might kill tens of millions of people.

Until you gradually and subtly influenced his sanity, and at the end of his life, he began to choose to overthrow his past self and wanted to launch this resurrection ceremony brazenly, right? Xuan Yi asked word for word.

Yes. Wuyougu nodded: In the past few days, I have peeked at the memory of your host. Shi Feng's obsession with resurrecting Shi Li is definitely no less than your desire to resurrect Xing Lihua. obsession.

Wuyougu said this, showing a bewitching smile.

Didn't you see Liu Sisi? Have you seen the effect of this perfect resurrection?

If you are willing to cooperate with me, then I can perfectly resurrect Xing Lihua and let you and her live the wonderful life before losing everything.

A day without anyone to disturb you.

Wuyougu directly chose to talk to Xuan Yi like this, arousing his inner desire and obsession. Ye Ya beside him couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: Shut up!

While saying this, three more wings of light were drawn out from her back and struck at Wuyougu's illusory body. However, Ji Beihai stepped forward silently, and a dark green long knife condensed in his hand, and the All three attacking light wings were cut off.

If Ye Ya was not now in a state similar to that of an octopus whose arms and legs can grow infinitely, the loss just now must have made her heartbroken.

Even now, Ye Ya must seriously consider the dangers of such a futile attack on Ji Beihai.

After all, Ji Beihai is a truly experienced Dongxuan Shang, so attacks like his are not troublesome to him at all.

Ye Ya was very unhappy like this.

On the other hand, Xuan Yi calmly looked at Wuyougu: If you used such similar rhetoric to deceive Shi Qingchuan and Ji Beihai, I really don't know how they were fooled.

Of course, I don't think you showed up in front of them at all.

Because as long as they are in the Palace of Bones, they will be corrupted by you all the time and eventually become your puppets.

You must really enjoy seeing other people in pain and get the sweet pleasure out of it, don't you?

Xuanyi said sarcastically, looking at Wuyougu's indifferent expression, and continued: Just like Ji Beihai is still under your control but still seeking resistance all the time, I think when Shi Feng discovered that he had gone deep into the devil's path, The decisions taken must have been similar.”

Otherwise, with Ge Sheng's slowness and Shi Feng's handling of things, there is no reason why Ge Sheng would have made up his mind to lead Ye Qiao to kill Shi Feng in this Palace of Bones before everything started. The only possible willingness is Shi Feng himself. After telling Ge Sheng the whole story, even the Book of the Dead that recorded what Shi Feng had learned for half his life, Shi Feng did not put it in the Palace of Bones, but let it escape your control and hide it in the Palace of Bones. Deep inside Liu Mansion.

If Shi Qingchuan hadn't desperately searched for a remedy after losing his beloved daughter, and finally found the Book of the Dead deep in Liuzhai, then I think you would still be imprisoned in this Palace of Bones. , imprisoned for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, until the garden of bones that sustains your life completely collapses under the passage of events.”

But this time Wuyougu didn't speak. She looked at Xuanyi in the distance and asked calmly: You know more than I thought. Is there anything else you want to ask?

I will tell you the truth until you die.

Xuanyi smiled and looked at the other person: I want to know.

In the realm of ice and snow, the two sides faced each other from a distance, looking into each other's cold pupils.

Who is the person being resurrected in this resurrection ceremony now?

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