Magic Punk

Chapter 527 Death Base

So the division of labor is clear.

Centering on the place where the incident occurred, Xuanyi Yaoyao was responsible for the upstream and Lin Weiyeya was responsible for the downstream.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Xuanyi's grouping that clearly favored Yaoyao, Ye Ya would not get angry with a little girl in her early teens.

But no one expected that the search would go surprisingly smoothly.

The three people present are all people with keen spiritual senses, far from being comparable to ordinary treasure hunters. What's more, this creek has been flowing for thousands of years. There have never been any rumors of secret treasures, and there has always been little interest in it.

But Xuanyi didn't expect it. He just searched for two hundred meters along the river bed, and he locked and dug out nearly ten objects with special auras, including but not limited to the weird little box mentioned by Chen's mother. , gravel, animal bones and other special items, but these smells have become very dull due to the age, so it is difficult for anyone to find them, not to mention that most of these items are scrap metal, and there are only a few of high value. Not much.

Even the weird box similar to what Chen Dao's mother described is just an ordinary item that contains special materials and is contaminated with poison and smell, and its value is also very effective.

When Xuanyi ended the search, Lin Wei also gained a lot, and found as many as a dozen similar weird items.

Why did these things suddenly rush down from the upper reaches? Lin Wei couldn't help but ask: If there were any, wouldn't they have been exposed long ago?

Maybe something happened in the upper reaches of the stream recently. Ye Ya said thoughtfully: And because most of these things are inconspicuous, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect them. That is, the boxes are relatively exquisite, so they were taken home by Chen's mother, so in the end It’s just chronic poisoning.”

So. Lin Wei's face couldn't help but darken.

The current conclusion completely proves Xuanyi's previous speculation - that there is a ghost in the upper reaches of the creek.

So we need to go back a while.

Please allow me to withdraw. Lin Wei said with a smile: I like to rest, and now it's my unshakable sleep time.

Yes, you don’t know that when I was at Ice Lake, I slept for a year or two.

Sister Wei. Ye Ya looked at Lin Wei and said coquettishly.

Lin Wei could only shrug: Then it seems that being respectful is worse than obeying orders?

Now that the clues have become more obvious, the next thing becomes more logical. The three people, taking Yaoyao with them, continue to swim up the river.

Although some similar objects were still discovered along the way, and as we got closer to the upper reaches of the river, there were more and more of these strange creations that seemed to be garbage. It was not until we walked dozens of miles and finally reached the end of the stream that we discovered Its source turned out to be an underground river.

This reminded Xuan Yi of the underground river in the Forest of Death, but the scale of this underground river was much smaller than that of the Forest of Death.

What should we do next? Lin Wei asked calmly while looking at the gurgling water.

Of course I was traveling by the river, and I forgot how far the road was. Xuan Yi said calmly: If I guessed correctly, this underground river should be one of the secret passages.

And if you pay attention, you will find that we are very close to Lanyin City now.

When Xuanyi said these words, Ye Yacai finally realized what he had always felt was wrong.

That is, Chen Dao's village is dozens of miles away from Lanyin City, which means that they were flying and running all the way at an astonishing speed, so that they could go back and forth in dozens of minutes.

But now, after walking for dozens of miles along the creek, I finally found the source of the creek deep in the dense forest, but it was only ten or twenty miles away from Lanyin City.

In other words, going around in circles will bring you closer to Lanyin City.

If you have anything extra to say, please hurry up. Lin Wei said without hesitation.

Although the evil lady Bingxue is smart, she is not good at these things that require more experience and analysis. Even if two Bingxue smart girls are tied together, they may not be better than Xuanyi at this matter.

As I said before, Liuzhai in Lanyin City is the residence where [Priest of Death] once lived, and where he left his descendants.

But the [Death Sacrifice] is the most powerful person in the Taiwei Realm. Although the Liu Mansion I once visited is indeed a very grand mansion, it can even be called a palace, but as the secret of the [Death Sacrifice] Laboratory, the laboratory under Liu's house is somewhat inadequate.

I think the real base of [Death Sacrifice] may be larger, and it may even be underground in Lanyin City.

It's just that before, this underground base was sealed and no longer used after the death of [Death Sacrifice], so no one has heard of any accidents happening in this creek in a thousand years.

But just recently, within the last few months or as long as a few years, someone has reopened this underground base and used this base to launch some potentially dangerous spells. Eventually, after the underground base resumed operation, everything The waste products generated by the operation are discharged along the preset pipelines.”

This is the origin of the box that Mother Chen picked up.

Where's the evidence? Lin Wei asked reluctantly.

Although all of this is sound and logical, in the final analysis they are just speculations by Xuanyi alone without any evidence.

But Xuan Yi could say so much in one breath, which really made Lin Wei a little unhappy.

There is no evidence. Xuan Yi replied calmly. At this time, darkness still enveloped the earth, but as time passed, it was now close to two o'clock in the morning. In a few hours, it would be completely bright. But there just wasn't the best evidence.

Bold assumptions and careful verification. This is the shortest way to reach the truth of all things. The young man said with a smile. When he regained his former appearance, he used to be Dark Star Walking Xuan Yi, not the down-and-out eccentric Jianghu Youyi. When negative came out, for some reason, every move of the boy was filled with the same confidence.

Perhaps it was the unexpected encounter with Ye Ya tonight that made him very happy, or maybe at the moment when he needed help the most but was alone, the sudden arrival of these two powerful and trustworthy reinforcements made Xuan Yi feel at ease.

Otherwise, if Xuanyi is alone, even if he finally finds the entrance to this underground river, he may not dare to enter alone.

Recklessness and courage are different concepts.

Xuanyi is fully aware of how much he weighs, and it is enough to be reckless once in his life.

How about it. Xuan Yi looked at the two girls behind him with a slightly bewildered and provocative expression.

Although both of them may be the most terrifying and powerful girls in the world: The truth is right in front of you. Do you want to finally reveal everything?

To Xuan Yi's surprise, Lin Wei did not continue to contradict him this time: I admit that your little lover is quite capable.

The white-haired girl then said, causing Ye Ya's pretty face to blush, and she glared at Lin Wei: If you are talking nonsense, I will stop you.

Lin smiled, then pursed his lips forward.

Ye Ya hesitated a little and glanced at Yaoyao.

Yaoyao's accompanying was originally a mistake that was neither big nor small but kept growing.

If the underground river in front of them finally leads to the real base of [Death Sacrifice], the dangers in it must not be underestimated. The three of them are somewhat capable of protecting themselves, but Yaoyao is an absolute Drag the oil bottle.

Just like Xuanyi looked at her back then - an absolute burden.

So before Xuanyi could speak, Ye Ya directly asked Xiang Yaoyao: Do you want to come with us?

Yaoyao nodded.

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