Magic Punk

Chapter 504 A girl smiles

Qing'an, the imperial capital of the Austro Empire.

Jiao Yue combed her wet black hair, and then took out several jade boxes of various types from the Black Iron Ring. After counting them carefully in her mind, she added them to the Black Iron Ring again. But this time, it quickly disappeared into the mysterious and mysterious space of the Black Iron Ring, and then, a big book with a black cover appeared there.

Although the agreement with Xuanyi just now was for three portions of Lian Yin Resurrection Potion, in fact, for a medicine master like Xuanyi, it is more cost-effective to give him the ingredients for Lian Yin Resurrection Potion, which can directly save the production cost. and losses.

Of course - if Xuanyi works hard, he will get four full portions of the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion without making any mistakes, but that's a story for another day.

The thick book with black cover appeared in the girl's hand as her thoughts flashed. The red writing on it gathered like countless living blood beads, and was finally compiled into four mysterious and unspeakable characters full of bloody smell. Although Aos Jiaoyue was also unable to read them, but the information about the Book of the Dead instantly passed through her brain.

Sure enough, seeing from the images is far inferior to seeing it with your own eyes. Osho Moon groaned, and then put the book back into the Black Iron Ring for storage. This was not the first time she had seen this level of undead. Secret Code, so he would not open it indiscriminately like Xuanyi did, and as a result, he was mentally contaminated first.

The most important reason why Os Jiaoyue was so confident in negotiating with the boy was that in the Necromancer Codex, or in the entire study of necromancers, the Os Empire was really professional. There is no one who is first or second in the whole world.

After all, the ruins of the Kingdom of the Dead are within the territory of the Os Empire, and the Os Empire has been accepting the threat of necromancers for a long time, and has spared no effort to kill all necromancers' organizations.

Therefore, thousands of years later, the scarcity of necromancers is inseparable from the efforts of the Os Empire.

Your Highness the Princess seems to be very happy? A female voice sounded behind Jiao Yue. Jiao Yue turned around and saw Xue Xing standing behind her with a large white bath towel, wiping her hair with the towel. Water droplets were falling, and the curves were exquisite. .

Jiaoyue nodded. There was nothing to hide in front of her personal physician.

That guy has been hiding for more than a year, and finally he couldn't help but show his face. As he said this, Jiao Yue showed a slightly proud and narrow look on his face, which was something he had never shown when talking to Xuanyi.

Xue Xing immediately realized who that guy was and couldn't help but smile.

Then Jiaoyue glared at her, and then she covered her mouth with a smile and tilted her head slightly. Her cat-eye green eyes seemed to hide the secrets of the whole world: I don't know anything.

Aos Jiaoyue pulled out the thick Book of the Dead from the Black Iron Ring, faced Xue Xing and patted it with a gesture that was basically equivalent to patting a brick.

Xue Xing stretched out her hand, and the Book of the Dead stood still in front of her as if it were alive and then floated in the air. Xue Xing was originally just the magnetic controller of the Dharma Realm, but now it seems that she can control more things than There used to be a lot more.

The Secret Code of the Dead? Xue Xing exclaimed, Did Xuan Yi find it? How could he find something of this level? With his knowledge, he is not ignorant of the goods, right?

Xue Xing just said that, but also had no interest in opening it to take a look.

Do you think that iron cock would be willing to give it to me for free? Aos Jiaoyue shook her head and sat up from the warm spring water wetly. The water droplets slid smoothly from her skin as white as gelatin, and then splashed on In the spring water. After nearly two years of not seeing each other, the moon princess of Os has become more and more beautiful, and has gradually escaped from the impoverished girlhood where she could only rely on her appearance.

She also wrapped a snow-white bath towel around her body, and then wrapped her hair in the towel while walking towards Xue Xing: For this book, I may have to pay ten copies of the Lotus Yin Resurrection Potion, and I will also tell you about it. Give him a copy of the translation.”

Xue Xing looked at the Book of the Dead in front of her with some suspicion, and said in surprise: So expensive? Even the Secret Code of the Dead is not as expensive as this, right? Even if he doesn't want the book, he will sell it to us.

Because it's useless for him to ask for a book. Aos Jiaoyue said sharply: In addition, the reason why this book of the dead is so expensive is because that guy said that it may contain the perfect resurrection technique.

Xue Xing really covered her mouth this time to prevent herself from screaming.

When her mood calmed down, she looked at Jiao Yue and said, You're not mistaken.

The result will not be known until it is accurately deciphered. Jiao Yue said: Find me a group of scholars who are reliable enough. I request to get a preliminary translation of this Book of the Dead within five days.

So fast? Xue Xing asked a little uncertainly: The normal progress will take at least a month.

That's a grinding pace. Jiaoyue exposed it mercilessly: It's not the professional progress I want.

Get ready for me, I want to go out. Jiaoyue continued.

Xue Xing had no doubts at all, and just asked: What about me? Doesn't Her Royal Highness leave anyone by her side?

Because I need you here to monitor the cracking progress of the Book of the Dead for me. Aos Jiaoyue said coldly.

Then can you tell me where you are going? Xue Xing did not ask any similar questions.

Lanyin City. The girl turned back and smiled.

Overwhelming the country and the city.

Sneeze. Xuanyi sneezed suddenly, which made the Yaoyao opposite him feel a little strange.

It's breakfast time now. After experiencing so many things last night, Yaoyao himself had a good sleep, but Xuanyi still spent a sleepless night, and now he is starting to think more and more about catching up on sleep. .

And I really don’t have the mood to continue fishing and setting up stalls.

After learning the general story of the matter and successfully selling the Book of the Dead at a good price, Xuan Yi temporarily felt that he had nothing else to do.

The record about the resurrection technique in the Book of the Dead should be the most critical breakthrough in Ji Beihai's current layout. After all, in comparison, questioning Ji Beihai personally is not only too inefficient, but also suspected of being a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

Only after understanding the true ritual means and methods of the resurrection technique, did Xuanyi have the opportunity to take a preemptive strike and figure out what the ritual was on Ji Baining, and then had the chance to save the girl.

Even though the girl who seems to be thinking of sacrificing herself for her mother doesn't have a strong desire to be saved yet.

But at least she did want to live.

Xuanyi really doesn’t know whether the Book of the Dead is sold too expensively or cheaply. After all, it has never been sold at such a high price. But as far as Xuanyi is concerned, if the Book of the Dead is left with him, not only will there be no way to crack it, but also If it can't form any value, it's better to get rid of it.

It's just that after giving it to the Os Empire, you still want to get the Book of the Dead back, which is basically a fantasy.

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