Magic Punk

Chapter 462: Too old to die

Hearing Liu Sisi's simple answer, Xuan Yi didn't think anything of it, but Yaoyao only felt a slight chill behind her back.

How long have you lived here? Yaoyao asked.

She looked around and found some clues: the vegetation in the courtyard here, including the plum blossoms and willow trees, were seriously lacking in care, and the branches were hanging out. Although it had a bit more natural beauty, it was obviously very different from itself. The organized layout doesn't quite fit together.

And although it is early spring, when everything has not yet grown and sprouted, you can still see many traces of overgrown weeds in the open space by the lake, as if no one has taken care of it for a long time.

Liu Si thought for a moment: It's been ten years.

Xuanyi looked at each other: Have you and Jimmy been here for ten years?

Liu Sisi shook her head, opened her eyes and said, No, later.

Mom, dad and everyone are gone.

When Xuanyi listened to Liu Sisi's description, even he felt a little shuddered.

Such a large and luxurious top-level mansion, a cave protected by ancient magic. What kind of existence did Liu Sisi's parents once have to be able to own such a mansion of immeasurable value? But even a place like this... Everyone disappeared mysteriously overnight, leaving only Liu Sisi and her dog named Jimmy.

Liu Sisi looks like she can't be more than fifteen years old, so the ten years she mentioned can basically be regarded as her living here since she can remember.

But what happened that made her parents disappear without her?

It's like an earthbound spirit that was forgotten here.

When did your parents disappear? Xuan Yi asked.

Liu Sisi bit her lip lightly: I can't remember clearly, but it was at least two years ago.

As she said this, she suddenly let out a yelp and was shocked by something. She took two steps back until she reached the edge of the lake. The loose soil fell into the lake and turned into brown lines. Various koi fish came up curiously. Gather.

Liu Sisi forgot one thing.

She was careless and invited outsiders into her castle, just like a princess who lives alone in a castle inviting robbers to her home.

And she also told the other party without any defense that there were only herself and Jimmy here.

It just so happened that Jimmy was so sick that he couldn't even eat food.

Xuan Yi was keenly aware of Liu Sisi's emotions. Although it was not ruled out that the other party was deliberately acting, it was more likely that this little girl who had lived here alone since she was twelve or thirteen years old really lacked a lot of human sophistication. In some things he is quite mature, but in many other things he is incredibly naive.

So Xuanyi smiled and said, Don't worry, I'm just here to treat Jimmy.

When Xuanyi mentioned Jimmy, Liu Sisi obviously relaxed. There were parents staying in this mansion to protect her magic. If she didn't lead the way, no matter how many bad people could come in and hurt her, but now Jimmy was sick. , is there any way to cure it yourself?

Living alone was lonely enough, and Liu Sisi couldn't imagine how she would live without Jimmy.

She nodded and turned towards the stone bridge over the lake.

plz follow me.

Xuanyi and Yaoyao followed Liu Sisi across the stone bridge on the lake, passed through the stone pavilion in the lake, and when they got close to the seven-story building, they heard a low whimper with a threatening tone.

Liu Sisi ran over in a hurry. When Xuan Yi looked, he saw a big golden retriever dog with a slightly white coat baring its teeth at them. Liu Sisi hugged the big dog's neck: Jimmy, Jimmy, don't be mean.

I brought them here to help you.

It seemed that the golden retriever understood Liu Sisi's words, or was simply comforted by its owner. It slowly put away the momentum that was about to pounce at any time, lay down with a body that was twice as big as Liu Sisi, and shook it weakly. Tail.

Xuanyi walked up step by step. He clearly felt the tension of the golden retriever, and as the distance got closer, Xuanyi's Qi gradually captured the opponent.

The answer was just as Xuanyi originally guessed.

This dog has no disease. If there is any disease, the only disease is that it is too old.

Maybe it was a dog that Liu Sisi's parents had when they were young, or even longer, because this dog's lifespan has exceeded thirty years, while normal golden retrievers usually have a lifespan of less than twenty years.

It has lived too long, so it is old and is about to die.

In this world, aging is the only disease that Xuanyi cannot cure. How many powerful people have failed to withstand the invasion of time in the end.

Yaoyao followed Xuanyi, sensing Xuanyi's emotions. Also, although she was younger than Liu Sisi, she was far more understanding of the world than Liu Sisi. She also quickly discovered that the dog named Jimmy was too old. .

She even said that even Liu Sisi should know it, but she didn't want to or believe it.

Liu Sisi looked at Xuanyi who had been silent for a long time, bit her lip, and asked softly: Doctor, can it be cured?

Xuanyi thought for a while, and then he took out a bottle of spiritual liquid from the black iron ring - his movements were hidden, and it looked like he took it out of his sleeve.

Yaoyao looked at Xuanyi's movements and wanted to speak, but in the end he held back.

In fact, most of the medicines used for medical practice are on Yaoyao's body, and only a few Xuanyi carry them with him. Of course, these medicines either have almost no chance of being used, or they are very precious.

Yaoyao didn't recognize the spiritual liquid, but she sensitively believed that the reason was the latter.

Xuanyi had already walked in front of Liu Sisi and Jimmy, then squatted down and looked into the golden retriever's beautiful amber eyes.

Yes, this dog is really beautiful. He is so beautiful even when he is old. People can't help but think of what he looked like when he was young.

At that time, it must be able to run freely in this garden instead of lying here waiting in vain for its own death.

Of course Xuan Yi has nothing to do about aging.

But he is very experienced in how to make a dying guy live a little longer.

Because he himself is the real person who may die at any time.

There is always a feeling of sympathy.

He uncorked the bottle of spiritual liquid and put it to Jimmy's mouth. Liu Sisi looked at Xuanyi nervously, not knowing what he wanted to do.

At this moment, Jimmy suddenly opened his big mouth and bit Xuanyi's outstretched hand. His force was like thunder and lightning, and there was no sign of aging in it. Liu Sisi was startled and stood up to try hard. After kicking this incompetent guy, she saw the black-haired doctor with one hand in Jimmy's mouth wearing the black mask that covered half of his face and showing her a gentle smile.

That smile was almost the most gratifying and warm smile Liu Sisi had seen in three years.

It still wants to live. Xuanyi said softly, and then patted Jimmy's head.

Jimmy shook his tail and spit out the boy's hand.

The boy's hand was unscathed, because from the beginning, Jimmy used this movement.

It's just that the bottle of spiritual liquid was empty, and Jimmy instinctively sucked it into his belly like he was sucking breast milk.

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