Magic Punk

Chapter 460 One-foot Hammer

Walking in the mist rising in the city, Xuanyi turned to look at Yaoyao: What do you think of Gang Leader Xie?

From the time he walked out of Uncle Zhao's apartment to the time he walked downstairs at Fengxiang Building with the half bottle of wine, it had just reached nine o'clock in the morning.

It’s still a good time to set up a stall.

Why doesn't Xuanyi just rent a shop to see a doctor? It's just because the difficulty of opening a shop and setting up a stall in Lanyin City is different. In other words, Xuanyi still needs to battle wits with the urban management because he has no license. business.

Yaoyao listened to Xuanyi's question, turned his head and smiled: For now, are you considered a good person?

Xuanyi said nothing.

In fact, Yaoyao has an amazing ability to sense people's hearts. Basically, he can see the disguise of ordinary people at a glance, but Gang Leader Xie Enxie is not that so-called ordinary person.

He just patted Yaoyao's head gently and continued walking forward.

When the table was set up opposite Guangyuan Hall and the move was inserted, the cold fog had almost dissipated. Pedestrians in twos and threes in the distance were walking on the bluestone street. Although it was said that with the rise of the magic industrial revolution for a thousand years, Since then, the world has changed a lot, but compared to Star City, Lanyin City has not changed that much.

Business was very poor, and no one came to ask for help for a long time.

But not only Xuanyi is used to it, but Yaoyao is also used to it.

After all, not everyone will believe in those miracle doctors who set up stalls on the street and claim to cure all diseases. Moreover, the price Xuanyi charges for treating diseases is really high, high enough to scare most people away, such as the simplest cold. The prices charged by beggars on the street and by Xuanyi, the rich man in the city, are completely different. The latter may be more than a hundred times as powerful as the former. The key is that in the end, Xuanyi will still give them the same medicine and treatment, without the slightest advantage.

This kind of treatment that only has a price difference but no poor service will definitely not be liked by many people. Even if Xuanyi is clearly doing a reasonable and legal job of robbing the rich and helping the poor, neither the rich nor the poor will like him.

The rich will accuse him of being greedy and insatiable, while the poor will accuse him of being determined to take the last few life-saving coins in their hands.

Because Xuanyi never does anything to save people for free, even if you are really penniless, the boy will let you pay appropriate remuneration.

The only exception is Yaoyao, but that's because Yaoyao is Xuanyi's first patient.

And he is a patient who has not yet been cured.

Yaoyao actually knows that this young man of his family is really not short of money at all, but he likes money very much, so even if their stall does not open for three years. But once it opens, it must last for three years.

In fact, the four thousand yuan spent on eating old rice last night was actually a lot, but it was life-saving after all. Xuanyi's standard for saving lives is to receive 30% of all your property, which is still a final discount for Chen Dao. Therefore, Xuanyi was serious when he told Chen Dao that the master of Lanyin City could not afford to let him treat his daughter. of.

Because he really can't afford it. The Lanyin City Lord's family has been in Lanyin City for more than a thousand years and has accumulated considerable wealth. If Xuanyi really wants 30% of the property according to his own rules, then he may not be able to save it or not. The young lady of the living city lord couldn't even leave the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Anyway, I am not the only doctor in this world.

Xuan Yi was thinking this. When he looked ahead, he suddenly saw a girl wearing a purple skirt appearing at the corner of the alley. After looking left and right, she quickly entered Guangyuan Hall. After a while, she walked out dejectedly and continued to look around. After four weeks, he moved step by step towards Xuanyi's small medical stall.

Yaoyao's eyes suddenly lit up, the fat sheep - no, it's business, is finally here.

After all, instead of standing here in a daze, it would definitely be much happier if someone came to see a doctor.

And she is actually a rare little girl.

Xuanyi couldn't help but look up at the girl.

She looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, with a thin figure, and the sharper lines of her face became more and more rounded. She was tiptoeing, wearing a small purple printed silk skirt, red dancing shoes on her feet, and a necklace around her neck. A string of round pearl necklaces makes her neck as white and slender as a swan's crooked neck. She didn't look like a woman who came out to see a doctor, but rather like an actor who ran away from the stage.

The girl plucked up her courage and walked towards Xuanyi step by step. When she got closer, when she was about to speak, Xuanyi already said in advance: You are not sick.

Yaoyao sighed.

Yes, sometimes this boy really gets choked up.

However, she has been following Xuanyi for such a long time, and she has actually learned a lot from observing, hearing, asking, and asking questions. Moreover, she is biased towards perception ability in both studying objects and Zhizhi realm, so not only does she know that this girl is not sick, but she also knows her past year. He probably rarely exercised here, and even stayed indoors with almost no going out.

Even so, can I still not get sick?

Yaoyao was a little lost in thought.

But the girl opposite had no time to think. She bit her lip tightly and looked at Xuanyi. Her long dark brown hair was slightly rough at the ends, and her dark blue eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

Doctor, please save Jimmy.

Jimmy, who is Jimmy?

Why did the opponent suddenly not play according to the routine?

Now Yaoyao was a little confused by the other party's question, although she roughly guessed that the other party's family member was sick and came out to seek medicine on her own, just like the second child Chen Dao.

But by calling her this way, it seems that Jimmy is not her parents?

Because no one would call their parents by their first names unless it was extremely disrespectful.

Is it her friend?

And here, Xuan Yi said leisurely: Is Jimmy a cat or a dog?

Yaoyao couldn't help but look back at Xuanyi, feeling that her blind spot in thinking was indeed a bit big.

Yes, if Jimmy was not a human being, it would be understandable why she would be kicked out of Guangyuan Hall. After all, how could those doctors who treat people be willing to demote themselves to veterinarians? I'm afraid this young lady's words will be regarded as nonsense?

Jimmy, Jimmy is my dog. The girl said with a little choked up: It suddenly stopped eating today and looks like it is about to die. He is the only friend who keeps me company. I can't watch it leave me like this.

So you can't go to a professional vet? I remember that there were still veterinarians serving pets in Lanyin City.

Xuanyi thought to himself, but he had no intention of shirking this business. After all, this young man was willing to treat impotence, let alone treat a mere dog?

But how much does it cost to treat a dog?

This is what makes Xuan Yi difficult.

Save people's lives and get 30% of your wealth. What's more, if you have a one-foot stick, you can get half of it every day, and it will last forever.

Even if Xuanyi went around and healed more than a dozen other people's families, he still wouldn't be able to take away their property.

It’s just that you have to pay the appropriate reward in the end.

Two thousand yuan. Xuanyi finally said.

The girl was stunned for a moment. When Xuan Yi thought that the girl was reluctant, she lowered her head and took off the pearl necklace from her neck and gently placed it on the table.

Pearly and round.

Is it enough? The girl lowered her head and said softly.

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