Magic Punk

Chapter 451 The world is too small and the city is even smaller

Uncle Zhao turned around and glanced at Xuanyi and the Yaoyao behind him. The originally angry expression on his face softened a lot. He said quickly and in an urgent tone: Hurry up and enter the house. Close the doors and windows. Come out. Don’t worry about anything.”

Your Uncle Zhao is here.

But Uncle Zhao, even if you have nimble legs and feet, you may not be able to beat these ten people.

Xuanyi thought to himself, so his legs didn't move at all.

At this time, he scanned the people who were confronting Uncle Zhao. With this scan, if Xuanyi hadn't had a lot of experience and his experience was far beyond his age, he would have probably laughed at this time.

These ten or so people were uniformly dressed and shaved. They were all wearing navy blue leather jackets and a piece of silver-gray mail. This mail looked like military standard equipment. They could get it. It must have a lot of background.

Wearing this kind of mail armor, blocking guns and knives in a fight is second best. The key is that these four words I am not to be messed with are written on the body. In terms of effect, it is far from being shirtless and shouting to look at yourself. The goods can be compared with it.

But although Uncle Zhao is a bit impatient, he has always known his propriety. How could he mess with these guys and get to the point of wielding a sword or a stick?

Xuan Yi glanced at the hands of those people. They were all walking sticks with dazzling cold light. This weapon was in the shape of a T and was no longer than a mile. The stick had a handle, half of which protected the arm, and half of which popped out the fist. , can be used offensively and defensively, and is not likely to cause trouble like a sharp weapon. In addition to requiring special training, it is almost a perfect gang weapon.

Judging from the opponent's aura, attire, and weapons, they are not just a bunch of rabble. Uncle Zhao must have seen some clues by being so solemn. A good man must not suffer the immediate losses. If Uncle Zhao does not retreat now, there must be something wrong. Reason for withdrawal.

But - then again.

Why does Xuanyi want to laugh?

Yaoyao poked his head out from behind Xuanyi and pointed at the gang member who was desperately trying to hide behind his companions.

Hey! I know you.

The other party was originally aggressive, standing at the front of the team confronting Uncle Zhao, and cursing from time to time, but now when he watched the brother and sister walking from the street light from a distance, he quietly hid behind them.

But who would have thought that he was still identified by this little girl.

He hid behind his brother and said angrily: Who knows you? That's not how a little girl wears a condom!

Yaoyao stomped her feet vigorously: You are still buying medicine from me during the day! Why don't you admit it as soon as it gets dark?

As soon as the word buy medicine came out of his mouth, the man couldn't stand. He quickly walked out from behind the crowd, even stuffed the walking stick into his brother's hands, walked out defenseless with a smile on his face, and rubbed his hands: Little sister.

I'm really sorry.

Why are you wandering here?

He originally wanted to get closer to Yaoyao, but when he saw Xuanyi standing in front of Yaoyao with a calm expression, he couldn't help but stopped. Even he couldn't understand why: I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. , isn’t it? Misunderstanding.”

As he said this, he spread his palms at an angle, and saw a bright yellow gold coin between his fingers, shining brightly under the light of the street lamp.

Xuanyi looked at the gold coin. Before he could say anything, the Yaoyao behind him already raised his finger and pointed to the apartment behind Uncle Zhao and said, This is where we live. Do you think there is any misunderstanding?

It was a piece of gold leaf grass, the currency of the Orchid Leaf Empire for thousands of years. Since all the major empires have gradually switched to paper money, many gold coins have been recycled and recast into gold bricks by the empire as gold reserves, but the people still There is a large amount of gold and silver currency in circulation.

After all, if you really run away to another country, it may not be easy for you to hold a stack of foreign banknotes, but you will definitely be able to use real gold and silver coins.

Just like the handfuls of gold leaves that Di Yungui took out.

Although there is no common exchange rate between gold leaf grass and orchid leaf coins, and there is still a slight difference from the gold coins in Star City, Xuanyi has lived in the orchid leaf empire for nearly a year, and he is not ignorant about it. Generally speaking, A piece of golden leaf grass in good condition can be exchanged for 12,000 yuan of blue leaf coins from gold coin collectors. If it is severely worn and has no collection value, it can also be exchanged for 7,000 yuan based on the value of the gold itself. Basically, it is the upper and lower limit of the value of a golden leaf grass.

Of course, some people will pay a high price to collect a small amount of gold-leaf grass cast by the Nine Princess Ye Qing when he established the military government during the Glorious Patriotic War for collection purposes. The value of such an authentic gold-leaf grass exceeds 100,000 yuan. Ye coins, but now the market is basically in a state of price and no market.

The golden leaf grass in the hands of this gang member is certainly not the latter.

But at least he had the heart to bribe them with at least seven thousand yuan.

Who is he?

Although he has changed his clothes and tore off his wig, such poor disguise skills are not worth mentioning in front of Xuan Yi.

After all, if something embarrassing like this was reported in such an intimate setting, then his career as a gangster would probably come to an end.

Unless he can take a step forward and climb to the boss position.

But for the time being, there should be no hope at all.

When Yaoyao said that they were the residents of this apartment, the expression of the helpless gang member became even more depressed. He desperately showed the gold coins in his hand to Xuanyi, hoping that the light of gold could temporarily seduce this greedy man. doctor.

But then again, this doctor's medicine is really effective. One pill can ensure that he can regain his glory within a week. Instead of using money and threats to control the tight-lipped prostitute who spent the night with him, last week he However, the old sweethearts showed off their power one by one, letting them know how it felt to look at each other with admiration after three days apart.

However, a week later, when I found that I was back to normal, I had to go to this quack doctor again to get medicine. You know, only a gang member like me who has such an undisclosed hidden disease would go to someone like this in front of other people's pharmacies. The wandering doctor who set up a stall provided diagnosis and treatment. In the past, the wandering doctor in Lanyin City often received his angry iron fist, but this time, he was afraid that he would shoot him and change places, so he ran away without a trace.

Fortunately, the other party was still there, but this time when he went to buy medicine from the other party, he was disappointed to find that although the greedy doctor promised to sell him three pills at a time, the price had doubled.

When he was angry and argued with the other party, and wanted him to know that his reputation as the Tiger of Lanyin was not for nothing.

The other party dispelled all his anger with just one word.

My pill, I thought it would last for a month.

So why did it only work for a week in the end?

This is of course a question that only this incompetent gang member can answer.

After a fierce psychological struggle, he finally bought the bottle of medicine at twice the price of last time.

After all, you can't kill the goose to obtain the eggs, he comforted himself.

But who could have imagined that just a few hours later, the other party would reappear in front of him.

It happened to be the time when I was working on my own.

Xuanyi looked at him desperately trying to please, and finally felt a little compassion, so the young man reached out and quietly grabbed the gold coin in his hand into his own hand - of course this was the necessary reward that he had concealed for him. The other party thought that The reward is worth it, and I am convinced of it.

But on the other hand, Xuanyi still asked quietly: What is your name?

What's going on now?

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