Magic Punk

Chapter 435 The ignorant giant

Xuan Yi felt like he was still dreaming.

He dreamed that he turned into an ice crystal and fell into the ocean.

The moment the ice crystals merged into the ocean, he felt that the entire ocean had become his body.

How big the sea is, how big your own power is.

Then he stood up.

He saw the whole world.

His gaze was very high and far away, so he could see everything around him when he raised his eyes, and even saw birds flying in front of him, and flowing clouds covering his field of vision.

He saw the city, the huge and glorious city, the great city that he had always dreamed of.

In his eyes now, it's like a pile of flat building blocks.

Thinking like this, Xuan Yi looked at his body.

He saw the frozen ocean, rising up from the sea like mountains, and he didn't know how many kilometers it was.

Is this a dream?

Xuan Yi asked himself, and then took a step forward.

When he took a step forward, he heard a rumbling sound, the clouds were torn apart by the moving glaciers, the earth trembled, schools of fish and sea beasts swam toward the depths of the ocean like crazy, and some jumped in despair shore, and then struggled to escape toward the land with its fins, like frogs escaping from a frying pan.

The glacier moved forward, and his body took another step closer to the city.

Rows of tropical trees collapsed behind him as he moved. Xingshou County is located in the subtropics and there is no ice and snow all year round, but the hoarfrost that represents death is slowly spreading towards the earth.

They have frozen the entire ice sea, and then spread towards the city.

who I am? Where am I? What am I going to do?

These questions flashed through the young man's mind, but were soon covered by a simpler will.

He will destroy that city.

Because he has strong emotions and pure hatred for that city.

His mind was frozen and difficult to operate. It was even more difficult to drive such a huge body.

However, it does not seem to be too difficult to just consider taking one step at a time until the city is completely crushed with this unparalleled powerful body.

At this time, Xuan Yi saw several mosquito-sized things flying out of the city, floating in the air, and standing opposite him.

Then Xuan Yi felt that he had already had some difficulty in taking steps, and now he couldn't move at all.

May I ask where you are from and what you are doing?

For some reason, Xuan Yi understood what the leading mosquito said. He tried his best to stare at the mosquito's face, but felt that he clearly didn't know the other mosquito, but he had a strong hostility towards her.

So he opened his mouth and breathed lightly at the mosquito.

It was an extremely cold wind blowing out.

Several other mosquitoes stepped forward and jointly stopped the shuo wind that was enough to extinguish the fire of all living things. Then they finally confirmed Xuan Yi's undisguised hostility towards them, but they still did not take action rashly.

Because now, Xuan Yi is the whale riding the waves onto the land, and these people are just ants on the land.

Of course the whale does not need to care about what the ant thinks, but the ant must consider the whale's feelings.

At least that's until the ants get on a whaling ship, armed with exploding harpoons.

So they just defended blindly, not wanting to anger this powerful being that raised the entire Zhonghai several kilometers and then frozen it into ice.

This kind of power is unique in human history. It is only revealed in the records of the Hidden Clan when those beings from the other side called gods and demons show their authority.

Therefore, Star City is facing a unique enemy now. If it is not dealt with well, it will be a disaster.

They know that the Star Lord has asked for help from all forces through the Star Sea Alliance. In the face of such an enemy, even if Star City is the first to be involved, if it is not completely eliminated, the entire human world will fall into a catastrophe.

The lips are cold and the teeth are dead.

But the only regret is that after Zhongxuan Yi defected, the ninth princess Ye Xuan also quickly left Star City with Ye Ya. She herself took the Sky Car that traveled thousands of miles a day, while the Ice and Snow Knight started at the same time. After embarking on the journey, he will return to Qingye City after crossing half of the continent. Without the help of the Ninth Princess, who is said to be the strongest in the world, the situation at this time may be difficult for the Star Lord.

Of course, now it's just a few of them opening up the field and trying hard to intercept the iceberg covering the world, just like a few horses dragging an entire train.

Xuan Yiyi felt that his mind was in chaos. He couldn't remember who he was, or who the mosquitoes in front of him were, or what the pile of blocks in the distance were.

But none of this can change his desire to destroy it all.

It was enough for him to know that those people deserved to die and the city deserved to be destroyed.

Since these mosquitoes dare to stand in their way, they should be killed.

Thinking this, he raised his palms.

The glacier as tall as a mountain instantly cracked a mountain range, and then those huge ice blocks larger than houses were suspended in the air to form the shape of an arm, and then swatted at the mosquitoes like a mountain.

The iceberg was moving so slowly just now, so these mosquitoes looked down upon Xuan Yi's speed, but when the mountain collapsed, its speed exceeded their imagination.

Several mosquitoes were blown away in an instant. I don't know whether they were flown hundreds of miles or whether they were alive or dead.

Although there were still a few mosquitoes still there, the barrier they formed already had holes, so after Xuan Yi took another step, he saw those mosquitoes vomiting bright red blood in the air.


Weakness is a sin.

Then you are all guilty.

Xuan opened his mouth, and the rumbling voice echoed throughout the world.

What he spoke was not any human language, but any intelligent creature could clearly understand the meaning of what he said. But at this moment, someone spoke coldly on the side of the iceberg.

If you are guilty, it is not yours to judge.


Xuan Yi turned his head, wanting to look at the guy who was talking arrogantly, but he suddenly felt a little pain in his body.

So he instinctively looked down, only to see countless densely packed holes and cracks on the iceberg, which was as broad as a mountain.

He looked up and saw the face of the raving mosquito.

Finale. The mosquito said softly, and the small holes in Xuan Yi's body began to explode one after another, and the cracks connected with each other. In the end, the huge weight made his body completely unable to bear it, and the whole body collapsed.

Xuan Yi also felt as if he had stepped on a watermelon rind and slipped down. His huge body fell into the sea and fell to pieces.

But when those burdens were removed from Xuan Yi's body, his thinking suddenly became sharper.

Many memories were recalled in my mind, including the memory of this mosquito.

He remembered.

The young man fell into the sea, but his eyes were fixed on the old face with silver hair, and he spoke angrily.

Xing Huainan!

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