Magic Punk

Chapter 425 I am the first (fourth update)

Star Ghost Ax looked a little haggard and tired, but other than that, he seemed to be fine.

When this man appeared, everyone looked in disbelief.

Because the dead Star Ghost Ax just now is no different from the real Star Ghost Ax in terms of breath and strength.

Xinggui Ax sighed and stood still in the void: If it weren't for the facts before me, I wouldn't have thought that Lord Walking could really do this.

Xuan Yi looked at the man who had come back from the dead. The feeling of the rusty sword piercing his body was so real that the young man couldn't believe that he had just killed an impostor.

At that moment, Xuan Yi didn't want to die.

The young man looked at Xing Huai Yao and his voice was slightly hoarse: Mr. Governor, what on earth is going on?

Even though Xuan Yi has now committed a major case of killing the current governor, before the Star Lord said anything, he was still walking in Star City, so Xing Huai Yao didn't pay much attention to Xuan Yi's attitude. When Xuan Yi asked At that time, he calmly replied: I feel you will choose him as your first target.

So I paid him an early visit before tonight.

My authority is related to the shadow of all things. The so-called power projection, incarnations and the like are of course within my authority. Xinghuaiyao said unhurriedly, without any arrogance: So I finally convinced I got the Ghost Ax and asked him to give me some power as a projection, creating a puppet with 80% of his strength.

Of course, both he and I paid a small price for this.

But looking at it now, the price paid is still worth it.

Xuan Yi looked at the other party with a very calm expression in his eyes, but that was because the young man could no longer get angry.

He knows better and better now.

The fact that he was about to die.

Why? So Xuan Yi just asked.

Obviously you voted against it at the Star Orbit Elders Council. Even if you don't help me now, you should at least stand by and watch.

Because I won't allow anything like this to happen that will harm Star City's interests.

The so-called relatives are in pain and the enemies are happy. Xing Guiaxu replied quietly: So even if the vote that Brother Guiaxu swayed killed my most promising junior, everyone has their own choice. power, this is not a reason to kill someone.

At least it's not a reason to destroy the Great Wall.

If you really kill Ghost Ax today, Star City will lose a walker and a governor overnight. Such a loss has never happened in the past thousand years.

As the governor of ANBU, I was born to be a shield to protect Star City in the darkness.

So it doesn't matter whether I personally like or dislike Star Ghost Ax. What matters is his value to Star City.

The Xinghai Project is under the control of Ghost Ax. If he dies, the Xinghai Project may be delayed for a year or even longer.

That's not something that's acceptable.

Xuan Yi listened quietly to every word Xing Huai Yao said. Although their current positions were completely different, he had to admit that what the governor said was right.

He just said with a hoarse throat: So this is the difference between me and you adults.

You always only look at the pros and cons.

But I still want to distinguish between right and wrong.

I think.

You were wrong to kill your sister.

My sister didn't deserve to die in vain.

Whoever kills her, I will make him pay the price.

Xinghuaiyao said calmly: You can make them, and even me, pay the price for this, but not now.

We all plan to be settled by you in a few decades. However, if we are afraid that you will settle the accounts in the future, we will deny your value to Star City. I think this is wrong.

Look, I also know right from wrong, right?

Xuan Yi just shook his head: No, your views on right and wrong are still based on pros and cons.

I will be beneficial to Star City, so it is right for me to do walking.

Only one of my sister and I can live, which is good for Star City, so you kill one of them.

The boy's voice was very soft because he didn't have much energy to speak now.

But there was no longer much confusion in his eyes.

The moment he confirmed that he had killed Xinggui Ax, he felt that his life had lost all meaning. But now, even if he found that Xing Guixu was still alive, Xuan Yi was not as angry as he imagined.

Even if he spent everything he had and only killed one phantom, the price was all his future and prospects.

He just became more and more tired, and gradually understood what he really wanted to do.

For example, now. Xuan Yi looked at Xing Huai Yao: If I can continue to live, live as before and successfully perform my duties of walking, then don't say that I did not succeed in killing Xing Gui Ax, even if I really Even if he is killed, I will have a chance to continue living as a walking person, right?

As long as I prove I'm still worthy.

Xinghuaiyao nodded silently.

But you're going to die.

Xuan Yi grinned and showed a heartfelt smile: Yes.

I'm dying.

I didn't even accomplish anything.

I was played with by you and applauded.

But I did at least one thing.

Your Majesty the Governor.

Can you guess what this is about?

Xing Huai Yao looked at Xuan Yi and said calmly: You did what your sister didn't dare to do. For this reason alone, I am very pleased.

But I can't guess what you're talking about.

As far as I'm concerned, you've accomplished nothing.

Except for the folly itself.

You and your sister are made for each other, idiots.

Xuan Yi shook his head and smiled: So I am her brother and she is my sister.

The thing I said I did is proof.

Xuan Yi took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled.

Ants can kill a goshawk.

It only hurts when you cut yourself with a knife, doesn't it?

When you were judging the fate of me and my sister from above, did you never think that there would be a day when you would be judged by me?

Although I was too impatient, I really couldn't wait any longer, so I tried my best to kill only one Star Ghost Axe, but it turned out to be a fake one in the end.

But I have no regrets about it.

I'm the first, but I'll never be the last.

I just want you to know that you high-ranking big shots will be stepped on by a brat like me.

My sister always told me that those who kill will be killed by others.

So my sister has been waiting for the day she was killed.

I have also killed many people. If one day someone takes revenge on me, I will face it calmly.

But, for you people, our hands are stained with blood when we kill people, but you kill people without a drop of blood. I don't like the way you look like gods and are unattainable.

So, please remember this when you kill people in the future.

I'm the first, but I won't be the last.

Blood revenge is everyone's right. I look forward to others' revenge on me, even though I may not be able to see this day.

Xuan Yi used his last strength to speak the last words.

You also have to wait for revenge against yourself.

Saying this, Xuan Yi burned out his hottest flame and fell straight from the sky, losing all his intuition.

Everyone was watching the man walking in Star City who had just issued his final declaration and cry. No one tried to catch him because death was a fate.

For this moment, it is more like a ritual.

A young man who was originally in the quagmire climbed to his highest peak step by step, but he always remembers his original appearance.

I am also afraid of forgetting my original appearance.

So climb higher.

When it falls, it will definitely hurt more.

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