Magic Punk

Chapter 392 The blind man touches the elephant

The moment Jiaoyue's stone statue turned its head, the almost lifelike statue suddenly came to life, as if someone from afar had injected her soul into her.

In this gray and empty room, Jiaoyue jumped down from the stone platform in three steps and two steps at a time, and then without any explanation, she tapped Xuan Yi's eyebrows with one finger.

Originally, Xuan Yi was just a light and fluttering consciousness, but the moment the other party clicked on him, he instantly felt real. His whole body suddenly became heavy, and his feet were on the ground. It seemed that even the gravity of this world was lifelike.

Xuan Yi looked around and found that the previous perspective, as if he was standing on top of everything, had disappeared, and all his consciousness was refocused on this new body.

In front of him, the black-haired girl stretched out her hand and repeated what she just said.

Welcome to the realm of heaven.

You came faster than I thought.

Xuan Yi looked around. It was an empty room with only nine stone platforms. Each stone platform had a gray statue. Xuan Yi even found his own statue in it.

The stone platform that Jiaoyue jumped off just now was empty.

Then where is this place? Xuan Yi looked at her, but did not reach out to hold her hand.

Jiaoyue lowered her chin, half-smiling.

Xuan Yi shook his head and stretched out his hand. The girl's hand was cold and delicate, like a white snake shedding its skin.

Isn't that good? Jiao Yue said with a smile, Do you know how rude it is to leave a girl's hands hanging there?

as well as.

Jiao Yue took her hand out of Xuan Yi's and turned around in a circle. Her black skirt floated up and down, and then she replied: This is one of the control cores of the Heavenly Dao Domain.

It is also a place that only the holder of the Black Iron Ring can reach.

But before that, this function of yours was sealed by me.

But now, you are walking in Star City just like I thought.

So, this is certainly where you should be in control.

It is roughly similar to Xuanji's statement, but Xuanji's existence cannot be exposed.

Xuan Yi was thinking like this, but he already continued: Then what is the realm of heaven?

The realm of heaven is the realm of heaven. Jiao Yue said a rare nonsense, then walked straight to the door, pressed her hand on the door of this gray room, looked back at Xuan Yi: How about, I will give it to you lead the way?

The moment Xuan nodded, Jiaoyue pushed open the door, and then pure white light penetrated from outside the door, completely illuminating the entire room.

In the light, Jiaoyue's figure left a black silhouette, but the girl's expression remained calm: Follow me.

Saying this, the girl disappeared into the light.

Xuan Yi followed two steps and walked towards the door. His eyes suddenly turned white and he temporarily lost his vision. When he recovered, he found Jiao Yue standing only two or three steps away from him. The black-haired girl was still there. Black clothes and black skirt, only her skin is as white as snow.

But then, Xuan Yi was attracted by an even more shocking sight and forgot to call Jiao Yue.

What kind of world will you face after you walk out of your room?

It’s impossible to understand until you actually see it all.

For example, according to common sense, he and Jiao Yue should be in the empty storage space of the Black Iron Ring now. Although the storage space of the Black Iron Ring is large, it has its own limits after all, but in front of Xuan Yi, It is an endless, pure black world.

It stands to reason that a world of pure black should have no concept of boundaries. It should have no injuries or bottom, no left or right. However, Xuan Yi's own feet have pure white and shiny lines. These lines are very thin, but they are no more than two feet. It comes wide, stretches straight forward infinitely, then branches, and finally turns into a snow-white forest.

Snow-white, leafy, huge forest.

This scene is somewhat similar to Xuan Yi's own perception of life and death, but Xuan Yi's intuition tells him that it should be completely different in nature.

This is the Tiandao Network. Jiao Yue's calm voice sounded from the front.

It's shocking, isn't it?

“When I first came here, I was extremely shocked.”

What kind of monster is [Alaya Consciousness] that can create such a great inhuman thing.

In this empty world, there are only two people, Xuan Yi and Jiao Yue.

Although, Xuan Yi understands that he will definitely not be in the Black Iron Ring now.

Strictly speaking, maybe the room with the stone statue belongs to the Black Iron Ring and the control room of the Tiandao Network.

When Xuan Yi and Jiao Yue walked out of the room, they had already walked out of the small ring and entered the infinite space outside.

You still haven't told me. Xuan Yi looked at the white forest in the dark world in front of him: What's the use of it?

It has all the uses you can think of. Jiaoyue said calmly: Few people can see the essence of Tiandao Network like you and me. In fact, for the vast majority of users of Tiandao Network, they have no idea about Tiandao Network. The impression of the field is more like a blind man touching an elephant.”

Those who touched the legs thought the elephant was a huge pillar, and those who touched the trunk thought it was a long thick rope.

“Those who touched the elephant’s ears thought the elephant was a cattail leaf fan; those who touched its belly thought the elephant was a soft ceiling.”

It's difficult to get a glimpse of the entire Tiandao network, and you are now at the highest position looking down at this possibly the greatest existence created by mankind since its birth.

Or, I can give you a few examples.

First of all, when we used the Black Iron Ring to communicate on Mount Sumeru, we actually used the Tiandao network.

It's just that at that time, you were blind, and you might have thought that this was the function of the Black Iron Ring, just like a one-way connected intercom.

But in fact, anywhere there is a Tiandao network terminal, you can rely on the ring on your hand to connect.

In addition, so far, apart from the Commercial Federation itself, the Star City you are in is the place where the Heavenly Dao Domain is used the most. The reason why Dark Star can control the dark domain of this world so far is the role of the Heavenly Dao Domain in it. Not to be underestimated.”

For example.

Saying this, Jiaoyue stretched out her hand and tapped lightly on a certain node in the white forest, and a white light screen popped up there instantly.

Xuan Yi could see the text scrolling above, which turned out to be the universal text of Star City.

Harrier report, Harrier report. The mission failed. The target mission is too difficult and needs support.

I want to buy a bottle of spiritual liquid. The concentration must be above 10% and the dosage should exceed 150 ml. For this, I can pay 400 golden leaf clovers, or exchange it with materials of equivalent value.

Recruiting two companions who are in the Dharma Appreciation Realm for the first time, I found an undersea tomb, but because I am alone, I need a companion to explore together. P.S.: Before the trip, I need to conclude a blood oath.

For a moment, Xuan Yi was dazzled by what he saw, and more information was still scrolling up crazily.

It turns out - is this also the realm of heaven?

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