Magic Punk

Chapter 382 Counting the days

In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later.

The one hundred elite maids designated by Xing Jizhi have already stationed themselves in the official residence. Xing Jizhi politely declined the additional female officers they wanted to give as gifts. Instead, he selected the foreman among the hundred maids according to their business groups, and then temporarily served as the general manager himself. position.

It's a bit of a collapse to say that Xing Jizhi did all this without even being able to see Lord Walking again. The only basis for him to exercise his power was what Xuan Yi said to him outside the burning wooden house. When he went to ask for instructions that night, a piece of paper was handed out from the crack of the door.

There are four words written on it: doing things cheaply.

Is this a replica of the way I feel at ease when you do things?

So who should I go to if I have a problem?

Xing Jizhi's head hurt when he thought about it, so he quickly stopped thinking about this unsolvable problem.

However, since entering the Xingzhi Mansion that day, Mr. Xingzhi has not appeared in front of anyone for three consecutive days, and he has not even been able to get acquainted with himself. In the past few days, people have been asking him about Xuan Yi, but Xing Jizhi calmly stopped him. After returning home, although it was okay to tell the truth and confess that he had never left the house, he did not reveal even this bit of information as a servant.

Not to mention those well-trained maids with extraordinary backgrounds. They are still working diligently to clean this huge palace, trim gardens, cook food, and sew clothes. Everything has been carried out in an orderly manner, but sending them here Of course, they didn't come here for this, but they couldn't even see the walking adults. Even their daily meals were prepared by them and Xing Jizhi appointed someone to test the poison and send it over.

They don't even know how the food is brought in and how it is taken out.

So when outsiders were wildly speculating that their newbie was drinking and having sex with a hundred beauties from all ethnic groups, having sex naked and enjoying themselves, in fact, Xuan Yi had just opened his eyes.

He had been in seclusion for three whole days and nights, without sleeping or eating, and now he was looking at the outside world again for the first time.

He needed this retreat so much.

In fact, since he walked out of the ANBU building and met Ye Ya that night, his life, after just a short break in prison for more than a week, began to surge faster and faster, leaving him without the right to rest, even in On that rainy night when Ye Ya apologized and was unconscious for several days and nights, he didn't get a chance to recuperate. Even if Ye Xuan adjusted his physical condition to almost the highest peak in his life, there was no corresponding precipitation at all.

Next, in the Thousand Star Trial, Xuan Yi suffered three serious injuries that were almost fatal. Thanks to the sufficient supply of Lian Yin Resurrection Potion in his body at that time, he could barely hang on to his life. He also received Xue Xing, Lan Yexing and himself. Although there is a saying that the Phoenix Nirvana is reborn from the ashes of the three treatments with the blood of the Phoenix, Xuan Yi's rebirth from the ashes is a bit too miserable.

But even so, after mastering the blood-burning technique, Xuan Yi immediately accepted more rigorous actual combat training. It was not until they finally joined forces to kill the mountain giant turtle that guarded the magical beast that the boy barely got some rest time. But at that time, There is no way to talk about precipitation. There are too many things that Xuan Yi needs to do, and the most important thing is to reach the peak of his momentum to deal with the more difficult battles ahead, rather than shrinking and settling at the moment.

After going all the way and finally teaming up with his sister to score 81 points to defeat Xi Ziquan, the Qianxing Trial finally came to an end. Even his sister came to an end, but for Xuan Yi, everything It seems like it's just getting started.

From the wooden house to the fish market, to Star City, to ANBU, and finally here.

It seems that life has reached its peak, it seems that life has reached its climax.

But for Xuan Yi, all this has just begun.

Most of the traumas he had accumulated before were forcibly suppressed by him, and the digestion of Nihuang's blood did not proceed. The more terrifying trauma was that in the wooden house, he was really deepened by his sister's poison of Qixi Ziwei. Of course, this was not fatal to him originally, and it was not even a serious injury. But then, Xuan Yi, who was extremely furious, chose to take this opportunity to use Qixi Ziwei to advance to the Dharma, and the blood of Nihuang got out of control. , the overflowing flame ignited everything.

This is equivalent to saying that Xuan Yi dug his own grave.

Although it is said that Xuan Yihui will gain extremely terrifying power by using Tanabata Ziwei to enter the Dharma, but also, due to the spread of Tanabata Ziwei toxin will be out of control, his own death will also enter a countdown.

This is not something that the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion, the Blood of the Neon Phoenix, or the Medicine Master's Glazed Body can stop. Xuan Yi relies on these unique advantages that he didn't know about before, and he has carried Qixi Ziwei until now.

But similarly, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever been stupid enough to enter the Dharma with the Chinese Valentine's Day Purple Seed, let alone anyone who has lived to the point where he is qualified to enter the Dharma with the Chinese Valentine's Day Purple Seed.

Xuan Yi is the first in history, even if he doesn't like this so-called first position.

And now, after three days and three nights of conditioning and settling, Xuan Yi has finally stabilized his current state.

In the first state of Dharma Appreciation, Qixi Ziwei is a poison that fundamentally destroys all things. Therefore, if Xuan Yi uses the power of Qixi Ziwei, just as Xing Luoheng thought that day, as Xing Luoheng above Dongxuan It is very likely that Xuan Yi will be killed at close range by using the poison of Tanabata Ziwei.

Now, if Xuan Yi activates the blood-burning technique and cooperates with Qixi Ziyi's Dharma Realm, he will have a real chance to fight Xi Ziquan head-on. As long as he is given a chance to get close, he will have a chance to kill the opponent.

Of course, the side effect is that Xuan Yi's death is now really expected.

Xuan Yi, who knew from the Qixi Purple Pill and was a pharmacist with a glazed body, could make a preliminary judgment on his condition without looking for any famous doctors.

That is, if he takes good care of himself, does not use the power of Tanabata Zizi easily, and does not seek to continue to advance, then he may have a life span of half a year to a year now.

But if he insists on having his own way and ignores it, his lifespan may be less than a month.

It's so short.

Xuan Yi smiled and murmured to himself, but there was no hint of desolation in his smile, instead it had a sharp flavor.

He still remembered the name, Xing Shouzhong.

Xingcheng Tianguan, Xingshouzhong, the governor of the Ministry of Personnel.

According to Xing Luoheng's hint, if he wanted to know the truth of the matter, the only breakthrough should be with him.

Thinking like this, Xuan Yi sat up from the low bed where he was sitting cross-legged and walked towards the door. Unexpectedly, he heard Xing Jizhi's respectful voice outside the door just halfway.

Ji Zhi deserves death for rashly disturbing Mr. Walking.

However, the county chief and the governors came to ask for an audience.

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