Magic Punk

Chapter 371 Governor

Chapter 8 Governor

In fact, the path Xuan Yi has taken now is no different from his trajectory that morning, so according to normal logic, he should actually go to the shabby little bathhouse now. The clothes he changed out of were still in the bathhouse. in his locker, but he no longer had the key to the locker.

Of course, there is no need to go to the bathhouse. After all, Xuan Yi no longer has to hide any identity, and what he wants to go to is the next place.


The Anbu building still stands in the business district, dark gray and solemn like a tall tombstone.

Six white horses stopped quietly in front of the steps of the building, and the fountain was still spraying snow-white water droplets high, splashing in all directions.

Even though this place can be called the most prosperous place in Star City, now that Zhong Zhong is here, everyone has been evacuated in advance. Star City is the Star City of Star City people. Only here can Zhong Zhong have truly unparalleled absolute authority.

Xuan Yi stood up and was about to step out of the carriage. Xing Jizhi stood up quickly, holding a silver cloak embroidered with stars and about to put it on Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi looked at him and shook his head gently.

At this time, the boy was still wearing the same clothes as when he came back from the trial on Qianxing, the close combat uniform left by an unknown senior.

Xing Jizhi somewhat guessed Xuan Yi's thoughts. He looked at the other party and asked tentatively: Master Xingzhi, do you want to wear a uniform?

Xuan Yi looked at him and finally nodded.

In fact, although there is an age difference between Xing Jizhi and Xuan Yi, their body shapes are almost the same, so Xing Jizhi's uniform looks quite decent on Xuan Yi. When Xuan Yi, wearing a black uniform, stepped off the carriage, all the entourage were stunned. , and then it dawned on me when I saw that short black hair.

This black hair used to be a symbol of the young man's low bloodline, but now it can be used as a noble badge for walking in Star City.

The world is so ironic and wonderful sometimes.

You guys wait here while I go do something.

Xuan Yi said calmly to everyone, and then walked up to the ANBU building alone.

He walked through the main entrance, and few people entered or exited the ANBU building's main entrance, or in other words, few people were qualified to enter or exit from there.

Walking and speaking, no one dared to disobey the boy's instructions, even if he was not walking in the true sense yet, but there was a difference, so everyone stood beside the carriage and stood upright, quietly waiting for the return of the master, if If there is no accident, many of them will be stripped of their respective positions in the future and will live in the walking palace and become his followers and attendants.

Although there are not many such examples in history, because most of the walking people are from the Shirogane family, and there is never a shortage of housekeepers and servants, there is no precedent for Xuan Yi to become a walking commissioner in one fell swoop. Therefore, they were selected as the entourage to welcome Xing Xing. On the one hand, it was of course because of their embarrassing situation and transparent position, but on the other hand, it was not a sign of goodwill released by the major families to the new Xing Xing.

The reason why he did not send his core disciples was not only because he did not want to be too flattering, but also because he did not want to condescend to serve such a pariah. A very important reason was that this would be suspected of planting spies around him. unnecessary trouble.

Xuan Yi's ability to become a walker is of course due to his unparalleled talent, but the most important thing is still the Star Lord's personal consent.

Although the Star Lord rarely directly manages the affairs of Star City, this time he appointed an unprecedented person to walk in Star City, and many clear-thinking big shots responded with extreme caution and vigilance.

The current situation is a direct reflection of this attitude.

But all this has nothing to do with Xuan Yi. He doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know what kind of game is going on with the top management of Star City around him, a newly promoted walking star.

He was just walking up the stairs of the ANBU building step by step, his shadow lengthening and moving little by little on the stone steps. In fact, he should be feeling excited now. After all, this ANBU is both his nightmare and the place of his hope. Building, in the past many years, he has been like an ant crawling back into the huge ant nest. Only this time, his return is like an emperor coming to his palace.

But Xuan Yi felt extremely peaceful.

He really didn't think about anything. The reason why he came here was certainly not a whim.

In fact, on the carriage, the seemingly calm young man never stopped thinking, but there were some things that, due to his lack of information, he was never able to grasp some important nodes, so that all his thinking was interrupted at a certain stage. .

Therefore, he needs to come here and ask someone, or several people.

Someone who is enough to give him guidance and keep his secrets.

While thinking this, Xuan Yi had already climbed up the stairs and stood in front of the glass front door of the ANBU building.

But very unexpected.

Because there is someone in front of the door.

Not just someone, but an acquaintance.

Xing Baizhi was wearing a long dress that looked like white gauze. Her silver hair was tied into an elegant bun at the back of her head. She was tall and her shadow was stretched back. The girl faced the sunlight and the walking adult climbing up from below.

Xing Baizhi showed a cold smile and looked at the young man in black who came up: Why do you want to come here?

Of course she knew who the person in front of her was now, but this had nothing to do with her current attitude.

So Xuan Yi didn't answer. He walked straight forward, trying to ignore the other party.

Xing Lihua, your sister. Xing Baizhi bit her lip quietly and continued to ask: She's dead, right.

Xuan Yi finally raised his head and looked at the governor's daughter, and then calmly replied:

Yes, I killed her.

Before he finished speaking, silver threads appeared around Xuan Yi, and they were connected to each other, like a huge spider web.

And Xuan Yi was caught in the spider web.

Xing Baizhi's body trembled slightly, her fingertips hooked up slightly, as if countless silk threads were wrapped around her fingers, and if she pulled one hair, her whole body would move.

Xuan Yi ignored all this.

After he answered Xing Baizhi's question, he continued to move forward. Even if the other party let go, the countless silver wires that were tens of millions of times stronger than steel wires would cut his body into pieces as big as a thumb.

Xing Baizhi looked at the boy and had a sudden illusion in her heart.

It seemed that not long ago, the brother and sister died together in the burning wooden house.

Xuan Yi seems to be still alive, but the person who came here is no longer the young man he once was.

She loosened her fingers.

But the spider web didn't move.

Xing Baizhi turned around and looked at the back of the young man who had passed by her and the man standing at the open glass door, tears slowly bursting out of her eyes.


Xing Huai Yao had white hair and stood quietly at the door, with his right hand on his chest and saluted.

I've seen the walking master.

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