Magic Punk

Chapter 200 The burden

Jiao Yue quickly walked through the violently shaking concrete forest, like a black fish swimming through a seaweed forest.

The only difference was that the fallen signs, glass window fragments and concrete blocks hit her like reflections on the water.

In fact, this is her projection in the Prime Material Plane.

This capability is called imaginary number space.

That is to say, placing the body in a gap that does not exist before, so that it can avoid all attacks from the main material world.

Everything in theory.

This is Jiaoyue's ability to achieve perfection.

Her investigation of things is perfect, her knowledge is perfect, and her Dharma is also perfect.

If nothing else happens, this girl in the Dongxuan Realm should also be perfect.

As far as Jiao Yue knows, the last person who achieved perfection in the four realms was the most powerful person in the world who is now called the Trinity Empress.

Jiaoyue is only one step away from her now.

And she is only fifteen years old now.

Yes, most people in this world will ignore her age, and many people even don't know the so-called age of Oskar Walking, because to a Walking Man, his age is not important.

Ability is what matters.

But age is very important to Jiaoyue.

Now Jiaoyue's realm is Dongxuan's first acquaintance, but thanks to her deep accumulation in the past, now Jiaoyue will not be afraid of any Dongxuan realm, even if the opponent is Dongxuan Perfect, and even some Dongxuan is above, Jiaoyue is also Able to deal with one or two.

If everything goes well, Jiaoyue herself will have the opportunity to reach the cave and officially enter the heavenly realm before she is twenty years old.

Under the heaven, there are all ants.

In this world, even counting those historical figures, there are only a handful of people who can enter the heavenly realm before the age of twenty.

Of course Xiao, the Princess of the Sea, counts as one.

This woman, who is still considered the most powerful person under the stars, is not the first saint in human history, but she is definitely the strongest saint known to mankind.

Others don't know it, but few people know it better than Jiao Yue.

The new ancient god who was nurtured and grown in the Forest of Death is one of the gifts Xiao left to this world.

The gift of life or destruction.

According to records, Xiao was only fifteen years old when she entered the heavenly realm.

The youngest Heaven Realm expert in history.

After Xiao, the Empress of Chang'an entered the Heaven Realm at the age of sixteen, but at that time, she was not in perfect condition.

It wasn't until she was twenty-four years old that her cultivation was completely destroyed and she became a useless person. One year later, she started practicing again and took thirty-one steps in twelve breaths.

One step at a time, one step at a time, reaching the sky.

Within twelve breaths, this sixteen-year-old girl who was in the realm of heaven started from zero, preached to heaven and earth, and finally returned to the peak, even surpassed the peak, and finally stood on the threshold of the realm of saints, standing on tiptoe. He stood up on his toes and glanced towards the Saint's Realm.

One glance is worth thousands of years.

Originally, she could surpass Xiao and become the youngest saint in history, turning the three ancient saints into four saints.

But in the end, she chose to stay in the world and be her second person in the world.

Three hundred years of tyranny, and the world is invincible.

Of course, the third person who entered the Heaven Realm before the age of twenty must also be mentioned.

Emperor Tianwu Xi Che.

At the age of nineteen, Emperor Tianwu Xiche succeeded in breaking through the border at the shore of the Holy Lake. He then returned to the St Empire and killed his uncle Emperor Qingli in public. He seized the throne in a coup and bloodbathed the Oden Imperial Capital in three days.

These people are all the strongest people who have left their names in history and have influenced the world for thousands of years. If Jiao Yue can be among them, then he will also leave his name.

Or she must leave her name behind.

Her brother was so lazy that he had to take on responsibilities that were far beyond his age. To take on these responsibilities, Jiao Yue had to show the strength to match.

Today, none of the achievements of a young girl can be achieved simply by relying on blood and status. She can only hold onto what is in her hands by working ten times more than ordinary people.

This is the simplest and most true truth.

She even said that if her brother was unwilling to inherit the throne in the end, she would even be promoted to acting queen. If this day came, Jiaoyue would at least have the strength of Ziwei realm.

The burden of all this weighed heavily on her shoulders, leaving her with too much free time to think about.

She has done well enough, but at this level, there is no end.

That's why Jiao Yue wants to discover Xuan Yi.

She saw some possibility in Xuan Yi.

Something - the possibility she was looking forward to.

Getting closer and closer to the center of the earthquake, Jiaoyue's expression became more and more serious. The closer to the center, the greater the damage to the surrounding houses. As far as I can see now, there are almost no buildings standing intact on the ground, only A few isolated walls trembled there, like dead leaves swaying in the autumn wind.

Jiao Yue let a building fall directly from her body with an expressionless face, and then her body re-solidified like smoke. She raised her right hand: Xue Xing.

My subordinates are rushing to the epicenter. Xue Xing's cold voice came from it.

Don't move. Jiao Yue quietly instructed.

You notify Gong Jiu, and I will notify Yang Mei. After we find it, we will find a place to gather before heading to the epicenter.

Saying this, Jiao Yue cut off the communication and then connected to Yang Mei: Yang Mei, please inform Caesar and ask him to act with caution. If he is not confident enough, wait until we arrive and make a long-term plan.

If I'm confident enough, I will make him the city guard if he wins the bet. If he loses the bet, I will collect his body for him.

Yang Mei choked slightly, then nodded.

Xuan Yi flies in the sky.

Taller than the tallest building.

The earth seemed to be making waves.

It's just that the way of flying is different from what Xuan Yi originally thought.

When Ye Ya spread her wings towards him, at that moment Xuan Yi even thought that Ye Ya would hold him and fly.

Although the idea of ​​​​flying is unrealistic, maybe it should be like an eagle catching its prey, grabbing Ye Ya's feet and letting her fly with him?

Especially now that Ye Ya is wearing a shirt and pants underneath, there is no danger of them being exposed.

But Xuan Yi never expected that Ye Ya's so-called flying turned out to be a glider.

The Green Wings quickly unfolded in front of Xuan Yi and turned into a glider with two huge flying wings. Then Ye Ya motioned for him to hold the other end of the flying wings. The two took two steps towards the top of the violently shaking building, and then Jump up.

Then he fell straight down.

Just when Xuan Yi was complaining about when Ye Ya started to be so unreliable, Xuan Yi suddenly felt a huge lift coming from his hands. When he looked up, he saw the pair of huge white wings above his head starting to With powerful fanning, the two of them rose rapidly in the chaotic city that was about to collapse, until they soared into the sky.

Flying in the sky is naturally much faster than walking on the ground, and it will not be disturbed by earthquakes at all.

Soon, Xuan Yi and Ye Ya arrived at the epicenter, hovering around the huge hole - everything here was destroyed, leaving only a pile of real irreparable ruins.

Then, Xuan Yi saw the so-called guarding monster.


Even though he was as well-informed as Xuan Yi, he couldn't believe his eyes and cursed softly.

And Ye Ya even covered her mouth tightly with her hands in the air.

Is this——the city guarding monster?

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