Magic Punk

Chapter 155 Welcome back (Third update)

Xuan Yi walked in the starry night.

It was easy to walk out of Jiao Yue's hotel, because Jiao Yue's idea was to let Xuan Yi inform the police, so as long as he was a little careful, he could bypass the not-so-strict guards and come to the street.

There were even fewer people in the central business district after early morning, with only rare and exotic animals flickering in and out of the mountains, forests, rivers and lakes. However, Xuan Yi chose the most hidden route, bypassing the few pedestrians on the road, and headed towards the palace area. .

The road between the palace area and the central business district was still there. Xuan Yi thought for a moment. In order not to trigger a possible alarm, he did not climb over the wall but passed directly through the road without hesitation. Fortunately, these two areas Xuan Yi's inspection was always very lax, and Xuan Yi had tensed up internally, thinking that if he was stopped, he would not hesitate to have hurtful thoughts, but he was not stopped at all.

Now Xuan Yi is a real trapped beast, and he has almost broken up with the ANBU. Xing Lihua can entrust Jiao Yue to protect him, but he himself must enter the Thousand Star Trial as soon as possible and safely to ensure that he safety.

For this reason, fighting in Star City is no longer something he cannot accept.

After entering the palace area, there were even fewer people on the road. Xuan Yi simply ran at full speed in the shadows, his feet sparkling on the road that was comparable to gold and stone.

Xuan Yi, who is now at the pinnacle of Zhizhi, has reached the peak of one realm and the other. If he returns to the Forest of Death, he is even sure that he will be on an equal footing with the four Dharma Realms without relying on firearms. However, there are no ifs in this world.

The sound of the waterfall came from far away, and Xuan Yi finally approached the so-called Ninth Princess Palace.

The young man looked at the building shrouded in shadow under the starlight, thought for a while, and finally walked to the main entrance. There was a gorgeous metal gate, which was more decorative than blocking the enemy.

The door remains locked.

When he arrived at the gate, which was more than ten meters high, he was like an ant approaching an elephant's nest.

Then he used all his strength and slapped the door hard.

The entire palace in front of him began to emit low-frequency pulses. Those pulses resonated with each other, like countless giant beasts slowly waking up from their slumber. Xuan Yi knew that he had activated the palace's early warning system. If there was an indiscriminate counterattack, If so, he will definitely die.

So in order to prevent this frustrating situation from happening, Xuan Yi has turned on the perception of life and death.

There was pure white in front of him, except for the many dark spots in the palace in the distance.

I found the lost treasure of the Ninth Legion.

Xuan Yi spoke.

The door didn't move.

Xuan Yi sighed.

I know where Ye Ya is.

Alibaba said the right spell in front of the stone door, and the entire door trembled and slid to both sides.

This majestic palace finally opened its huge mouth to him.

Xuan Yi sighed and walked into the palace.

After entering, there is a large square, which is empty without even a tree. There are only stone pillars and iron beasts sleeping quietly on it. The towering palace is behind the square.

But after Xuan Yi walked into the square, he couldn't move forward even one step.

Because someone is waiting for him there.

A woman with blue hair.

Even though the light was very dim, Xuan Yi could still see her face clearly. For some reason, Xuan Yi felt that the person in front of him was very similar to Lan Liuyan.

In addition to being taller, more majestic, and more beautiful.

Ye Xuan stood in the center of the square, looking at the boy fifty meters away from her, and said calmly: Where is Ye Ya?

I know where Ye Ya is.

Xuan Yi said this, and the first thing Ye Xuan said was where Ye Ya was.

The voice of the Ninth Princess Lan Ye was cold and majestic. Xuan Yi could not imagine that one day Ye Ya would be like the Ninth Princess in front of him, standing there alone, and it seemed like a whole world.

Xuan Yi lowered his head and said the address.

Ye Xuan nodded and said, Go and have a look.

Xuan Yi saw countless black spots rising into the sky, like swarms of bees rising in the wind to greet their queen.

Star City is closed to the sky.

But they were the Ninth Legion.

It was the ninth legion that defeated Emperor Tianwu on the battlefield.

The long-lasting peace has made many people forget that they are the best legion in the world.

When they know the whereabouts of their princess, even if there is a mountain in front of them, they will use their flesh and blood to smash the mountain away one by one, allowing those who come after them to welcome their king back.

Ye Xuan looked at the other party with an expressionless face: We are waiting for the result here.

If the address given by Xuan Yi is correct, he will get the reward promised by Ye Xuan.

If he deceives the other party, then Ye Xuan will also give him a merciful death.

That's fair enough.

The Ninth Legion has also always been fair.

Ye Ya is still listening to the story.

Listen to the story in the Forest of Death.

There are alliances and betrayals in this story, but there is more blood.

The ten people in the story die one by one.

Qian Li, who abides by the rules, and Xie Junhao, who puts interests first, died.

Jiu San, who had good intentions, died.

Then there is the magnanimous Emperor Zi Heng, and the loyal and silent Zhou She.

Qian Ying died calmly in the forest, and Zhao Xingduo realized it later.

The sinister and cold Xing Hedu did not expect that he was just a praying mantis, and the oriole behind him had been watching him for a long time.

The boy who was looking for a way out of death came to the knight who was determined to die.

They talk, and then the flames rise.

Jiaoyue finished telling the story, and Ye Ya also finished listening to the story.

Is this the real world? Ye Ya asked softly, but she didn't want any answer.

I hope this isn't the real world, she then answered herself.

Is Star Master's plan approaching the implementation stage? Ye Ya asked Jiao Yue.

Jiaoyue nodded.

At this time, a quiet voice came from the window.

There were many voices, but at this moment they were together, like the whispers of giants or the murmurs of dragons, low but majestic and shocking.

Lanye's ninth legion, two hundred and seventy-three soldiers.

Welcome the Ninth Princess back to the palace.

Ye Ya nodded, and then asked: Can you wait a moment?

Saying this, Ye Ya looked at Jiao Yue: Give me paper and pen.

Jiaoyue nodded and handed Ye Ya paper and pen.

Ye Ya began to write, and the whole room, and even the entire hotel, was filled with the rustle of the Ninth Princess' writing.

She finished writing, then left the paper and pen on the table in the room, and then looked at Jiaoyue: Give me a paperweight.

Jiaoyue thought for a moment and took off a black iron ring from her hand.

Ye Ya glanced at Jiao Yue in surprise, and finally took the ring and placed it on top of the note.

After doing all this, Ye Ya came to the window, looked at the knight kneeling in the void outside the window, and said softly: Open the door for me.

The entire wall in front of the blue-haired girl collapsed instantly.

The wind blew into the entire bedroom, blowing Jiaoyue's long hair and the corner of the note on the table that was pressed down by a black iron ring.

The starlight outside is just right.

This chapter is only a little over 2000 years old. I couldn’t believe it and I counted it several times==

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