Magic Punk

Chapter 142 It’s rare to have the best of both worlds in this world

What Ye Ya said was true, but Xuan Yi didn't take it to heart.

Although this girl whose origin is still unknown but is definitely noble, many times make Xuan Yi's heart flutter for a moment, but the huge gap between the two people is like a bucket of ice water poured on Xuan Yi's head, making him more capable. Get to know each other.

Besides, he couldn't even take care of a sister, so how could he be in the mood to like another girl.

So the boy carefully picked up the test tube and began to prepare, titrate and balance each drug according to its properties, looking for the most suitable and balanced point.

Di Zijing prepared her potion early and looked at Su Bai, the cold and gloomy man not far away from her.

What do you think of that boy? Di Zijing looked at Xuan Yi who was operating and said quietly.

Not very good. Su Bai replied lightly, not caring at all: It's just that I got great luck in the Zhizhi Realm. I chose the Zhizhi Ability related to vegetation, and successfully obtained better knowledge in the Cave Heaven and even the Peak Realm. characteristic.

Di Zijing looked at him, a little surprised: Why are you so well-connected?

Don't tell me that your ability to know has nothing to do with vegetation. Su Bai didn't even look at Di Zijing: Although I have never been out since I was a child, it doesn't mean that we know nothing about this world.

You have a reason to be born in the world, and we naturally have a reason to hide in the world.

Judging from the method you just used, your knowledge must be related to growth.

Growth, not immortality.

Di Zijing smiled and did not answer the question.

Whether it is or not, she will not tell the other party the answer to this question. They are now able to sit here politely and use potions to decide the outcome. Firstly, it is because they are both excellent pharmacists and both believe that in this field The outcome of the battle is equally important.

But more importantly, they were all invited to participate in the Thousand Star Trial. Once they were injured before the Thousand Star Trial began, it would mean that all previous efforts would be in vain, so they all avoided real battles.

That's why they're here.

In this case, how could Di Zijing reveal her true identity to this person who was far more of a rival than a friend, not to mention that they had indeed had quite a conflict before.

Su Bai was not surprised at all when he saw Di Zijing smiling and saying nothing. He looked at her and said, Nothing is perfect in this world. Every inch is short and every inch is strong.

Since we have chosen the path of medicine and hope to achieve the ultimate goal, we will naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

Di Zijing continued to remain silent.

As a member of the Ste Imperial Clan, one of her essential skills is to be good at long-sleeved dancing. Even though Di Zijing is not expert in this aspect, she still surpasses many people in the world.

It was just that Su Bai's words in front of her made her unable to accept them.

Because he is right and there is no way to refute it.

Many laypeople think that all you need to do with medicine is to remember the prescription and preparation methods, and everything will be fine, but this is not the case.

A powerful pharmacist must be a powerful monk, but compared with strong men of the same level, they are not strong enough.

Because it is rare in the world to have both.

If you want to make achievements and gain in potions, in addition to not being too bad at the Object-Knowing Realm - the Object-Knowing Realm means the technique and accuracy of configuring potions - the Zhizhi Realm is the real top priority.

Ordinary monks, if they focus on magic, can choose elemental meditation when they are in the state of knowledge, and they can simply manipulate the elements in the state of knowledge.

If you focus on martial arts, you can choose to know the inner energy and release it as fighting energy outside the Dharma Realm, which is equally powerful.

These two directions are the oldest ways to achieve knowledge, and can even be traced back thousands of years, although at that time there was no such thing as studying things to achieve knowledge.

Of course, some people once chose to mix the two and create the profession of Demon Swordsman. However, since one cannot step into two rivers at the same time, when you reach a certain level, you must make a choice.

But when the Trinity Empress preached to heaven and earth and established the four initial realms, everything changed.

People suddenly discovered that there was such a vast world in front of them.

As long as you have talent, everything can be understood.

Pharmacist is a profession that requires more talent.

If you follow your own choice and use wind, light, electricity, elements, and inner breath to reach knowledge, then of course you will be unique in combat, but if you want to continue on the path of apothecary, it will be tantamount to tying yourself up.

Di Zijing's ability to know is not growth.

But photosynthesis.

All things need light to grow.

As for the Stite clan, no, the Xiguang clan, one of the seven ancient hidden clans, their racial talent is sunlight.

If divided by the realm of the Trinity Empress, in a sense, the members of the Xiguang clan have been learning from the moment they were born.

Although the world has known for a long time that all things in the world can thrive because of the sunshine, but even among the Steti clan, few people have worked hard in this aspect.

In fact, compared with Su Bai's Xuetong clan, the Xiguang clan has no advantage in the path of apothecary. After all, the Xiguang clan has lived deep in the dense forests in the middle of the Os Empire for generations, and their racial talent is the ability to deal with light and water. Affinity, you can easily find the path to knowledge that is helpful for medicine in the realm of knowledge.

But Di Zijing decided to find another way.

Her ability in the Perfect State of Observation of Things is to observe the smallest details, and she can observe things from a scale of one ten thousandth of a meter. For this reason, she locked herself in a stone chamber with a spiritual medicine and a bright pearl for seven days and seven nights, and studied things to achieve knowledge. .

She has never announced the nature of her ability to the public, only calling it accelerated growth.

With the help of this ability to know, she was able to make great progress in pharmacy and make rapid progress.

However, the price for this is that she is really bad at fighting.

So even Su Bai is not good at fighting, and even a person in the Dongxuan realm can never live without a long knife in his hand.

But she still didn't have the confidence to defeat the opponent.

Di Zijing thought this, then pointed in the direction of Xuan Yi and said coldly: He's done it, let's see where his limit is.

Of course, I have a hunch that the objects he knows in the Zhizhi Realm are more suitable for potions than you and me.

Xuan Yi wiped the sweat on his face.

He didn't have enough time, and the configuration of the spiritual liquid was extremely complicated. There were times when Xuan Yi even thought that he was going to fall short.

After all, this was only the second time he actually prepared potions.

But fortunately, Ye Ya has been watching from the side. She turned out to be an extremely excellent assistant. Her basic skills are extremely solid, and the preprocessing of materials for him is perfect. Whenever he is about to make a mistake, the girl will remain silent. Hold your breath.

To Xuan Yi, who was concentrating, such a slight change was no less than an early warning light.

Watch as the medicine in the final test tube gradually merges into a soft, clear white color.

Xuan Yi breathed a long sigh of relief.

Instead of trying to take it himself first, he raised his hand.

He is not good at identifying this matter, so he needs others to do it for him.

Thanks to the poets for the reward ==

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