Magic Punk

Chapter 122 Don’t call your husband crazy

Since you are feeding pigeons, of course you must have pigeons.

The reason Xuan Yi was determined to come to the Central Business District to feed pigeons was naturally because there were a lot of pigeons here.

In the Central Business District, there are very few pedestrians along the way, and there are not as many high-rise buildings as there are in the commercial district. There are only classical wood and stone buildings built along the river and on the mountains. They are scattered in rows and rows. You can take a casual look at the scenery.

When you are really in this place, you will realize that those Star City nobles would rather die than let the Tower of Heaven be located here.

Just like the Empress of Chang'an wanted to give this ancient noble garden a modern flavor, but the conservative nobles always wanted to retain their last glory.

Ye Ya carried a basket of white bread and saw countless rare and exotic flowers along the way, some of which were even extremely valuable elixirs, but they were also planted randomly in the mountains and fields, just like ordinary flowers and plants.

Ye Ya even saw an elk with soft eyes. It was not afraid of people at all and strolled past them. Ye Ya couldn't help but glance at Xuan Yi, but found that the other party didn't notice her at all. Be careful.

No wonder the entry and exit here is so strict, and there will be such severe punishment for the slightest misbehavior. The nobles of Star City really regard this place as their own forbidden area, a private garden only for themselves to enjoy - the furnishings here, and themselves The garden in Aoba Castle is not much different, but the area is far greater.

Xuan Yi didn't notice Ye Ya's little thoughts. Since Ye Ya claimed that she was good at feeding pigeons, he didn't mind letting Ye Ya actually feed the pigeons.

Anyway, I bought all the bread. If I don’t want to feed the pigeons, I can only take it home and eat it slowly.

The place where pigeons are fed is a small square surrounding a fountain. The water from the fountain creates a small water system in the square, and then flows to the distant stream. Countless birds gather beside the fountain. In addition to pigeons, there are also some swans and white cranes. .

Ye Ya didn't look surprised at all. The girl had seen this kind of scene a lot. She just slowly approached the big white birds with a basket, took out a loaf of white bread, broke off a small piece with her fingers, and then casually When she threw it, a pigeon jumped up to catch it, nodded gratefully to her, and then jumped to the side holding the bread crumbs and eating slowly.

Xuan Yi stood in the distance and watched Ye Ya feeding quietly. He had to admit that this girl was really good at feeding pigeons - every time she dropped a piece of bread crumbs, only a white or gray pigeon would jump up and peck at it. , there will never be more than two pigeons fighting together, and the pigeons being fed will definitely nod to her in thanks.

Xuan Yi didn't know how many times he had fed pigeons to develop this magical skill.

But one thing he was sure of was that Ye Ya definitely had the skills to simply communicate with pigeons.

Maybe it's her ability to detect objects? Or maybe it's some ancient spiritual language.

But this is not what Xuan Yi can understand.

While the boy was watching the girl feeding the pigeons, someone spoke softly behind Xuan Yi, speaking quietly and lazily: Is that your maid?

I like it very much. I wonder how much I would pay you, but would you be willing to sell it?

Xuan Yi did not look back: Some things have no price for some people, so I'm sorry I don't want to sell them.

Let's not discuss whether Ye Ya will obediently let Xuan sell her, let's just say that Xuan Yi really tricked Ye Ya into asking her to help him count the money. After he returned, his sister's situation was not easy.

So he could only say these words in a pretentious and reserved manner.

The other party seemed to have nodded, and just believed his words hastily, and then took out a handful of rustling things from his arms: Then please forgive my offense, I want to buy a loaf of bread, can you?

Xuan turned around and saw a handful of gold leaves.

But that's not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing is the face of the man holding a handful of gold leaves in his hand.

Damn it!

Di Yungui, why are you here?

Thanks to Xuan Yi's excellent psychological quality, he was not frightened and turned pale on the spot.

He looked at the handful of gold leaves in the other person's hand, and then looked at his handsome, unmanly golden eyes, and slowly sighed: Do you know how many loaves of bread you can buy with this?

The white bread he bought for Ye Ya cost thirty stars a piece because of the fine ingredients. And even if a piece of golden leaf grass was only valued in gold, one piece was equivalent to more than three thousand stars, enough to buy more than one hundred stars. Loaf of white bread.

The other party took it slowly, and there were at least twenty or thirty gold leaves.

Xuan Yi didn't want to do the math anymore.

Di Yungui shook his head: I really don't know, because I rarely use money.

If you have money, you are a boss, okay?

Xuan Yi complained silently in his heart.

Isn’t it okay that poverty limits my imagination?

But he couldn't say that. Just when Xuan Yi was about to speak, he heard Di Yungui continue: And - if I have the ability to control this gold, I am free to buy whatever I want.

I don't mind spending the money.

Next, are you going to jump into the pool and ask me whether you dropped a gold ax or a silver ax?

Xuan Yi tried his best to suppress his desire to complain, and suddenly felt that he was a good match for that funny evil god.

Do you want me to teach you a magical summoning ritual? You can call the evil god over and we can communicate.

I believe you must have met so late.

But you can't say that with your mouth.

The person opposite him was a fierce man from the Dongxuan Realm. He could easily knock ten Xuanyi away with one slap.

Xuan Yi could only silently stretch out his hand, pull out a piece of gold leaf from the other party's handful, and weighed it: Then as a seller, I will give you a relatively suitable price.

Saying this, Xuan Yi quietly waved to Ye Ya who was not far away: Wait a minute, don't feed me anymore, we have business coming!

Buying a loaf of white bread with a piece of gold leaf, such a big deal is not something you can find anywhere. Besides, Ye Ya is only good at feeding pigeons, not obsessed with feeding pigeons.

So she obediently handed the small willow basket in her hand to the blond young man, and was a little worried about whether the other party would suddenly challenge her, and whether she should admit defeat on the spot.

But Di Yungui just calmly took the willow basket, said thank you to Ye Ya, and then walked down the steps to feed the gray-white pigeons playing and chirping with each other in the shallow water without claws.

Only Xuan Yi and Ye Ya were left standing there looking at each other.

Just when Ye Ya was about to say something, Xuan Yi quietly raised his hand to stop him: Don't say bad things about him, he can hear it.

Ye Ya wondered what kind of talkative woman you thought I was, but she still said obediently: After seeing your life, I realized that there are still so many rich people in this world.

I originally thought that my life was just a minority, but now it seems to be quite common.

Xuan Yi smiled calmly: I am from the St Imperial Clan. Even if I am a member of the Imperial Clan, the hair on my head is still thicker than my waist.

However. The young man took out the piece of golden leaf grass and twirled it on his fingertips: I originally thought that I could take a thousand stars to feed the pigeons here. I am already very funny.

But now it seems.

I also made more than two thousand.

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