Magic Punk

Chapter 103 The warmth and warmth of human relationships

The fish market on the outskirts of Star City is still the same as before. Everyone is rushing to complete transactions and buy and sell the items they need before noon when the sun is at its strongest, so now it is the final trading time.

In fact, thanks to the closure of Star City, Xuan Yi was able to catch up with the serious trading hours. Otherwise, he could only find Uncle Da, who was in charge of the fish market, to buy some goods accumulated in the warehouse.

It's just that Xuan Yi doesn't have money.

He planned to pay on credit first.

The young man spent all the remaining money at home before leaving. When he came back, he returned with empty hands, and then used the few ingredients to give the evil god a feast.

As for her sister, when her letter of safety had the opposite effect, she took a long vacation and searched for traces of her all over the world. She brought dry food with her every day, went out at night, and then came back to rest at dawn.

On the one hand, this is my sister’s long-term habit of staying up during the day and going out at night. More importantly, activities at night can help escape the heat.

Since she has been on leave for a long time, my sister's salary during this period must have been lost.

So they unexpectedly ushered in the second cruel economic crisis since the most difficult period when they were young.

Fortunately, Xuan Yi is no stranger to the matter of credit.

Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua have done pawns, loans, work-for-work, anything that doesn't cost real money or can be exchanged for real money.

Food is the best thing to pay on credit. After all, not many people can really watch two children starve to death. Moreover, their reputation has always been excellent. Even if they can't come up with the money temporarily, they can even make up for it within two weeks. At the Western Wall, they will definitely repay the debt in full, and then beg empty-handed to borrow a bag of rice or a few pieces of bread a few weeks or months later.

Of all the things that can be paid on credit, wine is the most difficult thing to pay on credit.

There are many ghosts in the world, and drunkards and gamblers are undoubtedly the most despised rotten ghosts.

Unfortunately, Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua are both alcoholics among alcoholics.

Alcohol is addictive, but alcohol is Xuan Yi's only medicine.

So in Xuan Yi’s childhood memory, the two most profound scenes are one of the sister who locked herself in the room and cried while taking a shower, and the other was of the sister who secretly mixed water into the wine she bought and was filled with joy when she saw that she had found it. Face with desperate expression.

They are so poor that they have to mix the poorest quality liquor with water to afford it, but adding water means it is less likely to get drunk, which means the medicine is less effective.

So until that time, Xuan Yi knew that his sister, who became addicted to alcohol because she persuaded him to drink every day, could only afford him enough spirits, and he could only make up the amount with water.

If there is anything gratifying about Xuan Yi's childhood, then there is no doubt that he met many ordinary good people.

They didn't do anything really good, and they wouldn't give up if every piece of whole-wheat bread lost one star. At best, they were just ordinary people who had a slightly better life than themselves and their sisters, but they also had to struggle to get by under the oppression of life.

But it was this group of people who reached out and lent a few more things countless times when they and their sisters were about to die, even though they often thought they would never get them back after they lent them out.

So every time I go back with food, I can hear the sound of the other party arguing and beating with his wife or husband.

But in the end they still borrowed it. Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua relied on this little bit of goodwill and followed Xing Lihua's wishes to survive the most difficult years without stealing or robbing.

So when Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua became a little richer, every time they came here to buy something, Xuan Yi would always pay a slight increase of 5% to 10% on top of the original price. Sometimes the other party would refuse a little, but as time went by, they slowly accepted it with peace of mind.

After all - this was to repay their kindness in taking care of themselves and their sister.

A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring of water, not to mention that it was these kindnesses that allowed him and his sister to survive until now.

Xuan Yi thought silently in his heart, then looked back at Ye Ya beside him.

The front is very dirty, I can go there alone.

Just wait for me here.

Yes, the front is really dirty.

This is a fish market where low-class people gather. They can only rely on the heavy rains brought by the typhoon season every year to clean away all the filth in one go. Therefore, the fish market today is filled with fishy turbidity and the smell is astounding. It is really not like Ye Ya. A place where a serious aristocratic lady should go.

Ye Ya looked ahead, touched her nose again, and then smiled: There's always a first time, right? Don't worry about me.

Xuan nodded and really no longer cared about this stubborn little girl.

As long as you don't get vomited for a while, that's enough.

Behind Xuan Yi, Ye Ya pinched her nose quietly and let the green wings wrap around her nose, extending downward silently, completely covering all the gaps.

Now I am a galactic submarine, and I am not afraid if you throw me into a cesspool!

Ye Yaxiong thought wildly, and then silently followed the boy.

Uncle Guo, are there any more fish? Xuan Yi looked at the fish seller behind the chopping board.

The other party was busy picking up the remaining fish. He raised his head when he heard the sound and saw the pale-skinned Xuan Yi. First, he had been in the forest for almost a week, and after he came out, he was imprisoned in the dungeon for two weeks, almost a month. The moon has not seen the sun, so the skin is naturally a little unnaturally fair.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and when he saw the girl behind Xuan Yi, his expression became even more exciting: Brother Xuan has good taste.

My sister's distant cousin, Qianxing, tried to come to Star City to play, so she brought her here. Xuan Yi introduced him lightly, and then looked at Uncle Guo: It's a bit unexpected to go out this time. Money is tight recently, can you borrow some fish and rice on credit? ?”

Uncle Guo's eyes suddenly turned cold.

You've been out for so long and haven't earned a penny?

Yes. Xuan Yi smiled apologetically: Is it convenient for you?

Uncle Guo said nothing, but pointed at the gray board under his fish trap.

It was written in cinnabar: Our store operates on a thin margin and does not accept credit.

Today is different from the past, Brother Xuan. Uncle Guo said meaningfully: You can only help people for a while, but there is no reason to help people for a lifetime.

Xuan Yi bit his lip gently, then nodded silently, apologized to Uncle Guo in a low voice, and then continued to move forward.

At this time twenty days ago, the young man walked all the way and spent money like water. In half an hour, he bought enough food and vegetables for Xing Lihua to eat for a month.

Twenty days later, Xuan Yi walked all the way with only one face and two empty hands, so he came to the end with empty hands.

The warmth and coldness of human relationships are all there.

He finally walked up to Uncle Da, his expression unchanged.

Uncle Da.

Can I stop drinking?

(Continuing to recycle foreshadowing.)

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