Magi Craft Meister

63-21 Demonstration

May 13.

Elena and Tomax Bartman return to 'Avalon' with Makina, that morning.

Jen and Elsa dressed up for a walk before breakfast and were replaced with "Doppel-dog" in the parked "Hurricane".

To Hope, who has accompanied him, Jen returns to the room with words of hard work and labor.

There are no Reiko on the outbound route, so there are three of them and four of them on the return route, but nobody cares, and if they ask, I asked them to develop a 'hurricane' in the middle of the night, but Jen thinks it should be said.

Jens, who returned to the room without any particular problems, decided to finish breakfast first.

I can also ask for room service, so I will do that this time.

Dining for students and staff was good, but there was also an interest in what kind of breakfast was for customers.

"With Japanese food, is this what happens when I say..."

In the known world of Ars, "Japanese cuisine" means rice-centric dedication. It is regarded as a "Japanese food" if it is not suitable for rice.

What Jen thinks is also "Japanese" in the context of either "home cooking", such as croquettes, meat topos (meat potatoes), or bowls of cow blues (beef).

What came out was rice with white rice, miso soup with naturri (pumpkin), dried Trevor (aj), grilled eggs (or plain omelet), a bite of cutlet, and a new incense.

The tea is Kaina tea.

It seems to reflect Jen's taste.

(Pumpkin miso soup is seen occasionally in Penglai, but it may be the first time outside)

Jen also likes pumpkin and sweet potato (Itopo here) miso soup, but I wonder if the ingredients will split somewhat because of their sweetness.

Now Elsa doesn't like sweet miso soup as much as she does. But...

"Shall I drink?

And Jen says,

"Yeah, that's about it, I'll eat myself"

And he shook his head to the side.

"Well, what Elsa would never eat is like coca risque."

It is an ingredient equivalent to chicken.

"Mm-hmm. I really don't like it"

Because some people have ingredients like that, Jen also understands about it.

It may be salvation that I have never seen food allergies. Although I am most not allergic to Homunculus.

After breakfast, confirm your appointment.

"I'm going to the medical team and I'm going to show you this 3D human model."

"Yeah. I'll go ask what happened to the story about Magic Circle Reactor as a research theme, and then I'll go to Go Research."

So Jen took Reiko and Elsa took Hope to their respective destinations.

"Good morning, Master Elsa!

When I went to the medical team, all the members were welcoming me.

"Also today, thank you!

"Mmm, nice to meet you."

As the day before, Deputy Chief Mae Shai Joey, commonly known as "3Y," followed Elsa's caretaker.

The main reason for this day's appointment is the unveiling of the "3D Human Body Model" that I have prepared and the explanation of how to use it, so I decide to let you use the middle conference room.

Approximately thirty medical professionals gathered to listen to Elsa's lecture.


Behind such an audience, he found the figure of Najas Khan.

Najas Khan was four women of the Viscount Khan family in the kingdom of Franz, neglected by the sisters of his true wife's belly because she was a concubine.

but since Elsa and Jen found the talent for healing magic and recommended they learn it in "Avalon," this is how they learn it here.

Next to it was also Najas' roommate, the decoy Pollyanna Pendleton.

"Now that you're all in line, I'd like to get started."

Elsa looked around the conference room, which was the venue, and continued her words.

"As many of you know, let me give you a name in advance. I'm Elsa Nido. He's a medical practitioner."

So a toast. A light applause was given.

"Today, we have a set of data that we think will help us study medicine"

"Magic record reader (Magi memory reader)" was indicated.

The screen is about 40 inches in size (although no inches are used in Ars).

I got the biggest in Avalon.

"This is a record of the structure of the human body."

First, Elsa reflects the appearance of the human body.

Old man's image processing makes him an unidentifiable figure.

"When you get rid of your skin, this is what you do"

A body of muscles peeled out appeared. Those who watched will be bothered.

"When you get rid of your muscles, this is what happens"

Now the skeleton and the guts protected by it, as well as the blood vessels and nerves strewn all over the body, were exposed.

The intent becomes even greater.

"And it's just the skeleton."

I went on to get rid of the skeleton and also decided to let it show just the gut.

"On the contrary, this is what happens when you show only the gut"


Someone raised their voice.

"It's amazing, Master Elsa!

Deputy Chief Mae Shai Joey, who was sitting next to him as an assistant, took Elsa's hand as he was impressed.

"Oh, thank you"

Elsa, who responded face-to-face, like a blindfold,

"And the original use..."

I said, I left some of my guts and erased the others.

It is the lungs that are displayed.

"This is a lung. Here are the normal lungs, but this is what happens when you get pneumonia"

The color of the alveoli changed. It's inflammatory.

Other than that, Elsa displayed a variety of injuries and illnesses to the human body, including displaying and showing dislocated shoulder joints and displaying the mouth that had periodontal disease.

"... and in this way, it's this' 3D human model 'that shows how the human body looks more than the real thing without having to do an autopsy"

Tighten it for now, Elsa.

"Now I'll show you how to use this"


While bitterly laughing at the unexpected appearance of May Shay Joey, Elsa showed him the "controller" attached to the "Magic Record Reader (Magi Memory Reader)".

'Controller' is like a combination of joystick, tenky and trackpad, so to speak.

"Slide your fingers on this to enlarge the image and vice versa to shrink and make the whole thing appear. Tilt the lever to the right to rotate the image to the right"

You can zoom in and out of the screen in the trackpad portion and rotate the 3D image with the joystick.

"Shh, that's amazing technology"

"The key input determines the 'depth': 0 is the surface, 1 is the subcutaneous tissue, 2 is the muscle indication…"

Everyone listened carefully to Elsa's explanation.

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