Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 33: Dynamic vision

Later, Roland felt that this idea was ridiculous. How could there be gods in this world? This is only a game after all ... Just thinking of this, he suddenly felt a contradiction.

If this is a game, it is natural to have gods, but what these npcs show is definitely not as simple as the game characters, so what does the meaning behind the appearance of the gods represent? At first, Roland also thought that it might be the penguin company that got the black technology.

But now, seeing the scene of the angel coming just now, Roland feels that this thing is not as simple as black technology.

Or something else, something more unacceptable.

He sighed deeply, thinking he was thinking too much.

It's just that this has become his habit. When things happen, he always thinks a little bit more. This habit is hard to describe whether it is good or bad.

Because as long as it is thinking, it will waste time, and occasionally will not be able to make timely feedback.

If you guessed the inside story, it's easy to say, it's called smartness; if you guess wrong, you think too much and ask for trouble.

While thinking wildly, standing in the shade of the tree by the church, waiting quietly.

After the people in the church remembered, they began to leave gradually. Roland had been watching their expressions and found that this group of people really did not feel anything abnormal happened before.

Soon after, Beta ran up from the bottom of the mountain, and he was sweating. When he saw Roland, he asked: "What happened just now, I saw a beam of light, and there was a bird-like thing, Roland, did you trigger What mission?

It turns out that Beta can also see it!

Perhaps, players can see it?

Roland's thoughts could not help but spread again, and after a few seconds, he replied: "Falken's soul was just taken away by the angel just now."

In Beta's surprised eyes, Roland told him about the general process.

Beta was silent after listening.

Roland couldn't help smiling. It ’s ... it ’s another child who likes to think too much.

"I always think this game is weird." After a while, Beta raised his head and looked at the blue sky above his head, his expression was dignified.

Roland nodded in agreement.

Then the world turned into black and white, and today's game time is up again.

Roland woke up from the virtual cabin, washed his body first, and then turned on the computer to go online.

He first went to the forum and found that the previous discussion about the magical power of small fireballs had gradually subsided, and players turned to discuss the interesting things and new discoveries encountered in the game.

At the same time, there is a hot topic that has been widely discussed in the forum.

It has been two months since the game was launched, and many male players have tried to make negative contact with female npc.

In addition, there are very few female players, especially the ones with higher charm points. It is easy to climb the noble npc and get a lot of resources.

The big theme now is that having a relationship with npc in the game is not considered out of bounds.

On this topic, Roland felt no need to discuss. The official website has issued an announcement. In order to ensure the physical and mental health of players, all players who can enter the game are all grown-up. They have a set of reliable means to determine whether the virtual cabin user is an adult.

Since they are all adults, they naturally have the right to choose appropriately.

After watching the forum for a while, Roland did not have too valuable information. After thinking about it, I uploaded the video I recorded before and started a title.

"Meet the Angel".

Then he left home, went to the street for breakfast, and then stepped on the shared bicycle to the Sanda Pavilion.

Because it was morning, in addition to the staff and coaches, the Sanda Training Center was practicing with three guests.

Roland is the fourth.

The coach is instructing a heroic young girl while doing demonstrations to teach her how to exert force when kicking. Seeing Roland coming, she threw down her sister and came over and said with a smile: "You are the most diligent student I have ever seen. For more than half a month, it has not fallen every day. It came early and went late. "

"After all, I paid the money." Roland shrugged and smiled. "Besides, I am unemployed now, so I have to find something to do."

The coach is a middle-aged man, wearing a vest, his muscles are not exaggerated, but it gives a very flexible feeling. It is definitely not the kind of dead muscles that are trained out of medicine and are extremely exaggerated. He walked aside and found two pairs of gloves. He threw a pair of red gloves to Roland. He also put on a pair and said, "I helped you stretch your muscles for more than half a month. Now you can try to start the formal class. .. But before that, I have to see how fast you react and whether you have a fighting instinct. "

Roland put on his gloves and asked, "How to test, half-act?"

"Guess right."

When the coach was talking, suddenly a lunge rushed forward, and his right hand directly punched Roland's left eye.

Then Roland took a step back and hit his fist directly.


The coach froze for a moment, then lifted his leg directly to make a sweeping motion.

But he only half of this action, Roland stepped back, and withdrew from the coach's attack at a very fast pace.

The coach's leg didn't kick out at all. He was just testing Roland's reaction nerve, and it was not a real fight.

"Your reaction is fast."

The coach sagged his hands, walked to Roland in two steps, and smiled and said, "I guess ..."


After a crisp sound, Roland guarded his face with his fists on his hands, stepping back three times in a row, with a few expressions of fright on his face.

The coach's expression was even more eccentric. He retracted his right hand and shouted in surprise: "This can all be reflected, absolutely dynamic vision."

As long as the dynamic vision is not blind, anyone has it. The dynamic vision in the coach's mouth refers to those who are very sensitive to transient nerves.

Although the coach's fist is quite fast, he didn't use much force.

Roland stood still, put his hands down, and said, "Too sudden, it scares me a lot."

"Okay. I know how to teach you." The coach looked at Roland and wondered: "It's such an old age, and I haven't exercised before, I can have this level of reaction speed. If I've been training since childhood, I estimate You can fight for the Sanda champions. Also, I hate you talented players the most. I have decided and I do n’t need to teach you in the future. "

After listening to it, Roland couldn't help crying: "Coach, you are suppressing naked discrimination."

The coach laughed, and first explained the three easy-to-understand Sanda fights.

Then let Roland practice first.

Roland practiced these three racks in the trainer's gymnasium, and was sweating until he came out of the Sanda gym until noon.

When he returned home, he took another bath. After all, he was stained and stuck to his clothes, which was quite uncomfortable.

Then I sat in front of the computer easily and opened the forum.

Another two or three pages of forum system tips.

Most are system information about rewards.

Has it become a popular post again?

Roland curiously opened his new post in the morning.

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