Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 2: I have a big fish named Kun

Falcon is the only priest in the temple of life in Red Mountain Town.

When he was young, he also worked as a mercenary for more than two years and ran around. Although he has been living here in Hongshan Town since then, he can be regarded as a knowledgeable person.

But today, he felt that he was still too ignorant, and he did not expect that there is now a new way of suicide. The magic counterattack directly bursts his head. Such a precise central point bursts. Saying that, no spellcaster will believe.

Falken finally closed his old mouth. This young man who suddenly appeared in his temple should be what the oracle said a few days ago. It will come today, the immortal child of gold, the oracle said, After they die for a while, they will reappear from the sacrificial altar of the temple.

But what if not? After all, there are so many temples of life in the world, and the limited number of children of gold will not necessarily come to their churches. Now how do I deal with this headless body, and how do I clean up the scene like a murder case.

I have been a pastor in Hongshan Town for decades, and finally I have accumulated enough people. Now I am about to enter the soil, but such a thing has happened. Another meeting is a fixed prayer time in the town. When the villagers come over and see themselves standing in the church covered with blood, then there is a headless male body on the ground ...

He can imagine what kind of bizarre plots the villagers will make up!

It took decades for the Temple of Life to stand firm in this village. If there is a problem of declining faith because of this matter, then how to face the call of the goddess after a while.

Falken felt a headache.

As the saying goes, whatever you are afraid of will come. The wooden door behind Falcon was pushed open, and a fat aunt lifted her legs and was about to walk in. When she saw the horrible scene in front of her, she was frightened and howled, her voice trembling like a singer's shock. Then seeing Falken, who was full of brains and blood stains, turned around again, and she sat on the ground in shock.

"Susan, don't be afraid." Falcon looked at each other, and a ray of white brain on his face ran down, and looked terrible: "I am Falcon, this thing ..."

"What, you are Pastor Falken." Unexpectedly, upon hearing that the person opposite was Falken, the fat aunt Susan was not afraid at all, and she jumped up from the ground. , Looked at the headless corpse of Roland, and scolded: "Old priest, is it a thief in the church, killed well ... you wait, I will call for help now. Damn hair thief, actually steal Come to the old pastor ... "

She walked out of the door scoldingly, and then shouted to the outside: "Come on, someone steals something in the church and was killed by the old pastor. Come and help dispose of the body."

Hearing the screams and applause from outside, Falcon grinned, and a few tears flashed in his turbid old eyes.

After a short while, a large group of people squeezed in, almost all of them adult men, and most of the children were blocked from the outside. The group came in to see the tragic situation in the church. They first took a breath and then scolded the little thief who broke into the church to deserve it. They did not even suspect that Falken was murdering.

These people gathered together. Some people went out to find out the water came in and prepared to clean the church. Some people said that they wanted to get a piece of hemp cloth and carried the body away and burned it.

More people gathered around Old Falcon, and he asked him whether he was injured, caring, and jumped up. Someone even disregarded those disgusting brains, and was helping to wipe the blood off his clothes with his hands.

These people, including the old Falcon, did not see at all that Roland's consciousness had been staying next to his 'corpse', to be precise, they were invisible and in a state of consciousness.

Just now Roland was taken aback by the pain he had caused. Now he was relieved. He confirmed one thing. His game body was repulsed by magic power because of improper casting, and his head exploded and hung up.

This is probably one of the strangest death methods he has ever seen. If this happened to other players, most of them would have to laugh with tears falling, but it happened to him, and he could only look at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and sadness turned into a river.

No wonder the recommendation index on the game's official website shows that the difficulty of the magician is ten stars. The highest difficulty index of all career recommendations. For the sorcerer and priest, both of whom are casters, the difficulty index is only five stars.

Roland recalled the "Game Notice" that he saw before entering the virtual world. When the player hangs up, as long as the conscious body finds the church of the Temple of Life and lays down on the sacrificial platform, it can be resurrected after a few seconds.

He looked at the busy crowd next to his "corpse" for a while. In the state of consciousness, he had only ordinary vision, and no sense of smell, taste, or even touch. In this wonderful environment of "unconsciousness" After a long time, there will be a panic terror.

He quickly turned around and climbed to the altar, lying down flat, and saw the stone dress of the goddess again.

Of course, there are no wonderful things like lace borders, just simple parallel layers of stone construction, meaning nothing at all.

Just as Roland thought, two green lights burst from the eyes of the goddess and shone on his conscious body.

The conscious body became warm, and a strange energy began to flow in his conscious body, and then his consciousness became blurred. When he woke up again, he found himself lying on the sacrificial platform.

He stood up, and then found that the npc games who were busy moving the body were opening their mouths and looking at themselves in surprise.

At this time he felt a bit cold in his lower body, and when he looked down, his face was suddenly green like the prairie of Hulunhaote.

He was naked, and he didn't wear any clothes.

Roland was embarrassed and was about to die, but his face still kept a calm expression. His eyes swept the crowd not far away in front of him, wondering how to open his mouth and how to lift the speechless situation in front of him, but it was very Soon he sighed helplessly, with no language, and no explanation was useful.

But the magic of knowing language is temporarily unusable.

At this time, Roland saw the old priest say a few words to the people around him. The people left the church in an orderly manner. The last person who left, closed the wooden door.

The church became dark again. The headless body on the ground was still lying there. There was no blood on the old priest's face, but there was still brain residue on his clothes. There are some horrors in this situation.

But Roland didn't feel much, because of the game settings, he could only see the full screen ‘mosaic’.

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