Mage Joan

Chapter 799: Monster of Bailun Mountain (Ⅰ)

"You probably don't know yet? The military has recently changed the internship liaison assigned to Meadgard University. In the future, this post will be held by Arnold Laval. The interns involved in military missions are also in charge of the school. recruit."

Audrey told a news that has not been officially announced yet.

"The current garrison commander of the Midgard colony, Baron Benedict Laval, is the brother of Arnold. With this relationship, it is not surprising that Arnold works as a military agent part-time as a student."

Hailar said thoughtfully.

"Listening to what you mean, Arnold wants to recruit a group of people from the Skeleton Society to assist the military in carrying out the mission?" Joan asked speculatively.

Audrey nodded with a smile.

"At present, the number of students who have signed up for military missions is quite large. Unfortunately, they lack strength and can only follow the troops to help them. They cannot bear the heavy responsibility."

"Arnold just took office and is anxious to prove his talent in his new position. He needs to recruit some strong and trustworthy helpers to help him complete a special mission during this military operation."

"The successful completion of this mission is related to the success or failure of the entire military operation and even directly affects the security situation of the towns and towns around Bailun Mountain."

"Due to the importance of this, Arnold decided to recruit people to participate in this special mission within the "Skull Society"."

"Lorry, Angel and Lane all accepted Arnold's invitation, but the manpower was not enough, Arnold found me and Holden, hoping that our sisters and brothers would join his team."

"I agreed to participate in the operation, but I didn't want to be under Arnold's command, so I made a proposal to him, and I was responsible for forming a team on my own to cooperate with his team to perform the special tasks delivered by the military."

"Arnold agreed to my request and made a commitment that if the task can be successfully completed this time, all personnel involved in special operations can earn at least 10 internship points."

10 internship points, equivalent to 1,000 gold Durga, as a minimum reward for internship tasks, can be considered quite generous.

However, Joan also knows that there is no free lunch.

The military is so generous, of course, it is not doing good deeds, it can only show that this task is very difficult, and the risk is huge. If you fail to do this, you will lose your life for these 10 internship points.

But after all, Joan didn't flinch in a dangerous place like a dark area. He also went to the front of the Brass Mountain to fight **** battles. There was nothing particularly terrible in his eyes about military tasks.

Since Audrey needed help, of course he was duty-bound.

"Audrey, I don't mind participating in military missions, but some things have to be asked in advance, what exactly does that so-called special mission mean?"

The questions raised by Hailar happened to be Joan's doubts, and Audrey was expected to give a positive answer.

"Sister, don't hide yourself, you don't have to explain things, everyone has no idea, and you don't even know what kind of enemy to deal with, who dare to follow you to die!"

Holden rarely put his smile away, and he spoke very seriously.

Audrey nodded and said in a deep voice: "I didn't intend to hide from you. When I asked everyone to come out for a meeting this time, I wanted to publish the contents of the mission so that everyone could make full preparations in advance."

"The mission will be performed at Bailun Mountain. The military will send a cavalry battalion, plus interns recruited from the school, the total number is not less than 400!"

"As for our enemies, it is said to be a group of evil Warcraft entrenched on the top of the mountain."

"The "Magic Beasts" sub-volume of "Monsters of Vales" contains such flying monsters, named "Deer Eagle Beasts" according to their physical characteristics."

"However, the residents around Bailun Mountain are more accustomed to use the Asa indigenous people to obtain names for such monsters and call them "Pelidon"!"

Joan couldn't help but change her face slightly when she heard the name "Pelidon".

In his mind, a monster image with three biological characteristics of deer, eagle and wolf quickly appeared!

"Audrey, do you mean "Pelidon", a peculiar creature with a body and horns resembling an elk, wings and claws like eagle eagles, and a skull like an evil wolf?"

"Your description of the appearance characteristics of Pelidong is very appropriate!"

Audrey nodded in agreement.

"A monster like Pelidong looks like a mixture of three beasts, combining the stamina of a deer, the brutality of a wolf, and the flying ability of an eagle."

"Joan, no wonder Holden said that you can recite the full set of "Vares Monster Book" verbatim, like a living encyclopedia!"

Hailar smiled and exclaimed.

Joan has indeed read through the complete works of "The Varese Monster Book" more than once, knowing the habits of thousands of creatures listed in this series.

However, it is too exaggerated to say that he can recite the whole text verbatim, but it is just a rhetorical technique used by poets.

"I have indeed seen introductory texts and illustrations about Pelidon in the book, but besides that, I have also personally seen the live Pelidon-three months ago, a building on the western foot of Bailun Mountain Near the abandoned mine pit."

At that time, Joan was developing 2 rings of aphasia, in order to verify the effectiveness of the spell, he needed to use humanoids as experimental subjects.

He heard the landlord's wife say that when there were goblins near Bailun Mountain, he became an eagle and flew to the mountain area, trying to catch a few goblins to experiment.

Unexpectedly, it is reasonable to say that goblins are very rare in the Bailun Mountains.

Joan spent a lot of energy, only grabbed a goblin, and kept it in a prison cell transformed from an abandoned mine as an experimental body.

Just a few days later, while he was raising the goblin, he accidentally saw a monster flying from the top of the mountain, which is what Audrey said of Pelidon.

At that time, I did not know the depth of the other party. For safety reasons, I quickly went into hiding.

Pelidong didn't bother him, but he used the hard horns on his head to open the door, dragged out the goblin imprisoned in the pit, and cut his heart.

Strangely, Pelidon seemed not interested in the smelly goblin blood and flesh, only holding the goblin heart in his mouth and flying back to the top of the mountain.

At the time, Joan was deeply puzzled by the fact that Pelidon didn't devour the goblin heart immediately, but took the heart away.

Driven by curiosity, he trailed Pelidon in the form of an eagle, all the way to the top of the main peak of Bailun Mountain.

The main peak of Bailun Mountain is an extinct volcano.

The crater at the top of the mountain accumulates precipitation and forms a natural lake.

Just below the cliffs by the volcanic lake, Joan saw a large group of Pelidon, the number of which was not less than a hundred!

After that, he also witnessed the whole process of the male Pelidon courting the female.

Before begging for joy, the male Pelican specially presented the heart of the fresh goblin as a gift, and successfully won the favor of his spouse.

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