"I don't know if you know." When Rong Linyi said this, his eyes kept drooping.

It fell on Su Yanyun's lips.

He rolled his throat, as if he was holding back not to eat the delicious snacks, "Because, I never told you, I don't know, did you notice it yourself before."

"That..." Su Yanyun prefers Rong Linyi to look at himself at this moment, because his eyes are too aggressive now, as if he has already focused on the target, and he will speak immediately, but she has nowhere. Can escape, "Then why do you want to tell me now?"

This time, Rong Linyi's eyes moved up slowly, inch by inch.

When his eyelashes were fully raised, Su Yanyun realized that the look in her eyes that she thought was threatening just now, when she really looked at each other, there was no such horror.

On the contrary, his eyes were so gentle.

It also happens to be such a gentle gaze that has greater lethality...

Su Yanyun felt her little heart pounding.

A man like Rong Linyi, even if he knows that he might have a somewhat unpleasant character, when he faces you face to face with such a gentle expression, he is personally unstoppable...

She was still thinking about it in a dazed manner, and felt that her body was dumped by some external force, almost without any resistance, and fell on his chest.

The man’s voice filled her eardrums with a warm breath: “I didn’t need to tell you the reason before, you would lie in my arms like this.”

Su Yanyun seemed to understand something, but she just wanted to say, now that he didn't explain the reason, she too was lying in his arms.

Although this car is also very trenched, there is no wide armrest between the rear seats that a million-class luxury car should have.

Therefore, when two people are riding, they can snuggle in the large back seat.

Su Yanyun couldn't imagine such a scene, but she might be performing it in person now.

The next second, Rong Linyi's hand was placed on her belly.

"Now, does the baby still move?" He asked Su Yanyun in a very soft voice.

Su Yanyun remained silent, as if she was thinking back to whether she had moved frequently these days.

But Rong Linyi's voice sounded again: "I remember that they were very naughty before, and they don't stop at night, you start acting as soon as you lie down."

Su Yanyun was distracted by his topic, so she couldn't help but put her hand up.

"I haven't moved much now." She said suspiciously, "I also checked the information and said that the later stage is too big, and some of them can't move. But now I still love to move at night..."

She seemed to feel Rong Linyi smiling.

It was strange, he obviously didn't make a sound, but she could sense it from his breath, he now had a slight smile on his lips.

"Do you like children very much?" Su Yanyun couldn't help asking.

It is hard for her to imagine that Rong Linyi's love and concern for her baby turned out to be from the heart.

"No." I didn't expect Rong Linyi's answer to be so honest, "I just love the house and the black."

Without receiving Su Yanyun's answer, he continued, "I don't like children, to be exact, I don't like anyone...except for you."

Su Yanyun became more and more dumb.

Every time Rong Linyi finds that Rong Linyi's feelings towards her feels deep, she feels more and more...


I saw that the little angel said that this plot might have fifty chapters...forgive the author

The author is impatient, only to make some dog food to write this, I can't wait to crash and open the plot...

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