"Nothing," Jiang Chengwei got up displeased, "Ilin, it's your freedom for you to like Rong Linyi, but I warn you, if you hurt Sister Xuelong again..."

"What's so good about Rong Xuelong? It's worth not regretting your infatuation with her like this!" Jiang Yilin drank Jiang Chengshu abruptly. I'm going out for an appointment. Good night if I'm fine."

Jiang Yilin came to the garage. Jiang Chengxi was leaning against a red Porsche, carrying the car keys.

"I'm drinking, so I won't send you there. Be careful on your own way." He lowered his voice kindly and caringly, "Everything is arranged at the hotel, Irene, my brother wishes you and Rong Lin tonight. Yihe is as good as ever."

"I know," Jiang Yilin hugged Jiang Chengwei and acted like a baby. "Only my brother is the best to me in this world."

"My brother is just a sister like you, who is not good to you, who is good to you?" Jiang Chengxi smiled, rubbed the top of Jiang Yilin's head, and said softly, "Okay, say it again, be careful on the way."


"It's so late, where are you going?"

Seeing Rong Linyi get dressed, Su Yanyun realized that he was going out.

If Su Yanyun does not ask, Rong Linyi really plans not to tell.

But since she asked...

"The call just now was made by Jiang Yilin. She said that she got your gem and asked me to pick it up." He replied, "I will be back soon."

"She, could she lie to you?" This was Su Yanyun's first feeling.

Unexpectedly, Rong Linyi admitted: "There is a 90% possibility that it is a trap."

Su Yanyun was startled, but Rong Linyi had already bent over and touched her lips, "But as long as there is a one-percent chance of being true, I will also go there."

After saying this, he was about to take a step, but Su Yanyun grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go." She fixedly stared at Rong Linyi's eyes, "Even if there is only one percent chance of being false, I won't allow you to pass."

She is not a generous woman, and it is impossible to accept that her lover and ex meet at night, no matter the reason.

Rong Linyi pondered for a moment: "If you don't worry, just go with me."

"I won't go there either," Su Yanyun refused decisively, "I don't want that Jiang Yilin feel that as long as she throws a bait, we will all be hooked."

Rong Linyi didn't answer for a while, only his eyes fell on Su Yanyun's eyes: "Then your gem..."

"Gems are very important," Su Yanyun squeezed Rong Linyi's wrist, "but now to me, you are more important than anything."

Jiang Yilin cheated her husband away if she wanted to hold a gem. This is absolutely not allowed.

Rong Linyi seemed to be infected by Su Yanyun's determination at the moment.

He was stunned for several seconds before sitting down.

"Okay, I won't go." His expression softened, "If you don't let me go, I won't go."

Su Yanyun suddenly hugged Rong Linyi's waist and pressed her face to his chest.

"Mom and Dad’s token of love is very important, but the token is dead after all. No matter how special it is, it is only used to commemorate." She muttered softly as if to convince herself, "But you are different, Lin Yi, you It’s irreplaceable. It’s my fault to lose the gem, but I can’t make repeated mistakes and lose you again..."

"Little fool." Rong Linyi stroked Su Yanyun's head lightly, and at a certain moment, his heart was filled with a sore and satisfying emotion...

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