"By the way, dad, can you accompany me out for a stroll in the afternoon?" Capacity asked suddenly, "I'm so tired these days, I want to relax. Mommy is not here, can you accompany me?"


Rong Linyi will not refuse the capacity.

In fact, since childhood, he did not spend enough time with his capacity.

Love is one thing, having time to accompany is another thing. He has suffered so many changes over the years, and he feels very guilty in his heart.

Capacity says she wants to go to the amusement park.

She said that her little brother had promised to take her to play before, but these things happened before she had time.

Because it is not a weekend, there are not many people in the amusement park, but Rong Linyi will inevitably encounter something outside, but compared to the emotions of taking care of his daughter, cleanliness is more tolerable.

The amount of capacity is also very sensible, playing relatively mild projects, as far as possible to minimize the chance of Rong Linyi's contact with foreign objects.

"Dad, I want to go to the haunted house, can it?" The capacity will ask if it is OK every time, which makes people feel very cute and distressed.

"Of course, you don't need to ask for my opinion what you want to play."

The bodyguard went to buy a ticket, and the capacity and Rong Linyi stood not far away waiting.

Passersby kept looking back at them.

It's probably that both of them have extraordinary looks, and their looks are somewhat similar, which is inevitably eye-catching.

Some girls even quietly talked and laughed and kept peeking at Rong Linyi.

"Dad must have a lot of peach blossoms than before." The capacity amount saw this and laughed.

"Nothing." Rong Linyi replied, "I never touch other women. Except for your mommy."

The volume covered his mouth, "Dad has a strong desire to survive."

"This is the truth, my obsession with cleanliness is only ineffective for your mommy." Rong Linyi smiled faintly, raised his hand and touched the volume of hair, "I added you later."

The bodyguard bought the ticket, took it, held it in his hand, and walked into the haunted house with Rong Linyi.

"If you're scared, hold on to Papa." Rong Linyi took the initiative to stretch his hand to pull the capacity.

Unexpectedly, the capacity amount was thrown away from his hand, "I am not afraid, I am not afraid of anything now."

The meaning of her words made Rong Linyi's expression dim, and the capacity amount was explained jokingly, "I mean, those ghosts are fake, at most they are pretended by others."

The road in the haunted house is very narrow in some places, and Rong Linyi and the capacity can only move forward one after another.

"You go ahead." Rong Linyi always felt that the capacity would not allow him to hold it, nor was it within his sight, which made him feel a little uneasy.

There is something wrong with her mood today.

"Good." The capacity squeezed to the front.

During this section of the road, red lights have been flashing in the dark, and there are a lot of skinny hands protruding out of the imitated rock hole. If you don't pay attention, you will be caught in your clothes.

"Dad, look over there." The volume points to the side.

When Rong Linyi followed her hand and looked over...


The whole haunted house suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Measure?" Rong Linyi noticed the strangeness, and raised his hand to touch it forward.

He grabbed a girl's slender wrist.

The girl also backhanded, to hold his hand.

However, at this moment, Rong Linyi raised his hand and pushed the girl in front of him away. He said irritably and coldly, "Who are you? How to measure?"

There was silence.

There is no measuring voice, and the girl in front does not speak.

Rong Linyi wanted to convince himself that the female ghost in front of her was just a female ghost played by the staff of the haunted house and wanted to scare tourists in the dark.

However, reason told him that things were unusual.

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