So, when the windbreaker turned out from Luo Weimin's closet.

Su Yanyun would rather believe her lies than believe that it would be her good girlfriend who designed everything behind it.

At that time, Su Yanyun was still a flower in a greenhouse, not knowing the sinister world...

In Su Yanyun's values, a big-brand windbreaker is certainly expensive, but she does not want to ruin the future of her classmates because of a windbreaker.

The little girl who has not experienced the hardships of the world has a kind of inexplicable virgin complex, and thinks that her mercy can save the world.

Of course, later, she realized that it was not compassion, but stupidity.

Luo Weimin, she has never been kind.

She had a bad background, was sensitive to inferiority, and was jealous of Su Yanyun, the proud girl of heaven. Be jealous of her beauty, jealous of her popularity, jealous of her family background.

The windbreaker incident was her strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

Not only could it provoke Su Yanyun's relationship with her roommate, but also secretly possess that expensive dress.

She never dreamed that Su Yanyun would call the police.

Of course, she didn't learn anything from this incident.

That is, Su Yanyun seems gentle and deceptive, but once she touches her bottom line, she will fight back mercilessly!

In the past, Luo Weimin was her best friend, and she would tolerate her and treat her with courtesy.

But now, she is an enemy who attacked her and calculated her for no reason, Su Yanyun, she would definitely change her way of being a person!

From now on, if Luo Weimin dares to offend her once, she will "beat" her once.

Su Yanyun wanted to see how thick Luo Weimin's face was and how dark his heart was.

From the beginning of this shopping, Luo Weimin put on a show of eagerness.

She is eager to show Su Yanyun that she is now a person who can afford luxury goods.

Upon her suggestion, the two went shopping in the most prosperous Taihuan area in City C.

Taihuandi is a gathering place for high-end products and luxury goods in City C. In addition to the world's largest superstore in the Asia-Pacific, there are also a whole commercial area, one after another, with international luxury brands.

Luo Weimin was just taking Su Yanyun around for a little while, with an extra suitcase in his hand, which contained all the clothes and cosmetics she bought.

At her proposal, the two sat down in an elegant coffee shop.

"You order a cup of coffee," Luo Weimin seemed to lift his hair elegantly, "but I can't drink with you, waiter, give me a glass of milk."

After saying this, she put her hand on her lower abdomen.

This is no longer Luo Weimin deliberately making such a gesture in front of Su Yanyun.

Before buying clothes and cosmetics, she always asked the salesperson, consciously or unconsciously, whether this thing can be used by pregnant women and whether it can be worn when the belly is big.

Su Yanyun couldn't help but want to laugh. Luo Weimin's behavior seemed to her to be extremely naive.

"I can't drink coffee either." Su Yanyun put down the menu and looked at the waiter, "Just give me a glass of lemonade."

She speaks softly, not pretentiously, but has a delicate and gentle charm, unknowingly compared to Luo Weimin, who is pretending to be graceful by scratching her head.

The waiter in Taihuandi was a person who was used to meeting rich and famous celebrities, and immediately felt the nobility in Su Yanyun's bones, and a smile from the heart appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Good lady, please call me if you need it."

Luo Weimin who was on the opposite side saw him, and his face instantly darkened a bit.

This café is very expensive. A cup of coffee costs hundreds, like civet cats, even hundreds of thousands, even if it is hot milk, it costs dozens of dollars.

Su Yanyun just asked for a free glass of lemonade, and the waiter would treat her so well when he was blind!

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