Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 205: True Name Dissolving (Please vote for recommendation! Please vote for monthly ticket!)

93. Real name dissolves

Everything is going in a good direction.

In the name of love, Camilla did not escape, but faced the sin she carried in the name of 'Countess Camilla'.

There is a saying in the East that leaves the silt unsullied.

It's probably a similar principle. The reason why the light of virtue can shine is precisely because it is wrapped in original sin.

The brightest stars never shine during the day, but shine in the deepest darkness.

Even if there is timidity, cowardice, and avoidance in the heart, with the support of "love", "courage" can fly high.

This power of 'heart' is constantly being swallowed up by the [Gluttony] Demonic Sword, and is constantly converted into [attack power].

This is [infinite] power.

With the support of love, he gained [infinite] power of [courage].

The wonder of magic is that at first it was just an imitation of the authority of gods, but with the development of human civilization and the expansion of humanistic trends, it became able to express human emotions in a form that is close to material.

People sing about how love and hope can summon miracles that transcend despair.

So love and hope can really support people to overcome despair.

Chaldea is currently going all out to record all this.

Except for the Chinese trio, the people still alive here are more or less on the magician side. Having grown up in the world of magic, they naturally know that the data recorded by the Laplace Computer Demon at this time is How precious.

If history could be corrected and everything returned to normal, anyone holding this data could easily become a senior lecturer in the Clock Tower.

But Da Vinci was lost in thought.


——Da Vinci has a secret that he never told Lu Mingfei

He didn't even know if the little devil Lu Mingze knew about this.

The cause of everything should be that farce-like 'class reunion'.

Da Vinci was just showing kindness at that time, and even asked Kadok to drop by to pick someone up because he couldn't leave Chaldea.

But for Lu Mingfei, it seemed that it was just because of this, because Da Vinci was the one who opened the door in her heart in the first place, so she completely opened her heart to Da Vinci.

Of course, there should be a reason why Leonardo da Vinci is a ‘perfect beauty’.

To use game values ​​as an analogy, in the eyes of Lu Mingfei, a pretty girl, a beautiful girl with a perfect score of 100 would have a score of 90 or above. But Da Vinci is special. He is not only beautiful and intellectual, but also a beautiful girl. The first person who pushed away the wall in Lu Mingfei's heart.

——Only the special Da Vinci is 100 points

That's why Da Vinci was able to invade the dreams of Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze.

Because Lu Mingfei had no defense from the bottom of his heart except for Da Vinci.


Although Da Vinci never said it for various reasons.

But in fact.

When Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze talked, although there was a strange enchantment like time stagnating, Da Vinci knew all the content of their conversation.

Including the conversation just now.

"It's really that little guy who calls himself the devil. Is he hinting at something to me in this way?"

"He clearly said that he wanted to make a deal with Concubine Ming to take away his life, but he has been carefully protecting him. It's really hard to understand what he was thinking."

Da Vinci murmured the last 'tip' from the little devil.

——"Just treat it as being cheated"

——"Trust my old friend a little more"

So, when everyone was busy recording data, Da Vinci suddenly stopped what he was doing and called Matthew.

"Ma Xiu, can you help me check something?"

"Yes, help me look up the stories related to Saint George. Although there are many and complicated, but according to what Saint George himself said before. By the way, let's look up "The Seven Warriors of Christianity"."

"Tell me about the witch who raised Giorgios, and the magic horse Bayard that the witch gave him. Don't choose the version that praises Giorgios's bravery, the one that's more unofficial—"

"Yes, is there a similar version that focuses on the love story between Giorgios and the witch?"

Naturally, the simple Matthew could not understand what Da Vinci meant.

I just honestly followed Leonardo's requirements and searched for the version Leonardo wanted from the numerous and complex Christian myths and stories with countless contradictions.

Within the French singularity.

Atalanta rode the war horse given to her by Giorgios, ignored the flying dragons and giant dragons, crossed the sea of ​​barrage transformed by the power of despair, and arrived at the side of Lu Mingfei and Camilla.

The final collision, the collision of heart and heart, comes.

The wall of Witch Elizabeth's heart gained [infinite] power because of [despair].


Camila only needs to be similar to it and use the [infinite courage] obtained through [love] to break through this barrier.

Pass on your heart.

Wake up Eliza.

Wake up the Witch Elizabeth.

Camilla was singing, just like Eliza was singing - no, I should say, after all, they are the same person, so it is natural for them to have such similarities.

And since ancient times, singing has had the power to ignore language barriers and convey emotions directly to the listener.

"The inner sea of ​​stars, the platform where things can be seen"

Even Prelati, the fairy who manipulates illusions, offered her blessing:

"I present you with a bouquet of flowers from the corner of paradise. May your story be filled with blessings. Pass it through with all your heart, you sinless man!"

The magic swords held up by Lu Mingfei, Camilla, and Alta seemed to have turned into bouquets at a wedding.

Sing, sing

Pass it on, pass it on

In the sound of blessings, in the flying petals,

Rush into the heart of the despairing witch!

[Infinity] is offset by [Infinity].

All that's left to fight for is willpower.

This is not a fight.

It is a blessing ceremony.

Even in the darkness of despair, there are shining stars of hope!

[The Witch of Despair’s ‘Curse of Despair’: 1D100=38]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘Blessing Song’: 1D100=84]

[Camilla’s ‘Song of Blessing’: 1D100=87]

【.No need to calculate anymore, just give blessings! 】

"——My devil!"

Camilla suddenly shouted.

"It's almost like a wedding, isn't it?"

Lu Mingfei was a little overwhelmed by such a strong direct attack. Mainly because he didn't know how to respond.

Lu Mingfei suddenly discovered a detail.

A detail that I didn't notice because I had communicated with the little devil in the daily Riddler.

Camilla, who was using Elisa's body at this time, had originally had pinkish red hair. When Lu Mingze made a Korean Princess head that resembled Riasna's in "Sword Art Online", it had turned into a girl's hair. Camilla's silvery gray.


Far simpler than imagined.

Or to put it another way, when [Infinite Despair] is offset by [Infinite Courage], the despair in the heart of Elisa, the little dragon girl who calls herself an idol singer, is just this level.

The same goes for Eliza. She will be hit and disappointed, but she will quickly get back on her feet.

If the object of the original sin of despair is not 'Elizabeth Bathory', it may be much more difficult to break through the wall of despair.

If you think about it this way, whether it is Eliza (a girl) or Camilla (a woman), as a witch, she protects the world in her own way.

The Holy King looked up at the sky.

Witnessing the wall of the Witch of Despair, the infinite and possibly even the entire journey of human psychology correction, the theoretically strongest obstacle besides the final enemy, the Demon King, was actually so easily overcome by the power of [Love and Courage] breakthrough

What was the Holy King thinking in his eyes as he looked at this scene as he grew older?

——Breaked through the barrier.

Together with Atalanta riding a magic pony, Lu Mingfei, Camilla, and Alta broke into the interior of the huge body of the Witch of Despair.

For example, the shell of the Iron Maiden's torture device resembles that of the Iron Maiden, but the inside of the Witch of Despair is a completely different scene.

I still didn’t see any bloody or cruel scenes.

It can only be said that the so-called despair in the simple heart of the 'Witch' Elizabeth Bathory, who was chosen by the will of the world, is really just this level of despair.

This is a sea of ​​flowers.

A sea of ​​flowers in full bloom.

This is also the ending for the Witch of Despair in this journey to France.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, there is an 'egg' covered in blood-like scarlet gems.

"What's inside is the true form of the Witch of Despair, Elizabeth Bathory."

Roman's guiding voice reached Lu Mingfei's ears.

"This is the last one. Compared with the barrier of despair that basically comes from external forces, this witch itself does not have extraordinary power, and her spiritual level is just that of an ordinary heroic spirit servant who has been forcibly raised to the 'first-class' level.

This is the final battle with the Witch of Despair. Defeat her, and then free the Witch of Despair according to the plan! "

That's right.

This is the final battle.


"There is another solution, brother." The little devil's voice tickled Lu Mingfei's ears.

Camilla was the first to explain this method.


"It may be useless to other people, but my singing is the biggest stimulation to her. As long as she acts randomly, despair and other things are just things that can be forgotten if she is not careful."

Because Eliza is such a daredevil.

The reason why the weak Elizabeth could become a Heroic Spirit was simply because she was persecuted by the Crusaders, cursed, and treated as an innocent monster sent to prove her virtue.

A powerful being becomes even more powerful after being swallowed by despair.

But the innocent monster is just a fake after all.

If she was forced to play the role of the Demon King, she would definitely not be able to perform well.

Expecting Little Dragon Lady Elisa to deliver a shocking decisive battle at the end is making things difficult for her.

"Sing with me."

Camilla held Lu Mingfei's hand tightly, and through the eyes of the monster who was slandered as a vampire countess, Lu Mingfei saw himself in her eyes.

"With you, I can do anything."

"The same goes for waking up that little girl (Eliza)!"

Just like what the little devil and Camilla said.

The battle with the Witch of Despair was more like a pilgrimage than a battle, more like an unusually impromptu grand wedding.

Lu Mingze even provided music for the two of them himself.

——"One Last Kiss"

Lu Mingfei, who always pushed and followed the crowd, how could he stop Camilla's love-driven sports car that didn't seem to have braked suddenly?

During this scene of onlookers, Chu Zihang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly seemed to be unable to hold it in any longer. He gave himself a sip of bitter coffee, and then kept complaining:

"Are they planning to set off flash bombs like this to kill the Witch of Despair?"

Sharp rant.

Kadok couldn't help but give Chu Zihang a thumbs up: "You look like Lu Mingfei when you complain."

These words spoke to everyone's heart.

Everyone was speechless.

What makes people even more speechless and unacceptable is that the core of the Witch of Despair, Elizabeth Bathory, was really stimulated by the grand 'wedding' held in front of her by Camilla and Lu Mingfei. .

She was so stimulated that she was really struggling to break free!

"real or fake"

Roman's whole look was 'I can't accept it! ’ The expression of pain in the balls.

"Can you really skip levels this way?"

Even Atalanta seemed to be touched by something. In the singing, the music, the petals, and the sea of ​​blooming epiphyllum flowers, she changed her Luna Bow into the shape of a harp and couldn't help but play. got up.

Camilla, who has let herself go, hasn't forgotten to add fuel to the fire.

"What's wrong? Little girl!"

"If you don't come out to stop me, I will reach the pinnacle of life when you are at your most ugly!"

Witch of Despair: ".!?"

[‘Curse of Despair’: 1D100=8]

[Eliza’s ‘struggle’: 1D100=78]

".Yes, that's right, that's it."

"Cricket Eliza, do you really think you can bear the pain, hatred and despair?"

The curse of despair was actually broken so easily.

Looking at Elisa who angrily roared "I won't let you get married like this," and then broke free from the 'egg' and rushed out.

Although Roman knew that this was a fantastic miraculous happy ending.

But it's still a bit hard to accept.

There is an inexplicable sense of psychological gap.

Da Vinci patted him on the shoulder and gave him a cup of the most bitter and astringent coffee.

The Witch of Despair battle ends here.

As Eliza and Camilla exchanged their bodies, everything was really over.

Camilla, who had returned to her own appearance - still strong and bold, couldn't help but kiss Lu Mingfei again in front of Elisa, who was lying on the ground panting after just breaking free from despair. on the lips.

The angry Xiao Longniang could only express her dissatisfaction by raising her middle finger.

"No, I won't lead you to bully people like this!"

Yes, this is the last one.

Finally, Camilla reluctantly left Lu Mingfei's side, came to Eliza's side, and hugged her 'childhood self':

".Leave the rest for the next time we meet."

Eliza gritted her teeth and struggled: "Damn it! Just wait for me! At least give me a chance to open a global live broadcast concert in the end!"

Then Camilla stopped her mouth with a smile.

What's the last thing to do?

This was naturally something that had already been stated in the plan.

In fact, when Prelati first discussed the topic of the Witch of Despair, she had already revealed the method of defeating this theoretically impossible witch.

The power of the Witch of Despair comes from the fact that "human history has been destroyed by the Demon King."

Therefore, it is impossible to defeat the Witch of Despair until the Demon King is defeated and history is corrected.


Without a carrier as a container, despair is just an abstract concept and cannot be materialized into the witch of despair with overwhelming destructive power.

So just destroy the container.

However, even at this point, because the power of despair is too strong, even if Elisa and Camilla have been relieved from their own despair, the energy of despair will still support their bodies.

Even if they stand still and forcefully attack, it will only be endless.

If you don’t want to use the [God’s Right Hand] that requires huge sacrifices, you need to wait until Camilla and Eliza—the innocent monster, Elizabeth Bathory—are relieved.

As the Master, you sign a contract with her (them) as the Servant.

Then he spoke the words that were full of magic and transformed from the bond.

Camilla held Eliza in one hand and held her favorite burgundy evening dress in the other. The tall and charming beauty took a final bow to Lu Mingfei.

"See you next time, my devil."

".Goodbye, my witch."

Lu Mingfei raised his right hand.

On the back of his right hand, the light of the Command Seal was shining brightly.

This is an agreed upon thing.

Lu Mingfei, who felt complicated but didn't know how to describe his feelings, just went with the flow as always.

This is what she wants.

Just do it.

"I command you with a Command Seal - my witch, Elizabeth Bathory"

".No need to suffer anymore, get [redemption]."

The essence of this order is to make the witch who is his servant 'commit suicide'.

The desperate energy that originally refused to die therefore reversed, and finally ushered in the end with the farewell of Camilla and Eliza.

【.Lancer, Elizabeth Bathory, Spirit Chi destroyed. Confirmed】

[Witch of Despair·Punitive Completed]

That's it.

It ended without a fight.

It should be said that she is worthy of Elizabeth. That little girl who came here may have made the mastermind's plan become messy at this step.

With the defeat of the strongest Witch of Despair, the biggest enemy in this singularity also fell.

The phenomenon of evil dragons controlled by despair - the dragons are in confusion, no longer bloodthirsty and instinctively attack humans.

The only thing left to solve is the body of the Witch of Despair floating in the orbit of the earth, right?

Should she be thrown into the universe to drift, or should she be destroyed in the process of falling, and her remains eventually fall into the sea?

Those are not the professional fields that Lu Mingfei can think about.

"Let's go like this, Atta——"

Lu Mingfei's voice seemed to be stretched infinitely at that moment.

——Atalanta failed to react.

He even had a smile on his face.

But the next moment.

Her body, the strong body of the Furious Witch, was cut in half as easily as cutting tofu.

St. George appeared behind her at some point.

Roman's warning sounded belatedly.

"Something's wrong! A strange spiritual reaction suddenly appeared over there, Rider's Giorgios. Something's wrong! The spiritual reference and real name have changed!"

"The person there is no longer Giorgios of Rider, but Ruler who is the judge! His real name is 'Saint George = Michael'!"

"In the end what happened!?"

←to be continued!

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