Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 184 Lu Haihuang, who unconsciously completed the strategy for girls, is like a piece of cake

72. Lu Haihuang, who unconsciously completed the strategy for the girl, is dissatisfied

Although it is a dream, any kind of super expansion may occur, but if Lu Mingfei could describe the current situation in one sentence, it would undoubtedly be: "It's so damn joyful."

The expected bloody, terrifying and depressing scenes were completely missing.

Instead, there are wild fantasies - singing to provide energy, fighting robots, being wanted by the whole city, and then driving a mechanical dragon to cause wanton destruction and vent.

It’s like a sci-fi version of King Kong running into Metropolis.

Such as the fairy tale-like fantasy, the mechanical punk style Alice in Wonderland, the fantasy fairy tale in the minds of children in the future world, maybe it looks like this?

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! So you Chaldeans are really interesting!"

The real Elizabeth laughed wildly inside the machine god.

This was the first time that Lu Mingfei heard the "silver bell-like laughter" described in the novel in real life(?).

There is no darkness, no depression, no haze, no - despair.

Although it was very nonsensical and random, Lu Mingfei could clearly feel that Elizabeth was very happy now, very, very happy.

It is said that people's emotions are incompatible. I just thought she was noisy, but what is incredible is that laughter has mysterious contagiousness.

Lu Mingfei didn't dare to say that he understood Elizabeth's thoughts, but the girl smiled so happily that even Lu Mingfei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but want to laugh along with her.

Like a fool.

Elizabeth held her stomach and rolled on the ground laughing. Bai Ye couldn't help laughing, and Lu Mingfei couldn't hold it in immediately and started laughing.

It's incredible.

Lu Mingfei obviously couldn't think of anything really worthy of being particularly happy, but he was infected by this laughter.

Smiles, laughter.

Laugh heartily.

Even if there is nothing to be happy about, as long as you laugh, your mood will be incredibly relaxed, and your perspective on the world will seem to be different. Every little interesting thing can make people laugh.

Even Kadok, who was so tired that his hands and fingers were numb from writing codes and operating procedures on the spot, couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Mozart also laughed, and Roman couldn't help laughing. Everyone in Chaldea who was paying attention to this matter couldn't help laughing, and the Chaldean headquarters was filled with excitement. Foolishly cheerful atmosphere.

Da Vinci smiled with tears in her eyes. While she smiled, she seemed to be thoughtful: "That's it. This is hope."

Inside the robot, Eriki hugged Lu Mingfei's arm tightly and buried her face in his chest, as if she was resisting the urge to laugh out loud, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

"Laugh! You don't need to hold it back. Just laugh if you want. Even if you are a monster, you have the right to laugh as much as you want!"

However, at this time, Elizabeth said:

"Are you a monster? You will cause trouble to others, so you have to hold back? There is no need to be so harsh on yourself, you don't owe anyone!"

Elizabeth smiled and dragged Eri's clothes out.

"If you don't want to cause trouble to others, then vent your anger in a place where it won't cause trouble! Laugh out loud! You haven't offended anyone! If someone wants to hinder you, even if it's Ultraman, we can help you kill it, okay? !”

When Lu Mingfei heard this, he was surprised that Elizabeth actually knew this. She was worthy of being a heroic spirit at the forefront of idol pop. On the other hand, he and Chu Zihang couldn't help but complain in unison:

"Ultraman doesn't fight monsters for the sake of fighting monsters. ""

Then, Lu Mingfei thought about it and decided to push Hui Liyi and push her to Elizabeth's side.

Compared to Eri, who feels inferior to herself as a monster, Elizabeth, a veteran of the 'innocent monster', is still able to laugh and find the bright spots in life, just like something called 'hope'.


Elizabeth Hui Liyi with her left hand and Lu Mingfei with her right hand pulled them both together.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but subconsciously uttered: "We are not all your wings."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Elizabeth snorted.

"Do you think I'm just talking about Eri? Although I'm always criticized for being a random idiot, I live a free and easy life, and I'm especially good at spotting idiots who lock themselves in cages. Obviously there are so many idiots in the world. What a beautiful thing, why hide? Get up! Stand up! Run! Get high!"

at this time.

The battle between the two dragon-shaped patron saints of the Bathory family has come to a close.

The red Unit 1 is naturally no match for the Unit 2 controlled by Super NewType Caddock.

The performance of both parties is exactly the same, but in terms of flexibility, the performance of Unit 1 depends on the impression in Elizabeth's memory, but Unit 2 has Caddoc optimizing the system in real time.

As Unit 1 fell, the white dragon-shaped machine god came to the troposphere. The door was opened above the head of the machine god. Elizabeth painted Li Yi with her left hand and Lu Mingfei with her right hand. Behind her was the helpless Bai Ye, who was shouting. "It's all in a dream, then you are all my wings!".

Take a deep breath—don’t dwell on such insignificant issues as the thin air at this altitude.

"Smile! Eri! And the slow, stupid producer!"

"Why am I the only one who has to be scolded?" Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

Elizabeth kicked Lu Mingfei's calf: "No need to suppress and endure, Eriyi!"

Then he kicked Lu Mingfei again.

Crazy explicit.

Lu Mingfei's legs and stomach hurt from being kicked, so he could only forcefully give a demonstration.


"I can't hear it! It's too quiet!"

Lu Mingfei could only put aside his old face and laughed like a fool.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"


Eriki could no longer endure the depression. The girl's face turned stiff due to lack of emotion, and for the first time, an expression that seemed to be a 'smile' appeared.

Then as Eriyi no longer suppressed her laughter, the violent storm seemed like a hurricane, and there were fist-sized hailstones dancing wildly. It seemed that the entire self-regulation system of nature was trying to suppress Eriyi's laughter. In the process of releasing all the emotions, there was a temporary collapse.

Lu Mingfei couldn't think of any adjectives for a while.

Moving natural disasters to you?

Oh my god, I really did call you a little monster right. No wonder even the old director who is a professional scapegoat didn’t dare to let you out and kept you sealed in the deepest part of the Antarctic Mountains.

Seeing such a scene, Roman, who smiled like a kind old father in the Chaldean headquarters, suddenly had a doubt in his heart:

"Hey, it's strange. Forgetting Lu Mingfei, the male protagonist of light novels who can charm goddesses with his face, why does Elizabeth care so much about Eriki and treat her so well?"

"Yeah, why?"

Da Vinci, who was standing next to Roman in the position of adjutant, seemed to be smiling but not smiling:

"As expected of me, I guessed it right. It's a bit of a gamble to arrange for Eri to contact Elizabeth, but it's called entering the password correctly, right?"

Once again, please don't be rational in your dreams.

After defeating the No. 1 machine, and then destroying countless fighter jets that came to intercept, the No. 2 machine took everyone and landed on a huge sky castle.

This Elizabeth's dream is too rich in content.

Lu Mingfei vaguely felt something and looked around in the castle square: "Is Elizabeth here?"

"Correction, although I think you all should know it."

‘Real Elizabeth’ hummed:

"I am the 'real Elizabeth', a girl who has just accepted the territory of Chakdis City. The one you know is just the fake Camilla who doesn't even know whether she is historical fact or fantasy."


That is to say, after Elizabeth was stigmatized in history, a female vampire corresponding to Count Dracula was created around various conspiracies or entertainment talks - Countess Camilla.

"Elizabeth is Camilla, but Camilla is not Elizabeth. I will become the brightest star in the past, present and future of the All Heroes! I will not become that crazy ice woman in the deep well!"

As she spoke, Elizabeth stuck out her tongue and made a face. Hey, Eri, don't imitate her. Don't imitate this crazy girl. Your character should be that of a silly, sweet, obedient, purdah lady. !


Well, that's pretty much it.

Chaldea has successfully analyzed the truth about the Witch of Despair and told Lu Mingfei.

This is a slightly complicated story, but it seems reasonable.

Just like St. Martha and Martha, Charlemagne and Charles the Great, the situation where heroic spirits with the same identity appear in the world at different stages also appears in Elizabeth and Camilla.

But the situation of Elizabeth and Camilla is a bit special, because they are also the vessels chosen by the will of the world - destiny to seal the witch.

Normally, the Witch of Despair cannot be suppressed by the seal. Just as Prelati has always suspected, the entire history of mankind is now falling into a great despair called 'The Burning of Humanity'. Therefore, the Witch of Despair It is invincible and indestructible.

Original sins such as lust can also be sealed with the body of a particularly powerful fantasy species like Miss Favna.

But it is logically impossible for a container that can accommodate despair to exist. The moment any heroic spirit is selected, it will be eroded, assimilated and collapsed by despair.

But Elizabeth and Camilla were special.

They are [innocent monsters], as if they were naturally chosen sacrifices.

Camilla is Elizabeth's future posture, but not entirely, because from Elizabeth's point of view, she completely denies that she will become a madwoman who will do such things in the future, and Camilla herself, because of [innocent Monster], and I can't confirm whether I did those things.

So did Camilla do it?

There is no answer to this question. Just like Schrödinger's cat, you have no idea what's going on inside the box until you open it.

There is a multiverse of parallel time and space in this world. After all, the Bathory family has the blood of monsters. In other words, there are countless Elizabeths in countless parallel time and space. Some of them may have done it, some may not have done it, and some may have done it. Some may have simply been slandered, and some may have escaped.

Eliza and Camilla are the past and future of the individual ‘Elizabeth’.

Eliza, who has not grown up and faces an infinitely branching future, is full of ‘hope’.

And it has already ushered in the end, and has reached a desperate ending. Even if it wants to atone, it is too late. The greatest despair is the 'desperate' Camilla who does not even know whether she has made a big mistake.

Children and adults, starting points and endings, hope and despair.

The first person chosen as the vessel for the Witch of Despair was naturally the desperate female vampire Camilla, which was also the reason for the initial outbreak of disaster over the Mediterranean Sea.

But if you think back carefully, it is not difficult to find that the actions of the Witch of Despair that appeared at that time were actually very passive. She did not seem to take the initiative to destroy everything. Instead, she raised herself to an altitude of 10,000 meters and avoided the town as much as possible. With the crowd, delay yourself for as long as possible before destroying everything.

What's going on with this suspicion?

There is another doubt.

At about the same time, Eliza, who was originally lively and joyful, suddenly disappeared from her companion Qinghime. When she came back again, she was a very capable and mature female lord who was autistic and melancholy.

——That is to say

At this point in time, the first person Lu Mingfei and others met was not Elisa, but Camilla.

"That idiot woman can't do it, but this lady can do it!"

Eliza raised her head proudly.

"I'm the top star among all heroes! Everyone is either my fan or someone who will become my fan in the future! That's why I won't let that kind of guy with a black history come out and embarrass me. !”

general speaking.

Camilla, the Witch of Despair, was found by Eliza at the beginning of her outbreak, and then Eliza pulled her out and replaced herself.

Eliza and Camilla, although essentially the same person, had their identities switched at that moment.

No wonder the Witch of Despair has her own stereo and keeps singing! ?

Lu Mingfei was still complaining about it at the time, but he didn't expect that such a hidden setting existed.

Eliza felt extremely proud of her ability to suppress the Witch of Despair.

However, as the technical director, Leonardo da Vinci still had to explain: "You and Camilla have built a very subtle 'infinite possibility' relationship. In fact, it actually communicates with countless parallel worlds. Eliza, they all carried it together.”

Da Vinci paused and felt that this was not quite accurate, so he revised it slightly.

"Elizabeths from countless parallel worlds 'temporarily held back' the Witch of Despair. Originally, a great disaster should have erupted as soon as it came up, and Giorgios and Michael wouldn't even have time to activate the [Right Hand of God] together, but... Because of Eliza's random personality, the Witch of Despair's outbursts were in turn twisted into singing."

Not only Da Vinci, everyone was speechless.

Why does it feel like Elizabeth was not infected by the Witch of Despair because she acted too carelessly, but was instead infected by the Witch of Despair?

"Although despair is still spreading, because it is in the form of singing, the efficiency has dropped significantly."

Eliza became even more proud, with her proud dragon’s tail sticking out:

"As an idol, it is natural to bring them smiles and hope!"

"Although I don't quite understand it, it sounds like it's very powerful." Lu Mingfei couldn't help but applaud. Eriyi next to her also clapped her hands, "I would like to call you Happy Superman."

At this moment, Chu Zihang suddenly revealed the truth: "Camilla's despair is that her life has come to a tragic ending, but for Eliza, her despair is that no one likes her singing at a concert. As a Not only do idols have no fans, they are even hated.”

Everyone suddenly realized.

Put it this way, when the changes occurred in the Mediterranean, the Witch of Despair sang there, but no one liked her, and everyone gathered to attack her. Is this in itself the biggest and most evil despair that Elisa can understand?

Are you a funny character from which cartoon? ?

While Lu Mingfei was feeling emotional, he suddenly thought of something very important.

He slapped his head: "Huh? That's not right. Eriki and I came here to find Elizabeth, comfort her, make her happy, bring her love and hope, and wake her up, but who is ours now? Who are we looking for? Who are we trying to comfort?"


Eliza suddenly pushed Lu Mingfei's shoulder hard.

"——Didn't I tell you earlier? Producer! This is my dream!"

[Comprehension Difficulty: 50]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘understanding’: 1D100=14 (failure)]

Lu Mingfei felt that his brain cells were a bit insufficient. He felt that he was not that kind of cerebral character. Even if he watched a movie like "Inception", he would not be able to figure out what was going on because of all the twists and turns.

Eliza sighed, and she suddenly looked at Eri Yi with a somewhat apologetic look: "I'm sorry, your boyfriend will lend me some."

Then Eriyi, who was stunned and subconsciously tilted her head to try to understand Eliza's meaning, reacted and suddenly grabbed Lu Mingfei's collar, pulled him down, then gave him a hug, and returned the favor at the same time. As if playing a prank, he gently 'bite' Lu Mingfei's neck.

Then Elisa smiled and pushed Lu Mingfei away. The Eri clothes people next to me were dumbfounded. Bai Ye couldn't help but laugh, moved closer to Lu Mingfei and kissed her on the face. Speaking of which, this is Eliza's dream. Strictly speaking, everything here is Eliza, right? So this Hakuno is actually ‘Eliza who looks like Hakuno’?

"Producer-san! Are you a dull light novel protagonist? Listen up! Your mission has been completed perfectly. "Despair Witch" is very, very - very happy!"

The girl's smiling eyes turned into crescent moons.

Lu Mingfei looked at her blankly

[Comprehension Difficulty: 50]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘inspiration’: 1D100=77 (success)]

Perhaps it was the girl's hug and the hickey on her neck that suddenly gave him a flash of inspiration, and Lu Mingfei finally understood what Elisa meant.

Da Vinci was also very good at reading the atmosphere. In order to prevent Lu Mingfei from ruining the atmosphere by speaking nonsense at this time, he helped Lu Mingfei, who was not good at organizing language, tell the truth.

"The person who is acting with us is Camilla, and the one who is now in the body of the Witch of Despair is Eliza. Because of the exchange of identities, the five senses of Eliza and Camilla are connected together. For this person who has reached a desperate ending For a mature adult (Camilla), Wendy's action of obeying her fate and welcoming death will make her sad, but it will not cause her to go berserk. Therefore, it is not Camilla who really loses control and goes berserk, but Eliza. "

Da Vinci said earnestly:

"My dear concubine, just now, you and Eriki used your singing to perfectly complete the task of 'comforting'."

Lu Mingfei: "Eh? Huh? Wait, does that mean the strategy is complete now? Can I get off work?"

Good guy, in the end, the atmosphere was ruined by this idiot's foul mouth.

←to be continued!

Elizabeth's branch plot is almost over. All that's left is the final battle. This volume is finally coming to an end.

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