Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 920: Heavy Death

On the long porch of the black balcony, we sit with Checky and they look up at the stars, like countless times in Noah City, and we sit at the gates of the city watching the bright moon in the sky, and today, there is only a round of clean lang moon left in the clean night sky.

“What a surprise, you're both queens now!” The firecracker looked with envy at Sakura and me, and the snowflake in Snowflake's eyes was enviable.

On the other side, Laheus, Harry, Joey and Releaser, they were with Williams, Bill and the boys, and they had drinks in their hands, and they were laughing, and it had been a long time.

Sakura raised her chin with pride: "If you come to the kingdom of the stars, you are also the queen. ”

“You know we can't...” The firecracker seemed a little low, “We can't leave Noah, Noah is our home, now or in the future...” The firecracker turned her face and looked at Snow Snow Snow Snow, she had no expression on her face, pointing to her heart: “Noah had roots in our hearts and we couldn't leave. ”

Sakura looked at them somewhat lost and suddenly became quiet. When Sakura rarely had quiet, she was always as energetic as beating chicken blood.

“What's the matter? Sakura?” I held her shoulder.

She looked at me and looked at the firecracker and Shecky: “We only have four roses left for the end of the day, Mingyu and Asina are gone...”

Shecky and Gun Sister became awkward for a while. I laughed at them and said, "I'm fine. We can go back to Noah when this is over. ”

“Really?!” Gun sister and Shecky's face smiled again, Gun sister laughed and patted me on the back, "It's wonderful that you could put down the mustard between you and Asina! Ice, Elder Arufa is very good for you. He says that Ice will definitely come back. He will definitely come back. ”

“And I've been nagging a lot more lately…” Shigee's eyes raised a slight concern.

I lifted their hands and leaned against them: “I will go back and I will...”

We held each other together, in the quiet moonlight, as before, hugging each other, special warmth wrapped around us, banishing the lonely cold from us...

As dawn approached, Herrer took me to the gates of Silver Moon City, where Shay stood quietly in the dark with his low face.

Silver Moon City is gone, Cangyu is dead, and there is no need to interrogate Sayid again, or relieve Sayid of sin. For Sayid, Silver Moon City is her home, and Canoe is her maker.

“Thank you for coming. Are you sure you don't want to ask me?” Sayid asked with her head down.

I looked at her calmly: "Start over, Sayid. ”

Sayid looked down at the ground in disgrace: “I've lived my whole life for a contact, all my tasks came from the other end of the contact, but suddenly you killed someone on that end...” She raised a very faint, faint, almost invisible smile, “I can finally live for myself now.” She turned around in the night and stood quietly against us, flanking her face, "North Star, I admire you, but you killed all my kind, they are not robots, they, like me, after being activated, have souls, you should have saved them like you saved me, given them a chance to live, also become our North Star...” When she finished, she turned her face and started to step forward towards the infinite darkness before us.

I stood still, Sayid... like Chuksu... but she looked like a real person...

The darkness at the end of the horizon was suddenly torn apart by a ray of golden light, and Sayid's figure gradually disappeared into that dazzling golden light...

“Ice, don't worry about Sayid, you did the right thing.” Herrer's hand dropped gently on my shoulder, "Ice Dragon thought of himself as a human being, but he was just an artificial intelligence.

“No... it was my fault... they weren't bleeding, I thought they weren't human anymore..." My head buzzed, my swelling aches, I always hated Hagrid Jones for ignoring life, and in the end, I was just like him.


“I want to be alone...” I swung Herrer's hand, one step at a time, moving heavily forward, and I could have let those biochemistry life, but eventually I melted them in the biochemistry compartment as if they were just failed experiments. My mood was so heavy that I couldn't take any more steps, and I felt so guilty about killing ghosts in Crowe's ruins for the first time.

I sat down slowly, sitting on this barren earth, watching the pale light gradually drive out the darkness around me, watching the red sun rise from the horizon. That round of red days began to blur, turning into a blurry golden light that swallowed me...

In the shadows, I stood in the ruins of Valley City, in front of the familiar painters, they smiled at me, they stood around me, I was happy to look at them, they held up their hands around me, adults held their children, husbands held their wives, boys held their girlfriends, girls held their girlfriends, they smiled at me.

“Ice, thank you for responding to our call to give us a farewell. You can give us a farewell and make us feel really happy and perfect. ”

I looked at them with confusion and anxiety: "A farewell? What's going on?”

They smiled at each other, smiling only contentedly on their faces.

“It's time, Ice, we're leaving, goodbye...” They suddenly disappeared before me, one by one, like a broken starlight, dotted before me.

“No! No! No!” I jumped at them and only caught a broken star. Why is that, why?!

“Little ice, I'll leave it to you in the future -” Suddenly, behind me came the scream of my father, I turned around and saw the North Harbor in front of me again, a film separating me from the North Harbor.

Dredded parents and other scientists waved at me behind that film: “Data we have given to Lexus, this time is really the time, our fate should have ended 60 years ago, Blue Crystal Energy Stone fixed our time, now that you are going forward, we should also go forward...”

Why? Why this is happening —— ”The moment I ran toward that film, crushing it, the stripped parents and scientists turned into starlight, flying like golden foam into the sky.

I woke up crying with tears all over my face and a bright morning light in front of me.

Why is there a new world, a new life, and my heart is so sad?

All of a sudden, someone held me in his vague tears, drenched with tears that were equally painful, and stood beside him. And I plunged into the arms of the dredger, and wept with him in the bright and warm morning light.

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