Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 914 Digesting the Truth

“What is that?! ”

“Terrible! It's horrible...”

“I've got my cold hair up...”

“That is the parasite that gave Hagrid Jones immortality!” Lexus said loudly at high altitude, "It's part of Hagrid Jones, and together they brought the end of the world, and together they mutilated the Girl of Silver Moon City...”

“Turns out those missing girls...”

“Silver Moon City is always a legend of the disappearance of a young girl. It turns out that she was given it by His Highness Cang Yu and the monster, and ate it...”

“It's horrible...” the girls hugged each other and cried scared.

“We envied Jorah when he was chosen by His Royal Highness...”

“I didn't expect Jorah...”

“Did Jorah really get eaten by that monster?!” The wind seemed to be the reason to look back and look at me in white.

I nodded in grief: "Not only did I suck on her, but I also turned her brain into a terminal brain. ”

“What?! ”

“I have helped her out. I didn't expect her to love Cang Yu so much when she died. If La was too obsessed with Cang Yu, silly woman...” The wind lowered her face sadly in my words, tears of sorrow appeared in her eyes.

The image broke off as Lexus and they evacuated, and it was when Ura and I fought with blue whale energy that the powerful energy interfered with the signal.

The people who watched it all became silent, standing under the blue sky full of people, but the crows were silent, and a single cry rang intermittently from the crowd, the people of Silver Moon City, who either hugged each other or squatted on the edge of the crowd to cry silently. The others standing next to them sighed, reaching out and patting them gently comforting.

“Stop crying! Everybody's alive! You'll live better!” Suddenly, huge words sound, it's Harry.

Everyone wiped their tears and looked at Harry together.

Harry walked toward me every big step of the way. He was extremely careful when he set foot. He was afraid of stepping on the ground. His huge figure stood beside me, like another phantom: “As for the Ghosts, we had already cleaned him up! There are no more ghosts in this world. Ha-ha-ha."

“What is he talking about?” The shock rang.

“He said the Ghosts have been cleaned up! Are you deaf? He said it so loud! ”

“Are you serious?! Is it true?!! ”

“How is that possible? How could the Eggs disappear? ”

“Of course it's true ~ ~ ~ ~” Suddenly, the queen flashed beside me, he was surrounded by Herae, and the queen smiled at everyone, “Otherwise, how can our queen call the North Star? The North Star, the star of hope, is now our territory, and she, our queen, the Polar Star Queen. ”

Everyone stared at me, more, looking at the magic...

Herrer looked down at everyone: "Stop fighting, our enemies have completely disappeared from the world! Ghost-Eating, and that old monster are all dead! Now, here, they are all their own people, although they are the men of the Great Ghost King...” Herae pointed to the temple and Ya Feng and them, "but the Great Ghost King, the son of that old monster, is the son of Cang Woo, the father of His Highness Starling Chuan: Yiyang. ”

“What?! The Great Ghost King ends up in Silver Moon City?! ”

“Was it the missing Emperor Poyang? ”

“Yes, Your Highness! ”

“What the hell is going on?! Why is the Great Ghost also from Silver Moon City?! ”

“The Great Ghost King is not a real ghost eater!” Lang Xingchuan's voice rang again, and she looked around, "He hid in the Egg Race in search of their weaknesses, looking for an opportunity to destroy them completely! And it was the emergence of the North Star that gave him hope for the complete elimination of the Ghost Race! ”

I was kind of surprised to see the stars, the magic tricks, Harry and Herrer all looking at the stars, because, we know the truth, the truth isn't, but this time, the stars are lying for the sun. Once he was able to defeat his father by any means, Starling helped his father at this moment.

Me and Magic, Harry, and Herae looked at each other, and we decided, together, that this lie, we helped Xingchuan keep it hidden.

Starling Chuan raised his face and a giant spaceship was hidden from the air. It was the spaceship of the Sun Yang.

Everyone looked at the sky with amazement, the sun slowly fell from the ship, his expression stood beside the star river with tears in his eyes, suddenly hugging the star river tightly, the 20-year gap between father and son finally today, smoke dissipated in this late embrace.

Now is the time to reunite the hearts and minds of the people, the mistakes of the same time he has changed, and now the sun has changed the new sun, some mistakes, some secrets, so let it go with the wind.

The temples, the winds and the green ghosts, they also looked at the stars and us with gratitude and emotion, and they bent over to us, and we nodded and smiled at them, and tears appeared in their eyes, and they turned their heads to sneak away tears.

Again, I looked at Silver Moon City people in desperate need of new directions and hope, and Lang said: "Your Silver Moon City is still here and your Highness Starling River is still here! ”

Indeed, my words raised the heads of the people of Silver Moon City and sparkled expectations in their eyes.

I went on to say, "It's just that it's no longer that lonely temple that floats in the universe, it's going to be with us on Kansas, taken over by Yang, and the resources inside will be completely open and shared! We all live together in this sky! Together we rebuild Kansas and work together to revive Kansas--”

“Sharing?! Can we share Silver Moon City resources now?! Am I hearing this right?” Immediately, the Allied forces, not Silver Moon City, shouted with surprise.

“Wonderful! Great!”

“This news is so exciting! ”

“She's really a North Star! She must be North Star! ”

“Exactly! Only the North Star gives hope to the world! ”

“Renaissance Kansas -” suddenly someone shouted.

“Renaissance Kansas Star -” was immediately followed, followed closely and increasingly shouted together.

“Renaissance Kansas -”

Exciting high drinks echo under the sky for a long time.

Xingchuan and I stood in a huge man-made factory to handle the man-made people here. Other matters are arranged outside by Harry, Lexus, Magpie, Heraeus and Puyang, who will gather everyone together for peace.

Having just experienced the war and the chaos that Kansas has been in for 60 years, it is very difficult for everyone to calm down for a moment, and Lexius and Yang will distribute food to you so that you can calm down and digest the truth that we are telling you today.

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