I was sent flying. Intense pain spread throughout my body. I lay on the dirt road filled with water. I was resentful that the heavens didn't take me away but instead continued to torture me even more.

A big man jumped out of the car, and when he saw that I wasn't dead, he pointed his finger at my nose and swore, Tell me to die and get the hell out of here.

I saw him about to leave, struggling to get up from the ground. My left leg was bleeding along the outside of my thigh, and blood mixed with rain was flowing down my pants. Every step I took brought with it bone-piercing pain.

When the man saw me coming towards him, he raised his big fist and threatened to tell me to get the hell out of my way.

I begged him to pull me out of the village, and I did not want him to treat me, as long as he would take me out and let me do whatever I wanted.

The man looked me up and down, asked me who else was in the house, and when I lied and told him that all my family was dead, he pointed to the back of the car and told me to sit there so the dirt wouldn't dirty his car.

I limped to the back of the car and saw that he had a dozen pigs in his half-finished van. He opened the cage and let me in, saying there was no room for me except here.

At that time, I was just a lowly person who didn't have any shame left in me. I climbed into the pig cage and leaned against the corner as I sat down, emitting the smell of feces from my surroundings. At that moment, I felt that I wasn't living as well as these beasts.

The bumpy road made my body which was far heavier and heavier. I didn't know if I slept in the pig cage or if I fainted in the pig cage. I only remembered that it was already daytime when the man dragged me out by my collar.

He threw me to a short, fat man with a large mole on the side of his nose, "This girl is unpopular. All you need to do is to give her food, and she'll just hang herself."

That person looked at me with disdain and snorted. "You've saved me the trouble of putting on makeup."

As the man said this, he gave the man who bumped into me five hundred yuan. The driver curled his lips in dissatisfaction and asked, "What's so small about this?"

The person with a mole on the side of his nose only used a finger to poke my shoulder lightly before I stumbled and fell to the ground, "Did you see that? With this kind of person, I'll consider you lucky."

The driver didn't say anything and just got into the car and drove away.

Later on, I found out that I was sold by that person to Lu Wei, who ate people without spitting out their bones.

He fed me a cold steamed bun like a dog and told me to eat it quickly and eat it well before I started working.

I didn't know what he was talking about. I only knew that he and the two people behind him looked really fierce. I didn't dare to disobey their orders, so I just took big mouthfuls of steamed bread and stuffed it into my mouth.

I wasn't full yet, but I didn't get any more food. Chen Si, who was behind Lu Wei, grabbed me and threw me into the streets, along with a broken metal basin beside me.

When I heard the tinkling in the basin, I knew that I had become the most despised of all — the beggar.

I saw Chen Si not far away from me, but in a corner, smoking and staring at me. I had long ago lost the strength to stand, half-sitting, half-lying on the cold pavement, letting those unfamiliar faces pass by me, feeling pity or disgust.

I lowered my head, not daring to look at the crowd. I was afraid of those eyes, because they could easily shatter my desire to live.

Chen Si, pretending to be a benefactor, took out a paper shell from his clothes. The words written on it were unknown to me. He ordered me in a low and cold voice to kneel down and kowtow to the people who came by, begging them to give me money.

Chen Si had a fierce look in his eyes. In that instant of glaring at him, I thought of He Liming. I didn't dare to disobey him as I knelt on the cold and hard ground, kowtowing to everyone who passed by.

My body had already reached its limit. After kneeling for such a long period of time, my legs felt like they were broken. I continuously bent down and kowtowed, causing my eyes to feel dizziness, hunger, and pain.

A few times I lay down on the ground and thought how nice it would be to sleep like this. But I was afraid of being beaten up, so I got up a little bit later and kowtowed again.

The amount of money in the broken metal basin in front of me gradually increased. When evening arrived, Chen Si gave me a look and told me to go back with him. I knelt on the knee for the whole afternoon and rested for a long time with my swollen and bruised knees. I tried many times before finally standing up because I was too slow and was ruthlessly slapped on the back of my head by Chen Si.

I was dragged back in front of Lu Wei by Chen Si. Along the way, he kicked me a few times. Every time, I would be kicked to the ground.

I stood in front of Lu Wei, trembling as he counted the money in the broken basin. A smile flashed across my eyes as I took out a steamed bun from the casual bag beside me and threw it on the ground.

I picked up the steamed bun with my dirty hands and ate it with a mixture of sand and blood, the sand crackling between my teeth.

Lu Wei looked at me mockingly and told Chen Si to take me to test my body. He also said that no matter what, we shouldn't eat for free and that we shouldn't be idle at night.

Chen pushed me into a small two-story building built of old red brick, with a long, narrow corridor that separated it from many small rooms.

Occasionally a few doors opened, and I saw that the room was the size of a double bed. The whole room was made up of a kang, and in each room there was a woman wearing very little clothes. She was wearing only a baggy halter top, and the white flesh of her chest was half exposed.

When the door was opened, there would be men walking out. All of them appeared to be in their forties or fifties, or even sixties or seventies.

I looked at the way they were touching each other when they said goodbye, and that feeling made me feel disgusted.

In those doors that were still closed, the sound of a woman's moans and the sound of a man's breathing could be heard one after another, making me feel uncomfortable all over.

Seeing that I was walking slowly, Chen Si pushed me again impatiently. I was pushed into a room at the end of the corridor.

I took off my shoes and stood on the kang. Looking at the narrow space, I didn't know what to do. Chen Si also took off his shoes and closed the door.

Chen Si rubbed his chin and looked at me with a sinister smile. He approached me step by step. The look in his eyes frightened me. My lame leg unconsciously retreated step by step until my entire body was pressed against the wall.

"Come here." Chen Si suddenly grabbed my clothes and threw me onto the brick bed. He stepped on my body and sat me on the floor.

Chen Si opened his mouth and bit on my shoulder, causing me to scream out in pain.

Chen Si continued to bite me, bite my shoulder, and even bite my neck. However, every time I cried out in pain, Chen Si would let out a loud laugh.

I cried in pain as I begged him. I said I was in so much pain, please let me go, don't bite me again. I'm obedient, I'll be very obedient.

I looked at Chen Si's face, which was even longer and fiercer than Haliming's, and I didn't dare to resist at all. I let him bite my body like a wolf, and bite my lips in pain, because I could feel that the more I shouted, the more excited Chen Si became.

Chen Si untied his own belt with one hand and asked me to help him strip off his pants. Chen Si began to untie his own clothes and took off his flowery shirt. He also ordered me to hold him tightly in my arms and gently caress his back.

When Chen Si's breath landed on my face, he pinched my cheeks with his fingers and kept saying, "Look at your tender face. I have never played with such a small child before. You must be really tight."

Because of He Li-ming, I know more or less what Chen Si wants to do to me. Chen Si felt the inside of my leg and told me how lucky I was to be able to enjoy the pleasures of adulthood at such a young age. He also said that he would definitely make me never forget him for the rest of my life.

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