Xue Fan looked me up and down, then asked me: "What is your name?"

I replied that my name was Su Mo, and Xue Fan said that in this kind of place it was better not to use my real name. She told me to think of a stage name.

I hadn't been prepared for this before, so when I hesitated, Xue Fan said to me, "Just call me concubine. Now, court dramas are very popular, and many stinking men consider themselves to be emperors."

Anyway, all of this is just a code name for me. As long as I can find the person who killed my sister, whatever it is doesn't matter.

Tian Zhiming said to me, "Then you better listen to mom's arrangement. I'll go out and wait for you guys."

Xue Fan brought me to the elevator in the room upstairs. He stood next to a waiter, and then he heard through the intercom: Number 7, Guest Selection.

Snowsail said to me, Let's go.

My heart was beating really hard. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't nervous. I was afraid of being selected because I didn't want to receive those people, but I was also afraid of not being selected. I was afraid that if no one took a fancy to me, I wouldn't have the chance to go to a pure-color shop in the future.

By the time Xue Fan and I arrived at room 7, there were already several ladies waiting at the door. We had gathered five people in total before we were led into the room by a waiter.

After we entered, we stood side by side in a row, just like how ancient palaces used to select concubines, and were selected by the men.

There were three men in the room. The two elder sisters beside him were the first to be chosen. When the guests pointed them out, they happily sat down. Their bodies immediately stuck onto the guests like sticky candy, proactively rubbing the men's bodies.

The men beside them also enjoyed their touch. They poured a glass of wine for the two of them, and as they drank from it, their hands began to caress their bodies.

The other man who didn't choose, raised his hand and moved it between the three girls who were left over. Finally, his finger landed on my body, "This little sister looks so young? Is he grown up? "

I replied in a voice that I could not hear clearly: "I have become an adult."

I don't know if it was because my voice was soft that the customer wasn't satisfied with me, but he moved his finger towards an older sister beside me and said, "It's better if you come over."

The waiter waved at me and the other girl who'd been picked up, and we both had to come out.

At this moment, the voice from the walkie-talkie in the waiter's hands sounded again, "Room 12's guest selection."

Together with the waiter and my sister, I gathered another group of people and entered box twelve.

This time, the first person in the room pointed at me. "Is it good to sing?"

Last time, I thought it was because my voice was soft and the customer didn't like it, so this time, I suppressed the nervousness in my heart, my voice was loud enough for the guest to hear, "Not really."

I clearly felt that my sister beside me was secretly laughing at me, while the waiter beside me coughed softly in a very soft voice.

This time I realized that there was something wrong with my honest, direct words, but it was too late. The man pointed to another lady.

This time, I was eliminated once again. There was also that lady who was with me just now. She was also not selected yet.

I was both eliminated from the competition, so she didn't mock me like the others did.

I don't think her facial features are very pretty, but her makeup is very thick. It's probably to cover up her facial features, and her clothes are very revealing as well. But among the ladies, her figure isn't very good.

When she was brushed off again, she was a bit unhappy, grumbling about her mom as she ran to the side to smoke.

After that, I also participated in three more selections. In fact, I was pointed out by the guests every time, but I just didn't know why I wasn't chosen.

I went back to the basement to look for the snow sail somewhat discouraged. When the snow sail saw that I had returned, its face didn't show any sign of unhappiness, nor did it show any sign of reproach.

I asked Xue Fan, 'Is it because I'm not pretty enough that the guests won't choose me?'.

Of course not, said Xue Fan. In terms of appearance, you have an advantage.

"Then why didn't they choose me in the end?"

Xue Fan looked at me and meaningfully asked me if I had thought about why these men liked coming to this kind of place.

"Because men are born lewd." That's what I thought, and that's what I thought, maybe because the first thing I thought of when I met a man was to throw myself on a woman.

Xue Fan curled his lips and shook his head. "Although our consumption level is not as high as the Pure Jade Dollars and the Nine Palaces, we can still be considered to have done much more than the other members of our circle. We are only second to the two palaces." Most of the men who were able to come to this place weren't lazy either. As a man with a small achievement, he will try to play his role in society, such as a husband, a friend, or a good father.

Like many other young ladies in this line of work, Xue Fan also smoked and unconsciously fished out a cigarette to smoke. "Every man likes to come to this place, but after leaving here, they don't want others to know that they have come to this place, because they still want others to see them as a man with great social ethics and responsibility. They want to maintain their good image. However, this is precisely this sort of responsibility. The more oppressed one is by morality, the easier it is for the dark side in one's heart to jump out and resist. And this place is the epitome of their human nature and also the place where their dark side can be released. "

After saying that, Xue Fan exhaled a mouthful of smoke, "Now do you know why you weren't chosen?"

"Because I'm not coquettish enough?"

Xue Fan's hand lightly supported his forehead as he looked at me speechlessly. When that gaze landed on me, I felt a little foolish.

Xue Fan clearly lost the patience to continue discussing this topic with me, "Anyway, you have just arrived, you can think about it for yourself."

After saying that, Xue Fan walked away, leaving me sitting there alone, lost in thought.

I didn't receive any guests that day, and after the time it took for him to sit on the stage, he took me and another woman who hadn't received a slip of paper and left.

However, the eyes that Tian Zhiming looked at me with were not as good as Sister Xue Fan's. On top of that, the elder sister beside me mocked me indirectly. Tian Zhiming looked even more displeased.

After sending the young lady back to her residence, Tian Zhiming turned his head and asked me where I lived.

I said I had no place to stay. Could you arrange a place for me to stay?

Tian Zeming glared at me and said, "You can't even receive a single guest, and you still have the nerve to let me arrange a place for you to stay."

"You can put it in my tip and I'll return it to you."

Tian Zemin told me that he had sent a lady to Ketu for ten thousand dollars, which I would have to pay myself. In addition to the twenty thousand he owed me, I now owe him thirty thousand dollars.

Tian Zemin also warned me that I could be given a period of one month without interest if I was new here. If I couldn't get any more than one month, he would have to charge me with usury fees.

As for the food that would be given to him, that would be included in that.

After I agreed, Tian Zhiming started the car and drove me to an apartment building.

In this kind of apartment, there were nearly twenty families with one floor side by side. In front of Room 906, Tian Zhiming knocked on the door a few times. A girl about my age opened the door for me.

Tian Lu, this girl has no place to stay. Let her stay with you for a few days. When we find a suitable place, I'll move her out.

Then, Tian Zeming took out a roll of money and threw it to Tian Lu, "Tomorrow you will help her choose a set of suitable clothes. Then, Tian Zeming took out a roll of money and threw it to Tian Lu," Tomorrow you will help her choose a suitable set of clothes.

After saying that, Tian Zhiming turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

While tidying up this room, which was only twenty or thirty square meters in area, Tian Lu casually glanced at me and asked, "How old are you, for you to come out and sell?"

"I'm nineteen."

"I'm eighteen, and you're one year older than me."

I saw that Tian Lu didn't put on any makeup, and the clothes that were thrown outside didn't show any of them, "Are you still in school?"

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