Hearing Song Mo Ran's words, I was so scared that I collapsed.

"A doctor?"

"Of course I need to see a doctor!" Song Mo Ran said coldly. Without waiting for my permission, he started the car and turned towards another direction.

At this moment, I felt like I was going to collapse. I don't have any stomachache, if Song Mo Ran took me to see a doctor, I would definitely be found out!

"There's no need, just go home and rest. Going to the hospital is troublesome and requires waiting in line. We should go home and rest!"

I looked anxiously at Song Mo Ran, hoping that he would agree to me right away!

He reached out a hand to touch my forehead and said, "No, I don't think so. It might be food poisoning during breakfast, so you have to see a doctor. I have a private doctor, you don't have to worry!"

Hearing Song Mo Ran's words, I became desperate. How can this be? If he has a private doctor, then I'm going to be found out!

My heart grew more and more anxious and regretful. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have known that my stomach was hurting. I was just too stupid, I wouldn't even have found an excuse.

At this moment, another text message came in from my phone. It was still Li Rong's phone. I didn't dare to reply, so I quietly turned it off.

"Xiao-Xiao, how are you?" Song Mo Ran drove with one hand and took my hand with the other. I could feel that he was very concerned about me!

"I feel better, why don't we go home!" I pretended to be alive.

"No, I won't take your body as a joke. I have to see a doctor first. If you want to go home and rest, I'll send you back!"

Song Mo Ran's resolute attitude left me at a loss whether to laugh or to cry. I really am guilty. If that doctor found out that I was fine, would Song Mo Ran think that I lied to him because he didn't want him to send me to school?

The more I think about it, the more scared I am, the more my heart will beat faster!

Song Mo Ran's speed was also increasing rapidly. In this kind of situation, I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out and throw up instead!

"Song Mo Ran, I feel terrible!"

After holding it in for a long time, I finally couldn't hold it in anymore. I felt something raging in my stomach!

"Persevere! We'll be there soon!" Song Mo Ran's expression was as cold as ever without a single ripple. However, I felt that the speed of the car was faster than before. He nimbly retreated in the traffic flow, ignoring the curses of the other car owners!

I turned my head painfully to cover my stomach.

The instant Song Mo Ran stopped the car, maybe due to inertia, the thing in my stomach surged up with the car!

I frantically pushed open the door and rushed out, directly vomiting out!

After Song Mo Ran saw me, he got out of the car with me and stood behind me while patting my back!

My stomach spasmed, puking until my ears turned red!

I didn't want Song Mo Ran to see my vomit, so I forcefully pushed Song Mo Ran away while Song Mo Ran didn't leave. He stood behind me until I felt that I had vomited all over and my stomach felt better.

"I feel much better!"

I originally wanted to stand and slow down, but Song Mo Ran grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up. I exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

After all, this is Song Mo Ran's company, I don't want others to see our postures. After all, everyone knows, Song Mo Ran's girlfriend is my sister!

"Do you want to die? "Don't move!" Song Mo Ran frowned as he carried me out of the garage!

"My stomach isn't comfortable, it's not that my legs aren't comfortable. Put me down, I can walk by myself!"

I quietly tried to defend myself, but my body didn't dare to struggle at all. Song Mo Ran hugged me tightly, I couldn't break free at all!

"Don't move, just rest your head against my chest!" Seeing that he was obedient, Song Mo Ran's tone became gentler than before!

This Song Mo Ran gave me a much better feeling than the overbearing and ferocious Song Mo Ran from before. I subconsciously wanted to listen to his words and obediently stopped struggling. I rested my head on Song Mo Ran's firm chest and let him hug me!

I raised my head to look at Song Mo Ran's face. His features were clearly defined and close to him. I could smell a very unique scent from his body. At that moment, I somehow felt that I had a lot of support!

Ever since my mother went to prison, my sister and I had been relying on each other. My sister had also been my support, but in order to support me in school, my sister often went out to the night field, because this would bring me a lot of income. However, this kind of support made me feel very miserable, and I felt that it was all because of me that my sister was forced to have such a miserable fate!

However, the support Song Mo Ran gave me was very stable. Leaning on his chest made me completely release that kind of pressure.

However, such a wonderful feeling was suddenly shattered when Song Mo Ran walked into the company's building.

"Look, Director Song is hugging a woman!"

All of a sudden, I heard a small voice in my ear.

I was stunned and tried to get down from Song Mo Ran's body.

"What kind of woman is this? She's even wearing a school uniform?" She should be young, could she be Director Song's sister? "

"It can't be, I heard Director Song doesn't have a sister, right?"



As I walked into the elevator, I heard all sorts of voices. The voices made me uneasy, because I was afraid that people would know that I was Song Mo Ran's sister-in-law. What would they think of me then, how would they look at my sister and Song Mo Ran?

In the past at school, there were people who knew that my mother went to jail for killing people. They all called me the daughter of a murderer, and many of my classmates rejected me.

Therefore, I don't want to add a new scar to this scar!

Song Mo Ran suddenly stopped hugging me and my heart tightened. I raised my head to see his gloomy face. It was obvious that he was angry. I panicked and felt the surrounding air become cold.

He held me up to the women with their chattering mouths. The women's faces turned white!

"You guys can go to the Finance Department to collect your salary and leave!" After saying that, Song Mo Ran didn't spare another glance at those few ladies before turning around and carrying me into the elevator used by the CEO.

"Director Song, Doctor Chen is already waiting for you in the office!" Suddenly, an extremely melodious female voice sounds by my ear. I hastily raise my head to look at a dignified and beautiful lady.

"Understood, Secretary Li. For the time being, I don't want to receive anyone. If anyone wants to see me, help me to reject them!"

"Alright, Director Song!"

So this woman is Song Mo Ran's secretary. When Secretary Li saw me looking at her, he nodded at me cordially and smiled.

I awkwardly responded to Secretary Li and immediately buried my head in Song Mo Ran's chest.

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