I curiously asked, "Where are we going?" You don't want to sell me to the country, do you? "

Song Mo Ran frowned and said: "Silly girl, what are you daydreaming about? "The imagination is too rich." Then, he added softly, "Even if you were to sell it, who would dare to buy my, Song Mo Ran's, woman?"

The corner of his mouth twitched as his face flushed red all the way to his ears. He turned his face away shyly and looked out the window, not saying a word.

Song looked at me with a slight smile before continuing to focus on driving the car ahead.

The car continued to drive for another ten minutes before we finally arrived at a luxurious villa on the mountain. I was a little surprised to see a luxurious villa on the mountain side. I couldn't help but sigh and ask, "Is this yours?"

Song Mo Ran responded indifferently, "Yes."

The car followed the mountain road and arrived at the villa. The automatic door slowly opened and the car drove into the courtyard.

After getting off the car, Song Mo Ran led me to a room on the second floor. The window of the empty room was open, and the white curtain of the curtain was carelessly lifted by the night wind. The moonlight was shining through the window and onto the white piano in the middle of the room.

Song Mo Ran whispered in my ear, "Let's give it a try."

Coming back to my senses, I unconfidently shook my head. The last time I played the piano was a long time ago. It was so long that I couldn't even remember the appearance of the piano.

Song Mo Ran seemed impatient as he pulled me to the piano and sat down, saying: "Didn't you dream of being a pianist since you were young? "How come you don't even dare to touch it now?"

I turned my head to look at Song Mo Ran in surprise as I stammered, "How did you know …"

Song Mo Ran lowered his eyes. His fingers that were as sharp as bones danced on the black and white keyboard as he played a string of musical notes. It was Beethoven's gift to Alice.

He turned his head to look at me and said, "Xiao-Xiao, you can do it."

I looked into his deep eyes and bit my lower lip. I mustered up the courage to stretch out my hand and let my ice-cold fingers gently touch the black and white keys one by one. Listening to the melodious zither music, time seemed to have returned to the past.

At that time, Mom and Dad were still around. I was a piano level 10, and I received countless awards. Mom said that I was her pride …

Thinking back to the time when my mother, who had once regarded me as her precious daughter, was not my real parents, tears once again rolled down from the corners of my eyes and fell onto the back of my hand.

His ten fingers danced smoothly on the keyboard, and a melodious melody reverberated in the empty mountain.

At this moment, I was really happy. Because of the change in my family, I had no choice but to give up my piano dream, and even my valuable piano had to be exchanged with my creditor as a security to touch my beloved piano keyboard once again. I had to admit that at this moment, I was feeling grateful to Song Mo Ran.

Song Mo Ran's hand brushed past the corners of my eyes and wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes as he said softly, "Since you like it, then start playing the piano again."

Looking at his assured expression, I nodded my head. After a long time, I asked hesitantly, "However, how do you know that I like the piano?"

Only after a long time did Song Mo Ran tell me the truth. It turned out that a long time ago, he inadvertently saw me standing in front of the window of the music shop. He looked at me dumbly as I played the piano.

I said, "Why didn't you call me at the time?"

Song Mo Ran smiled and ruffled my hair and said: "At that time, I just met you. In my eyes, you were just a little girl at that time."

It's true that Song Mo Ran and I had a long story, but he didn't have any interest in me at that time. He bit his lower lip before I couldn't control my curiosity and asked, "But, how come I didn't know you could play the piano?"

Song Mo Ran looked at the piano in front of him as if stars were twinkling in the depths of his eyes. After a while, he said slowly, "This piece of music was taught to me by my mother when I was young."

This was the first time Song Mo Ran mentioned his family and his mother to me.

His father was famous throughout the business world for his ferocity, and his mother was also a well-known figure in the same family as his father. But unfortunately, because the marriage of family interests did not bring happiness, his father had always respected his mother, but during the marriage, which woman would be willing to let her man not have any thoughts about love at all? In the end, his mother took a sleeping pill and committed suicide in front of Song Mo Ran.

At that time, Song Mo Ran was only eight years old, and he stayed with his mother's body for two whole days.

Seeing the sadness and disappointment in Song Mo Ran's eyes, I couldn't help but touch his face and say softly, "Your mother will be very happy. You are so outstanding, but you didn't disappoint her."

Song Mo Ran turned his head to look at me and the grief in his eyes disappeared without a trace. He smirked and said with an evil smile, "Girl, are you praising me?"

I never expected Song Mo Ran's mood to change so quickly. With a blush on his face, he turned his head and repeatedly said, "Not at all."

Song Mo Ran extended his hands and tightly wrapped them around my body, his stubbled chin gently caressing my cheek. I lifted his hand and pulled it away, as I stood up in a flustered manner, but was grabbed by him. I fell into his embrace once again, and for a moment, I thought that I was done for.

However, unexpectedly, Song Mo Ran had a good temper. With a smile in his eyes, he whispered in my ear, "Xiao-Xiao, are you feeling happier now?"

Raising my head in a daze, my gaze falls on his starry eyes. I smile and nod my head.

Because of this song to Alice, the heart-wrenching pain seemed to have disappeared. However, I also knew that the pain was real, and could be touched and torn apart at any moment.

Song Mo Ran lightly kissed my forehead and said: "It's getting late, let's rest here tonight. I'll send you to school tomorrow morning."

The next morning, when I slowly opened my eyes, I was already lying on Song Mo Ran's car. The car chair had been flattened, and Song Mo Ran's suit was covering me.

Song Mo Ran was driving the car. He turned his head to look at me and said with a smile, "You're awake."

After propping myself up, I looked outside the car window and saw that I was already on the highway. I rubbed my hair in frustration. Why did I sleep so badly? I had been driving for such a long time and I actually slept like a dead pig.

Song Mo Ran looked straight ahead and said, "It's not like you don't know how to drive a car. Why would you wake up?"

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