After I heard the sound of my belt being untied, I felt my body sinking down and a man pressing down on me. A wretched sound came from his throat and he stuck out his tongue to lick my face.

As my consciousness became more and more obscured, I began to scream for help in terror and despair.

"Save me …" "Someone save me …"

The next second, I heard the sound of the door crashing to the ground. In less than two seconds, I suddenly felt light and saw Song Mo Ran.

At this moment, his face darkened and he grabbed the man who was rubbing against me.

The man yelled at him impatiently, "Who are you! How dare you ruin my plan …] "Ahhh!"

Before that person could finish his words, Song Mo Ran had already swung his fist towards them, knocking them to the ground and making them wet in the end.

At that moment, his imposing figure was constantly magnified in my eyes. My heart relaxed, and I lost consciousness.

I never dreamed that this man would come down from the sky when I needed help.

When my consciousness returned, I was in the car, next to the icy Song Moran. My sister was in the back seat, and when I opened my eyes, I could feel the heaviness in the air.

When I thought about how Song Mo Ran saved me, I suddenly had some unclear feelings towards this man.

As soon as we got home, Song Mo Ran's face turned stiff as he confronted my sister. "Shouldn't you give Xiaoxiao a reasonable explanation?"

Hearing this, my sister's expression changed, and fear filled her eyes. "I didn't expect there to be a problem with the wine, and there were so many people at the time. It's hard to tell who gave the medicine!"

The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she became. Her eyes immediately turned red.

Song Mo Ran didn't say anything and just carried my sister upstairs. As I listened to their conversation, I frowned and for a moment, I couldn't tell what was going on.

Not long after they went upstairs, my sister's screams came from inside. Shocked, I rushed up to her in a flurry, but the door was already locked and I could only beat on the door to death. "Brother-in-law!" What are you doing?! Let go of my sister! "

The only response I got was my sister's scream. I hastily went downstairs and picked up a chair to smash on the door. After a few knocks, the door was suddenly opened.

Song Mo Ran looked at me with a smile that was not a smile.

"What is it? You want to interfere in a relationship between husband and wife? Do you know of something called SM? "

My head was empty, my eyes straying into the room, but my sister wasn't where I could see her.

The next moment, I suddenly felt my waist tighten as my body stuck closely to Song Moran's. "Are you jealous? Or do you want to have a three-man fight?"

I knew that he was tormenting me, but I somehow managed to eat a turtle. Before I could do anything, Song Mo Ran suddenly pushed me back and the door was shut tight again.

Even after closing the door, I could still clearly hear my sister's pleas for mercy. Each scream was more ear-piercing than the last, like a million thunderbolts striking my heart, shattering my heart, making me lie at the doorway and cry like a dog.

"Please let my sister go!"

About ten minutes later, the door opens again. My sister and her things were thrown out of the room by Song Mo Ran. Looking at the fresh bruises on my sister's body, I was stunned.

At this moment, she was completely naked and her hair was disheveled. She glanced at me with hidden bitterness and ruthlessness, as though she was looking at a person that she detested deeply.

At that moment, an extremely strong thought flashed through the center of my mind.

Could it be that my sister already knows that Song Mo Ran and I have done that stupid thing before?

After a moment of palpitations, my sister got up from the floor and went downstairs with her things in her hand. From start to finish, she didn't say a word. My heart was in turmoil.

That night, my sister left the house after being tortured. I wanted to chase after her, but Song Mo Ran locked the password and forcefully dragged me into his room.

"If you follow her out, your sister will only end up in a worse state."

He was like someone who had been sleeping under a glacier for hundreds of years. His every move brought with it a bone-piercing cold. My heart shuddered and I shrank back.

When he saw that I didn't resist anymore, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face. He squinted his eyes, and his hand suddenly brushed against my shoulder before slowly descending. "Do you really think that your sister doesn't see that I'm interested in you at all?"

"You were only drugged tonight. If it was a strong aphrodisiac, you would have already stripped yourself and given yourself to those hooligans to eat and wipe clean! You have never considered the seriousness of this matter! "

I was stunned by his words. Why did he think that my sister was involved in it?!

To my surprise, his hand had already taken over my chest, forcing me to the foot of the bed. He propped me up on the bed with his hands and rested his knees on the floor. I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

I grabbed the lamp on the table and threatened through gritted teeth, "If you dare to do anything disrespectful to me, I'll smash your dog head!"

After saying that, I pulled up the lamp and swung around, struggling desperately.

But I was soon overpowered by him.

He grabbed my hand, and the distance between my lips slowly closed. When I was still two centimeters away from touching the softness, he chuckled and threatened me, "How your sister will be in the future, it all depends on your performance tonight."

His breath went straight to my heart, and before I could react, he wrapped his arms around my body and kissed me. I knew I was doing something I couldn't forgive, but when I thought about my sister running around for me, I couldn't resist.

I know that Song Mo Ran's words can make her go back to her original form. I don't even want her to experience the pain and injuries that my sister has suffered, much less!

I let Song Mo Ran play with me that night, he told me to open my mouth, he told me to wrap my arms around his waist, like a dead fish, he let me play with him, he released me in my body, I spent the whole night out of isolation, my mind was filled with memories of the terrible times my sister had spent.

This night we made love, I was forced to do it several times by Song Mo Ran, his skillful skills soon made me fall into depravity.

The next day, I woke up aching all over. When I opened my eyes, I saw Song Mo Ran. My heart missed a beat and I almost jumped out of bed.

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