Mom and Dad valued reputation the most in their lives, so what they were most afraid of was human speech. They had to be able to satisfy everyone, so they had to live a very tired life. How did they know?

It was as if someone else had discovered my secret. Panic filled my heart, and I felt as if I had been seen through by them.

Then my sister came back, and when she opened the door and saw me at home, she rushed at me and grabbed me by the neck. The strength was so great that I was beginning to lose my breath, and my mother and father were standing by her side, with no intention of stopping my sister.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, I worked hard to get you to attend school, this is how you repay me. People like you should die from the pain!" Her sister's eyes were bloodshot as she shouted at me.

I felt my heart slow down, despair spreading throughout my body. Why did the people I loved the most wanted to kill me, why did the people I respected the most just stood by without doing anything, and didn't have any intention of helping me. Was my life not important in their eyes at all? Am I an outsider to this family?

I didn't have time to think about it too much. I felt that my heartbeat had already started to slow down. My blood started to solidify, and my body started to stiffen.

So cold.

I don't want to die like this. I want to live.

"Smile, smile?" A warm, powerful voice entered my head, and I slowly woke up. Everything around me began to clear up, and I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on my bed in my room.

There were two people sitting in a small room. I was startled, but when I focused my eyes, my heart relaxed. It was Song Mo Ran and Chen Yi Yu.

Seeing me wake up, Song Mo Ran walked over and sat on the side of the bed. He looked at me with a worried expression and gently caressed my forehead with his bony face as he said, "Girl, how do you feel? Are you better? "

"What's wrong with me?" I asked doubtfully.

Chen Yi Yu explained from the side, "Xiaoxiao, you have a bad cold and fainted due to physical and mental exhaustion these days. You need to rest well next, and don't let yourself get tired again." Perhaps it was because of his professional habits, but Dr. Chen was always good at saying something that concerned him.

"Where's my friend?" I started to worry that Song Mo Ran would do something to Su Yiyun after I fainted.

Song Mo Ran lowered his eyes and my heart sank as well. A bad premonition spread in my heart.

"I'll take her back." Song Mo Ran finally replied. My nervous heart relaxed as he continued, "You don't need to go to school for the next few days. I will have Doctor Chen accompany you 24 hours a day for your three meals to be nourished and take good care of your body before you can go back to class."

It was just a small cold, why was Song Mo Ran so nervous? But since he had already said so, even if I objected, it would be useless.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Nine in the morning." Dr. Chen answered from the side.

Looking at the fatigue on Song Mo Ran's face and the dark circles under his eyes, could it be that he was here guarding me for the whole night?

However, even though Song Mo Ran saved me and took care of me for an entire night, I still felt tangled up in my heart. It wasn't because of him, but because of my sister and my dream of falling unconscious.

If my parents knew that I took away my sister's beloved man, they would definitely turn their back on me, right? I couldn't do that, although I didn't know when it started but my heart started to depend on Song Mo Ran, but he was my sister's man so I couldn't be so selfish.

"Little girl, in the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to go out after 10 o'clock." There was a hint of threat in Song Mo Ran's tone. I didn't want to argue with him, so I merely replied "Yes."

"Don't you have to go to work at the company? There's Dr. Chen here, don't worry about me." I said coldly.

"Then remember what I said." With that, Song Mo Ran got up and left me and Doctor Chen in my room.

When he couldn't see Song Mo Ran at all, Doctor Chen began to click his tongue in wonder. "Xiao-Xiao, I've never seen Song Mo Ran so concerned about anyone before, except you."

I lowered my eyes. At this moment, the thing that I did not need the most was Song Mo Ran's concern.

Doctor Chen saw that I was in a bad mood, so he left my room. He told me to come down at 12 o'clock on time for lunch, and I was left alone in the room.

I stared at the door, terrified that my sister would rush in and grab me by the neck at any moment.

After a while, my sister opened the door to my room and came in.

I sat up in bed in alarm, not knowing how to face my sister.

"Are you alright?" Elder sister's tone was very cold, but I could hear that she was concerned about me. The unease in her heart lessened as she lightly nodded her head.

"Don't go out blindly if you don't have anything to do. If you really die, then I won't be happy in time to burn paper money for you." Sister said in disdain.

Even though her words were a bit unpleasant to hear, I knew that she was saying the opposite of what I wanted to say. So it turns out that my elder sister still cared about me, and she didn't really want me to die.

Seeing that I didn't say anything for a long time, my sister was about to turn around and leave when I called out to her.


She turned and looked at me quizzically.

"Before... What I said to you... "I'm sorry."

Elder sister didn't seem to care about this matter. Maybe it was because she had been hanging around in this place for many years and had heard too many unpleasant words.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, no matter how awful your words or the words of others are, I do not care about these things. As long as you stay away from Song Mo Ran, we can still have a deep sisterly relationship." Sister said coldly.

I was stunned. If it was in the past, I would have been willing to stay as far away as possible from Song Mo Ran. But now, how is it that I can't even make such a simple request?

"I knew you couldn't do it." After leaving these words behind, my sister prepared to leave. In a moment of anxiety, I said, "I promise you, I will stay far away from Song Mo Ran and ignore him."

His sister's back froze for a moment. Without turning her head, she hatefully said: "Lin Xiaoxiao, remember your promise to me."

After my sister left, a feeling of emptiness filled the air. Was it because I promised my sister to stay away from Song Mo Ran that I felt so sad? But I clearly, hate Song Mo Ran …

"Xiao-Xiao, it's 12 o'clock, come down to eat," Dr. Chen urged me.

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