The moment he entered my body, it was as if I was struck from heaven into hell. It was as if my body was forcibly torn into two by a wild beast, making me feel a heart-wrenching pain.

"Yeah …"

I gave a whimper, and my body stiffened, all the muscles in my body tightening.

My first death was at the hands of my brother-in-law!

He suddenly put his hand to my ear and chuckled, with a touch of flirtatious charm. "How sensitive."

A wave of grief and indignation washed over me. I struggled, but the more I moved, the more pain I felt. I was held tightly in Song Mo Ran's arms and could clearly feel his transformation within me.

"Don't do that... Brother-in-law … Let me go! "

"Since we've already done this, even if we stop at this moment, it won't change the fact that we are tainted."

After saying this, I was actually at a loss for words.

He lowered his head and bit my lips. I was choking from his kiss, and my body kept poking at me, and I could clearly hear the awful sound coming from my throat. I covered my mouth with my hands, and my heart was in turmoil.

In the next second, he touched the most sensitive part of my upper body, teasing and ravaging me nonstop. My body unexpectedly reacted sensitively.

By then I had been taken out of the bathroom and forced into various positions, until I found a vase in the hallway and, gritting my teeth, threw it at his shoulder.

I shouted at him with all my might, "My sister is coming back! If he were to meet us, how can I stand in front of her in the future? "

Song Mo Ran grabbed my wrist and the vase in his hand immediately shattered.

Song Mo Ran's gaze was ice-cold as his lips parted to remind me once more, "We already have a substantial relationship and the person I like the most is you."

"As long as you are good and obedient, I want you to cooperate well. After graduation, I will send you to an ideal school to live a more enjoyable life."

My rationality was completely disoriented by his words. The moment I thought about the green hat that I put on my sister's head, a huge wave immediately rose in my heart.

I forcefully withdrew my hand and smeared a mouthful on the ground. I angrily gritted my teeth. I might as well be a pheasant! "

I pushed him away with all my might and ran into my room, my eyes blurry with pain against the piercing glare behind me.

I've been forced by Song Mo Ran, how am I going to face my sister in the future?

Back in my room, I changed quickly and stood in front of the mirror, looking at the dark strawberry tears that had somehow appeared on my neck.

My world was shrouded in darkness and despair that day, and the thought of my sister filled me with guilt, and God only knew how much I despised myself, how many filthy words I had used to spray myself.

I couldn't face my sister any longer. I pulled my suitcase from the closet, stuffed it into the closet, and changed my clothes. I put all my papers in my bag.

I quickly packed my luggage and was about to leave when I bumped into my sister at the entrance.

She pushed the door open and was in the middle of breathing into me when she bumped into me. She was wearing a dark green windbreaker covered with snow, and her eyebrows raised as she examined me from head to toe. "What are you doing?!"

My throat tightens. I pull my scarf around my neck and open my mouth for a long time before I say in a hoarse voice, "I'm going to move out."


Her body was startled as her pupils gradually shrank as if she had thought of something. Her face suddenly changed.

She took two big steps forward, reached out her hand and pressed it on my head. Her eyebrows creased, and her sobbing immediately came out.

"Why did I bring you all the way to the city to study? "Do you know that I've done all the shameless things I can to provide you and raise you, from skipping school and working part-time to seducing men with alcohol. You ingrate, you turn against me just because you say you're being raised? I'll f * * king …"

Her tears ran down the corners of her eyes, and her words stabbed my heart like a thousand knives.

That's right! My sister did so much for me, and I ended up having an affair with her husband …

At this point, I no longer had the courage to look her in the eye. My nose twitched, and I didn't say a single word of rebuttal.

She grabbed me by the scalp and slammed it down on the shoe cabinet, kicking and punching me.

"Dad, mom, you taught us to be self-respecting and self-loving when we were still alive, now you're moving whenever you want to. I think you found a man outside, right?!" What? after you've tasted a man, you become so hungry that you can't stand it? "

My sister was hysterical, and every word was heartbreaking. When I brought up the subject of men, my heart skipped a beat, and I even had the illusion that my sister knew I was having an affair with my brother-in-law.

She wielded a pair of high-heeled shoes and kept kicking, stomping, and even crushing me.

After half an hour, my body began to hurt, and I couldn't stop myself from making painful noises. Finally, my sister was stopped by a nanny.

The nurse shielded me with her body and snapped, "Madam."

"If you continue to beat her, Miss Chen will die a horrible death in your hands! Mister also came out of the study very quickly. "

After the nanny said this, my sister's crazy mood was somewhat relieved.

When she was finished, I abandoned my luggage and ran out. It was already snowing outside, and the wind was blowing in my face like a sharp blade.

I was running really fast when my legs suddenly slipped and I accidentally fell flat on the ground. I stood on a bus stop nearby and caught a taxi. The moment I got on, the heat from the car broke my collapse.

I covered my face as I started to sob. The young driver in the front row suddenly said, "It's fine. Just cry it out."

Hearing this, I hold in my breath and cry out loud. All of the grievances that I felt spread out in front of this stranger, not bothering about my image at all.

I cried for about ten minutes before my emotions calmed down. The driver looked at the rearview mirror and smiled at me, his voice as warm as the rising sun. "Little girl, our families are all connected even if we have to go to the ends of the earth. After crying, let's go home."

I felt a pang in my heart.

What if he made an unforgivable mistake?

I didn't say anything. He suddenly got out of the car and opened the door on my side, beaming. "The snow is getting heavier and heavier. I still have my mom to take care of today. I'll send you back."

I didn't refuse and let him follow me. Just as I reached the door, I bumped into Song Mo Ran.

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