"Child? "What about Cen Xue?" Helian Jue frowned as he looked at him, trying to find the answer on his face.

Helian Lie was momentarily speechless. Seeing his younger brother's anxious eyes and expression, he lowered his head and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Cen Xue, she's gone …"

Just a simple sentence was enough to let Helian Jue know the answer. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Looking at this haggard and tired man in front of him, he knew that he had done his best.

"Cen Xue, how did she leave …" Helian Jue did not know how he had uttered those words.

Helian Lie raised his head and looked at the blue sky, as if he was looking for Cen Xue's smiling face.

"Difficult labor, excessive blood loss, resulting in blood loss." Helian Shan spoke as if he was free.

Helian Jue spoke no more and only nodded his head. When the two brothers' eyes met, they did not need to speak the exact same words. The two brothers could already understand each other's sorrowful feelings.

Ever since he had ascended to the throne, he had been ambitious and wanted to dominate the Easton Continent. However, the strongest nation in the Easton Continent had always been Lou Lan Country, and he had led his troops to attack Lou Lan's Red Mountain City several times.

He had long since heard about the Black Wood Family of the Parkaiya tribe. In fact, he had already noticed her movements once she entered the region. Lou Lan's country was filled with spies from the State of Heaven, and any changes to the palace would have been known to him.

Before this, he had been worried that Black Wood Zana would join Lou Lan Country, but who would have thought that things would turn out like this? The heavens were truly on his side!

"My lord, I have just received the legend of the High Priest's Flying Pigeon." Xing AoTian's personal bodyguard handed over the carrier pigeon that he had just received.

Currently, Black Wood Zana was already a High Priest of Sky Falling Kingdom. She did not follow Xing AoTian in besieging Red Mountain City, but instead, she visited the northwest region and had them unite to attack the northwest border of the country, making it hard for them to defend against all attacks.

The entire tribe had been wiped out by the Lou Lan Country. Right now, she only had Black Wood Violet and a dozen of her subordinates by her side, so if she wanted to take revenge, she had to rely on an expert. As for Sky State and Lou Lan, they had never been on good terms with each other, so she had set her sights on them.

Xing AoTian looked at the secret letter in his hands. In truth, the contents were very simple. He had only been informed that she had successfully persuaded over a dozen small tribes to gather tens of thousands of people to attack the northwest border.

The corners of Xing Ao's mouth curved up in a proud smile, as if he had already seen his victory. He shouted out, "Pass down the order, tonight we will let the army eat their fill, then tomorrow we will attack the city!"

"Understood …"

Now that there were only 20,000 soldiers defending Red Mountain City and Helian Jue was not here, he had to take advantage of this good opportunity and seize Red Mountain City before the Eastern Wu Country's Nangong Jin arrived. He was the first to seal Nangong Jin's mouth!

Dong Wu had always been an ally of Lou Lan, and they had never interacted with each other before. Now that Nangong Jin had brought thirty thousand soldiers to form an alliance with him, he naturally knew what was going on in the gourd.

The army of fifty thousand from the Kingdom of Zhou was camped on the plains less than ten kilometers away from the Red Mountain City. The king had already ordered that the city would be invaded tomorrow, and tonight, good wine and good meat would be served to the soldiers to their heart's content.

Red Mountain City was built at the entrance between two mountains. The city wall was thirty meters tall (thirty meters), and the city gate was made of solid black gold, so it was impossible for the city gate to be broken open using ordinary methods. There was also a moat outside the city, and the water source of this moat was a lake not far away, which had nothing to do with the drinking water inside the city.

At this time, the 60,000 strong army led by Helian Jue was also on the way to Red Mountain City. As long as He Long led 20,000 troops to defend the city for five days, the 60,000 strong army he brought would arrive. When they combined forces, the 80,000 strong army would guard the city.

The King's Palace of Dongwu...

Chunyu Jun had been placed under house arrest by the Old King because he was opposed to the alliance with the Sky Sect!

Although they could not be considered close friends, they would not become enemies. This time, when Nangong Jin proposed to join the alliance, he strongly opposed, but unexpectedly, he was placed under house arrest, with Nangong Lie and Nangong Jin leading thirty thousand men to Red Mountain City to meet the fifty thousand man army.

"Your Highness, it's time to eat." An old eunuch who seemed to be of a certain age brought food into Chunyu Jun's room.

"Scram …" How could he be in the mood to eat right now? Actually, he knew very well just how powerful Lou Lan was.

Lou Lan Country had always been the strongest country on the continent, and its population was also the largest. It had always been known as the largest country with a population of over a million lions, but this was an exaggeration of the world. However, Lou Lan Nation's army must be over a hundred thousand.

The eunuch was in charge of delivering food to the crown prince every day. These days, the crown prince's temper was getting worse and worse. Every time he came in, he would not dare to stay any longer.

Not long after locking the door, it was opened by someone. Chunyu rolled her eyes at this person, but seeing that he was dressed in eunuch attire, she did not pay much attention to it.

The eunuch put down the things in his hands and walked in the direction of Chunyu Jun: "Your Highness, why don't you have food?"

A clear and melodious voice rang out. Although he was dressed in a eunuch's uniform, that voice just now clearly belonged to a woman.

Chunyu Jun turned and walked over. His face was unfamiliar, as if it was the first time he had seen it. However, that voice just now seemed to be … What if it was weak?

"Ruojian, is it you?" Chunyu Jun asked tentatively.

"What do you think?" The eunuch said once more.

However, this time, Chunyu Jun could clearly hear his voice. This petite figure did not resemble the figure of a palace eunuch, only that this appearance was indeed that of a man's.

"Ruojian, what kind of game did you play?" Chunyu Jun anxiously stepped forward and tightly held her hand.

"Brother Wang, if we don't play tricks, how will we be able to get in to see you?" She broke away from his hand and tore the mask from her face.

Beneath the mask was a delicate and pretty face with watery eyes, as if she could speak. Pure Yu Jun looked at his little sister and said with excitement in his heart, he had a way to leave this time.

"Ruo Lin, you've come at the right time. Tell me about the situation outside."

Chunyu Ruo Ai thought for a while, then said: "Elder Cousin Nan Gong and Uncle have already left for Red Mountain City with their 30,000 strong army. They have been gone for about five to six days, I think they should have reached their destination by now."

"What? You left so quickly? What about your second royal brother?" Ever since he had been placed under house arrest, he had not seen Chunyu Qian, that brat, come visit him once.

"Second Royal Brother, he has been busy these past few days doing this to save you." Chunyu Ruo smiled sweetly and played with the human skin mask in his hands.

So that's the reason. I thought that this fellow had abandoned me, his elder brother, but it seems that he was wrong about me.

"You guys have made some human skin masks, take them out quickly." Chunyu Jun was anxious to leave, he wanted to snatch the mask from her hands.

"Ai …" Brother King, why are you in such a hurry? It's already daytime, how do you want us to save you? Also, if we want to save you, you have to promise us one thing! " Ruo Ruo dodged his attack with great agility. Her expression looked completely different from before.

She had come with a purpose. Firstly, she wanted to save her royal brother. Secondly …

Chunyu Jun understood this pair of sister-in-law very well. He just wanted to follow him out of the palace, but this time he was going to the battlefield, not to visit another country. How willful!

"No, you don't need to say it. I would rather not go out than agree to your request." Chunyu Jun had his back facing her. He already knew what was going on before she even opened his mouth.

Chunyu unhappily pouted. As expected of her royal brother, before she could say anything, she had already guessed her purpose.

"Brother Wang, don't be like this. You have to think of the bigger picture!" Ruojian came up behind him and took hold of his sleeve like a child who had done something wrong.

Chunyu Jun usually doted on the two of them, especially the delicate one. Not only was she young, but she was the precious daughter of his royal father and mother, the sole princess of the Eastern Ou Country.

However, this little princess was getting more and more desperate. She still wanted to follow him to the battlefield, but she absolutely couldn't bring her along. If something happened, she would regret it, but it was already too late.

"No need to say anymore, I have already decided. Go, go back and tell your second prince brother, I will not agree to your request." Chunyu Jun firmly said. No matter what, he would not take his sister-in-law out to die.

Ruo Ling looked at her brother's back. She stood there for a long time without saying anything. Chunyu Jun let her go, but she refused to leave. She just stood there and looked at him.

"Big Brother Wang, do you really want to think this through? Are you really not going out? Are we really not going to save the day? If Tian Ye attacked Lou Lan Country, Tian Ye's next target would be Dong Wu. Are you sure you don't want to stop Elder Cousin Nan Gong? Do you really have the heart to see the destruction of Helian Shan's country and family? " Chunyu Ruo knew that his royal brother was soft-hearted. She purposely stood there without saying anything, just wanting to sharpen his royal brother's stubborn personality.

"Ruo Lin, you …"

This girl was actually able to see through his worries and worries, making it difficult for him.

Although Tian Ye did not have the strength to attack Lou Lan at the moment, there were only twenty thousand soldiers stationed in Red Mountain City, while the enemy had eighty thousand soldiers. If they really wanted to attack, he would have to be worried.

The scouts from Lou Lan had reported that they were at Everlasting Mountain and that he needed to rush back to the capital to gather troops. Time was tight, and he was afraid that Red Mountain City would be utterly defeated without a commander around to give the enemy an opportunity!

"Brother Wang, don't worry. I will protect myself, and I will take my 12 Steel Cavalry with me. With them protecting me, nothing will happen." Ruo Lin said firmly.

Chunyu Jun's figure wavered, as if he was making a choice or conflict in his heart, should he agree to their request or not?

"Ruo Lin, can you really protect yourselves?" Chunyu Jun asked hesitantly.

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