"Why do you want to find someone who has the bones of the netherworld and has made great progress in cultivation?" Chu left the moon puzzled.

If huageyuan is the emperor of the dark people, then xueshou (Madame Cheng) is responsible for collecting the ghost bones, and conducting experiments through the skeleton in Fu Hailu's tomb and Xuanyuan emperor's mausoleum, Chu Liyue can understand. Hua Geyuan wanted to prepare a suitable body for the return of emperor Haiyin.

However, why do you still need to find someone who has the bone of the nether world and has made great progress in cultivation? What will you do with them when you find them?

Mrs. Cheng shook her head slightly. She just took over the task to carry out, never asked those who are responsible for issuing tasks and rewards, why there is such a task.

Even now she is the Minister of inspection in the secret ministry, there are still too many secrets that she can't touch.

"The more famous your father is, the more worried I am." Mrs. Cheng had been ready for the day when Chu was found by the dark people, because Chu's accomplishments were really improved by using the finger bones in the box of the nether bones.

Therefore, when she sent back the ghost bones collected from the Chu family's network to the spirit clan, she got a lot of rewards, and one of them was to be able to enter the treasure house of the emperor of heaven to select a skill.

At that time, Mrs. Cheng chose a special skill to cultivate spirits, which was very normal for a spirit clan. The spiritual family has no body, and is born to be feminine. Only by constantly cultivating the spirit and making it as solid as the human body can it be regarded as the greatest guarantee.

But what Mrs. Cheng thought at that time was, in case At least it can keep the spirit of Chu. The power and means hidden in the dark of the spirit clan are really beyond defense.

Sure enough, in Feilei mountain, Chu's body was split into coke and could not be separated from her body. However, his spirit did not disappear completely. Mrs. Cheng used this skill to snatch Chu's spirit.

But over the years, maybe it was the thunder that hurt him. Chu's spirit was not complete, so he was still stupid. However, no matter what, at least his spirit was nurtured by Mrs. Cheng and never consumed. Sooner or later, his spirit will be recovered completely.

Hearing this, Chu Li Yue said in a low voice: "in fact, I also have a part of my father's ghost."

The reason why I didn't say it before was because I still had doubts about Mrs. Cheng's position and identity, and was afraid that she would be harmful to him if she cheated the spirit of Chu. Until now, Chu Liyue is sure that Mrs. Cheng is really sincere and true to Chu, and then she reveals the news.

Mrs. Cheng was overjoyed.

In this way, the two remaining souls will be merged, and the recovery progress of Chu will be greatly accelerated.

"It's just, what is the use of the nether to you?"

Chu Liyue always wanted to know this question, and finally asked it this time.

"The ghost is actually the origin of the spirit clan." Mrs. Cheng said quietly.

Heaven and earth are divided into yin and Yang, spitting out life and death. Life turns into various plants, birds and animals, human beings and beasts, but death also pervades heaven and earth.

The purest dead air converged into the spirit cloud above the Spirit Valley, and slowly gave birth to the black fog with divine intelligence, which was the infant form of the spirit clan.

When the black fog chases and devours each other and finally condenses into human form, it becomes a new member of the spirit clan.

Chu Liyue raised her hand and interrupted Mrs. Cheng's words: "why do you have to be human?" This problem has been bothering her for a long time.

Mrs. Cheng raised a smile and shook her head gently: "it's still such an acute child..."

She said slowly, "it is said that the former members of the spirit clan did not have to turn into human beings, but kept the shape of a fog. Even in the Terran world, most people could not see the existence of the spirit clan."

"Until emperor Xuanyuan worshipped the heaven and earth and realized the magic power, the Terrans had a way to cultivate themselves. They became masters of this continent from the grain slaves of the orcs."

"From then on, the cultivation of all non human beings can no longer catch up with the speed of human beings. Because the emperor Xuanyuan made a great wish to seek strength from heaven and earth and save the people in the fire and water. When the Terrans are strong, he is willing to return to heaven and earth and add vitality to the mainland. "

"That's why heaven and earth are moved by it, so that they can understand the cultivation methods of the human race. Since then, the human race has become the race of the aura of heaven and earth, and the cultivation method understood by Emperor Xuanyuan is only suitable for the cultivation of human beings. If you want to catch up with the cultivation speed of the Terran, you must first condense into human form. "

Chu Liyue suddenly realized that the reason why the dark race and the beast clan wanted to become human was not for aesthetic reasons, but for the sake of interests. Only by becoming human, can we get the protection of heaven and earth, and improve the speed of cultivation.

There was no emotion in Mrs. Cheng's voice: "the Heavenly Emperor of our spirit clan has been sleeping for too long, and the dragon of the spirit clan has been without a leader for a long time. Therefore, she was killed by the orcs, and finally had to stick to the Spirit Valley and the abyss and shrink all the strength. It was not until the emperor woke up from his deep sleep one day, put on countless cultivation techniques, and formulated various rules, so that the spirit clan took on a new look. "It was the emperor of heaven who handed down the cultivation skills!

The orcs mainly rely on blood inheritance, while the dark race used to rely on the racial instinct to absorb the most intense and darkest emotions of all living creatures as food to improve their spiritual strength.

It was not until the emperor of heaven passed down the cultivation skills of the human race that the dark clan began to practice.

It is no wonder that although the dark people are rebellious and selfish, when it comes to the emperor of heaven, they all maintain a respect.

Chu Li Yue is almost sure that the awakening emperor is Huage far away. Can you make a lot of things when you sleep with your eyes closed?

Only Hua Geyuan, the core disciple of tianxuanzong, the eldest brother of dinghaifeng and the first apprentice of emperor Haiyin, can he acquire numerous cultivation techniques and throw these intangible properties which are extremely precious to the human race to the dark clan!

I'm afraid he never thought about what it means for the dark people to practice? Or, even if he knew, he didn't care?

After Mrs. Cheng's explanation, she went back to the topic just mentioned: "the ghost bone is the dead gas produced by the spirit soul entering the abyss after all practitioners die and being washed by the water of the abyss. When the Terrans were born, their bodies were full of anger, but in their later life, they were constantly attacked by all kinds of stagnant air that drifted between heaven and earth. Only then would they grow old and die slowly. "

"So there is a lot of stillness and little vitality in the spirits of the dead. No matter where the Terran practitioners die, their spirits will enter the abyss and be washed away by the endless water of the abyss. Those dead spirits will gradually form into pieces of bones, or bone stones, at the bottom of the abyss

"The bones of the underworld experience endless years at the bottom of the abyss, and then turn into the purest dead gas, which flows into the spirit cloud above the Spirit Valley, and continuously cultivates new members of the spirit family."

Chu Liyue keenly found a problem: "then, before the Terrans began to practice, is there no Ming bone in the abyss? No new members will be born in Linggu? "

Mrs. Cheng nodded slightly: "yes, of course. But at that time, the ghost bones were completely dependent on the natural accumulation of dead gas between heaven and earth. Therefore, the birth speed of the members of the spirit clan was extremely slow, resulting in the plight of the spirit clan being short of manpower. So in the war with the orcs, they will be defeated. "

After the appearance of the Terran monks, it was different. Their bodies accumulated more or less mysterious power, and their spirits were moistened by the mysterious power. Therefore, the spirits after death were absorbed by the abyss and served as their own nutrients.

The members of the dark clan gradually increased and became more and more prosperous.

"So, for you, the Styx is the source of energy?" Chu Liyue is not surprised by this conclusion, that is, it is similar to xuanjing.

Mrs. Cheng nodded. Even so, but in comparison, xuanjing is much more common than the nether bone. Basically, the Terran practitioners can get one or two pieces.

However, it is very difficult for the dark clan to get one or two pieces of ghost bones for their own use.

In this sense, the ghost is much more valuable and rare than xuanjing.

Not to mention that after the orcs defeated the dark clan, they plundered a large number of the dark family's treasures and took away all the dark bones that had been collected by the dark clan for a long time.

Later, the orcs fought with the orcs, and the orcs became the losers, and they had to cringe like the dark clans in those years. The same orcs' treasure house was also plundered by the powerful Terrans.

Later, the Terrans celebrated their achievements and granted rewards, and many of them were carved up and left in every corner of the Xuanyuan continent.

So when Mrs. Cheng saw the content of the mission at first, she didn't find it strange. It was a very normal action to take back the spiritual treasures left on the Xuanyuan land.

As for the vessels of the nether world and the Terrans with rapid progress in cultivation, these must be the plans of the adults in the dark Department who have nothing to do with her.

Who knows, now it seems, it's too close to her.

Chu from the moon side of the side of the head: "you take back the Ming bones are handed in?"

"That's nature." Even if there is more alluring and confusing power, no one dares to do something to hide the ghost bone. As long as it is used, the dead breath emitted by the nether bone will be detected by countless spiritual families and will swarm to it.

Instead of being killed and devoured by his jealous kin, or he is found to be hiding his ghost bones and sent back to the spirit cloud, it's better to hand them in and get more rewards to exchange for the skills or Xuanqi they need in the treasure house.

Chu Liyue looked at Mrs. Cheng: "Fu Hailu's body is made of those bones?"

Mrs. Cheng's eyes darkened, but she still replied, "there is the skeleton of the Ming bone, the neutralization spirit of ahan tree, and the spirit of Xuling people."

"So, do you know what the emperor of heaven wants to do with the ghost bone?" Chu Liyue's eyes are fixed on Mrs. Cheng, trying to hear what she has in the end.

The smile on Mrs. Cheng's face is a little bitter: "moon, away from the moon, do you also think that" if you are not my race, your heart will be different "? Is it because I am a spiritual family, so you are very resistant to my existence in your heart? Even "Niang" doesn't like to cry? "Chu Liyue bit his lip and whispered, "I am not also a Spirit clan? "

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