Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 669 The Great War Breaks Out in the Western Continent

"The leading warship of the Vikings!"

"Kill them all!"

In the fog, the Viking warship encountered the fleet of the Grand Duchy of Moscow unexpectedly. The dense and violent rain of arrows and javelins covered the warship in the fog and nailed it hard on the deck!

Under the leadership of a tall Viking leader, the Viking berserkers engaged in a fierce boarding battle with the warships of the Grand Duchy of Moscow!

The Viking hero has a physique comparable to that of Harald. Even in water battles, his force will not be affected in any way. The battle ax kills a sailor, and the momentum remains undiminished. The blade of the ax is even embedded in the mast of the ship. , almost cut off the mast of the warship of the Grand Duchy of Moscow!

"Strange, monster..."

A navy soldier of the Grand Duchy of Moscow was frightened by the vicious Viking pirates, his hands trembling while holding the long sword.

The Viking leader pulled out his battle axe, walked towards the navy soldier, and beheaded him with one axe. The long sword flew upside down, and a corner of the blade broke off.

"Only by using bows and javelins can the Vikings be stopped! We cannot engage in side battles with them, or we will be torn to pieces by the Vikings!"

The captain of the Grand Duchy of Moscow panicked. Because of the fog, the scene he least wanted to see appeared-the Viking warship and the fleet of the Grand Duchy of Moscow had an encounter in the Baltic Sea. Worst of all, the Vikings People have launched a boarding battle!

The Viking Berserker has not yet actively triggered the berserk feature, and has bloodbathed the deck of the Grand Duchy of Moscow's warship!

In the Middle Ages of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the navy was really not very good, and it was far behind the Han Empire, which was a civilization on the mainland.

The warships of Viking pirates are also relatively ordinary, quite different from the real maritime civilizations of England, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, but they are suitable for the rugged coastline of Northern Europe, that is, they have special bonuses for fighting in the Baltic Sea.

The strength of the Viking pirates lies not in the warship itself, but in the terrible melee combat ability of their own fighters.

Once a boarding battle with Viking pirates breaks out, it means to fight hand-to-hand with Viking berserkers on the deck!

Even if Temujin's ninth-rank Khesh army had a side-to-side battle with the Viking berserkers on the deck, they would be crushed by the Viking berserkers, because the Khesh army's attributes would drop significantly in water battles, and Viking Berserkers don't, which is also a hidden feature.

In the entire western continent, it is estimated that there are only three civilized fleets of England, the Netherlands, and Spain, so there is no need to be afraid of Viking pirates.

The panicked fleet of the Grand Duchy of Moscow retreated in a hurry. In an encounter, half of the ships were lost, and more than 2,000 soldiers sank in the sea.

Black smoke filled the sea, and floating planks or barrels were everywhere. Hundreds of warships were burned or captured, and thousands of soldiers from the Grand Duchy of Moscow became prisoners of Viking pirates.

Ekaterina specially prepared a fleet for the conquest of Northern Europe, but it was destroyed by Viking pirates before it took shape.

The Viking leader returned from a bloody battle and reported the results to Gustav II.

"The Umus Group, like the Varangian Guards, is the elite of the Vikings. Your reputation will be spread to all countries through the battle to conquer the Eastern European Plain. Olaf, you will be my most powerful assistant."

Gustav knew the Viking civilization, except for the Varangian Guard established by Harald hired by the Byzantine Empire. In Northern Europe, the high-level Viking civilization arms also included Umus Viking warriors. They formed the Umus Battle Regiment, more numerous than Harald's Varangian Guard.

It took Gustav II a year to conquer the Viking hero Olaf.

"Olaf is willing to serve the king and conquer all lands in sight!"

Olaf I pulled out the blood-stained battle axe, his eyes full of awe for Gustav.

Viking berserkers were invincible in Northern Europe,

But Gustav used his firearms army to conquer many Umus Viking warriors.

"You went to attack the port of St. Petersburg, bringing fear and shadow to St. Petersburg. And I, personally commanding the Swedish Army, landed from Tallinn and met you in St. Petersburg."


Olaf commanded the Viking warship and sailed to St. Petersburg, while Gustav's ship landed in Tallinn in the eastern Baltic Sea.

This city was originally controlled by Ekaterina, but it was captured by Gustav not long ago and became a bridgehead for attacking St. Petersburg.

"St. Petersburg may soon be upgraded to a giant city. St. Petersburg must be captured before it becomes a giant city. Otherwise, St. Petersburg will become Yekaterina's stronghold to attack Northern Europe..."

Gustav was aware of Ekaterina's ambitions, so Attila's employment of him only intensified the conflicts between the original civilization areas, not just because gold and silver made Gustav tempted.

Gustav's Swedish Legion came ashore one after another. The Swedish Legion was composed of cavalry, pikemen, and arquebuses.

Moreover, Gustav has the characteristics of governing the army, and the Swedish army is orderly. After landing, they quickly regrouped and the army looked neat.

"Gustav, I didn't expect that one day, I would join hands with you."

Under the surveillance of the Hun generals, Grand Duke Vytautas was forced to join forces with Gustav to attack St. Petersburg. He brought fifty thousand Polish-Lithuanian troops.

"Your situation does not seem to be very good..."

Gustav discovered that Grand Duke Vytautas was under house arrest by the Huns, and Attila just wanted Grand Duke Vytautas's legion bonus to the Polish-Lithuanian coalition forces.

If Grand Duke Vytautas was not a legendary Grand Duke in the Lithuanian civilized area, maybe Attila would kill him directly and replace him with a new Lithuanian Grand Duke.

Grand Duke Vytautas showed a helpless expression.

He is already a puppet.

"Gustav, the Great Army of the North, has settled in Tallinn City!"

"Gustav and Vytautas, with a combined force of 120,000, march towards St. Petersburg!"

A legendary king and a legendary grand duke joined forces to advance to St. Petersburg. The army could not hide their whereabouts, and soon the news spread throughout the western continent!

The Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Golden Horde broke out in a war of annihilation, and the northern army Gustav also intervened in the great war in the Western Continent!

"The 400,000 Macedonian army and the 100,000 Greek city-states have all assembled. As long as Your Majesty orders you, the army will invade the Hun Empire."

The clerk Eumenes reported to Alexander the preparations for the Kingdom of Macedonia.

The Kingdom of Macedon covers the entire Balkan Peninsula and the Greek islands. For Alexander, the Greek city-states are vassals, so they are counted separately when calculating their military strength.

Among the Greek city-states, Athens is the most prosperous and has the most soldiers, while Sparta has the most elite high-level heavy infantry.

"How many legions did Rome send?"

"According to negotiations with the Romans, Caesar sent three legions, Pompey three legions, and Constantine sent four legions, a total of ten legions. In addition to the Roman legions, there are also special legions such as the Genoese Crossbow Legion and the North African Legion The strength of the expeditionary force is about 200,000. They also need to stay behind to guard against France and the natives from North Africa."

"I see. Two hundred thousand troops, they need to exchange their contributions for land and population."

The principle for Alexander and other Western lords to carve up the Hunnic Empire is also very simple-according to the principle of points, whoever gets more points and contributes more in the battle to eliminate Attila can also get more territory and population.

"Your Majesty, before you go out, you should guard against the enemies from Asia Minor."

Alexander's teacher Aristotle, at this time, took the initiative to visit Alexander.

"Teacher, the enemy you are talking about is the Ottoman Empire? But after Suleiman the Great was killed by the Han Empire, Asia Minor suffered endless civil strife. I should thank the princes of the Han Empire for solving my serious problems."

Alexander mentioned Suleiman the Magnificent, whom he feared.

The Ottoman Empire was originally ruled by a powerful figure. In the third national war, he died under the gun of Huo Qubing, a general of the Han Empire. At that time, it caused a sensation in the western continent and changed the pattern of West Asia and the western continent.

Aristotle was worried: "Your Majesty, never underestimate your opponent."

"Then I'll ask people to recruit another 100,000 defenders."

Alexander finally chose to follow the teachings of Aristotle.

One-eyed Antigonus, Seleucus, Ptolemy and other Macedonian generals asked Alexander to conquer him personally: "The king's army can conquer the world at any time."

Alexander got up: "I went out many times before and killed 50,000 elite Ostrogoth kings, but I still failed to catch Attila's main force of the Huns. This time, Attila must die without a place to bury him!"

In the city of Rome, the 200,000 Roman army used the teleportation array to transport troops to the city of Alexander one after another, and joined forces with Alexander with 700,000 troops to attack Attila!

"Scipio, I need points, the more points the better. There is a prop that can enhance the effect of the eagle flag of the Roman Legion."

In addition to needing to wage wars to gain land and population, Constantine coveted national war points.

There are some props that may have little effect on other civilizations, but have a huge boosting effect on some special civilizations.

For example, the props related to the eagle flag may be useless to non-Roman civilizations, but they are very attractive to the lords of Roman civilization.

Scipio and Scipio said faithfully: "We will capture Attila alive for the consul."

"Octavian, for this battle, I will hand over a Roman legion to your command."

In order to train young successors, the first Roman Emperor, Augustus Octavian, Caesar decided to assign a Roman legion to Octavian to command.

"Octavian will not let you down!"

Octavian was overjoyed. As Caesar's adopted son, Caesar had already valued and decided to train him. Maybe he could become famous in one battle and become a future Roman giant, or even a Roman emperor.

Caesar's generals Anthony and Lepidus felt complicated when they realized that Caesar wanted to train Octavian as the first heir.

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