"Alexander, as well as the Western lords, are negotiating to deal with us. The Xia King of the Han Empire has also joined their camp. But don't be afraid, the Xia King of the Han Empire, he can't bring much troops, only tens of thousands at most .”

Attila summoned his people, the Ostrogothic king Theodoric, and the dukes of several principalities to gather in the Hunnic Empire.

"Alexander, he killed several of my generals! Fifty thousand brave Gothic warriors died unexpectedly!"

Theodoric knocked on the round table to express his anger.

The leaders of the barbarian tribes present, in addition to the East Gothic king, also had several primitive Germanic, Slavic, and Celtic tribe kings. Mention Alexander, they can't help but change color.

Grand Duke Vytautas was forced to join the barbarian camp, and had to stand from the perspective of the barbarian camp: "We must try to get rid of Alexander, Caesar in Rome, and Hohenzollern in Brandenburg."

Attila listened to the Ostrogoth king Theodoric's complaints, and said solemnly: "I will have a way to deal with Alexander."

Whether Theodoric or Grand Duke Vytautas saw Attila full of confidence, he couldn't help being shocked.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth once fought with the Grand Duchy of Moscow and suffered heavy losses. Later, the Fourth National War began and was conquered by Attila. The Kingdom of Macedon and the Holy Roman Empire became the greatest enemies.

Whether it was Alexander or the Teutonic Knights led by Hohenzollern, it became a long wall and an insurmountable ditch to resist the westward advance of the barbarian camp.

"The king of Bohemia was killed by us, so what about Alexander?"

Attila tried to calm people's hearts.

The fourth national war is still more than a year away. During this time, he still has system bonuses. Otherwise, after the national war is over, he will not be able to surpass the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Macedonia, and his power will shrink rapidly.

Under normal circumstances, Attila really couldn't withstand the attacks of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Macedonia.

"Lord Batu of the Golden Horde is here!"

A slightly burly figure walked into the hall, and Batu, the commander of the Golden Horde, came to negotiate with Attila on behalf of Temujin.

"Isn't Temujin here in person?"

"We sweat a lot and don't want to conflict with you, so we sent me here to negotiate with you."

Batu saw that Attila had left a seat for himself, and the position of the seat was second only to Attila. Originally, this was Temujin's position. It can be seen that Attila attached great importance to Temujin, but at the same time, he was also determining the status of both parties, and wanted Temujin to be under him.

Except for Batu's seat,

There is one more vacant seat.

"Who else is not here?"

Batu gestured to Attila.

The two empty seats are both close to Attila, which shows that both of them are valued by Attila.

"Northern army, Gustav. According to the agreement, he should have arrived in Lara, unless he repents temporarily."

Attila is still waiting for the arrival of the commander of the Nordic civilization.

Even Attila was very afraid of Gustav, who had his own firearms.

"His Royal Highness King Gustav II of Sweden has arrived!"

Some bald, bearded northern lions arrived at last.

The Polish king present was not very friendly to Gustav, because Gustav wanted to dominate the Baltic Sea, and Attila also planned to give Gustav a piece of Polish territory in exchange for Gustav sending troops.

And Attila and several barbarian kings took the initiative to signal to Gustav.

"We people, can we win?"

When Gustav arrived, the first thing he asked was whether he could win.

"I think, as long as we cooperate selflessly, it will not be difficult to defeat Alexander, Hohenzollern, and Ekaterina. Gustav, if you choose to join forces with us, the land in the north will belong to you. "

Attila valued Gustav very much and offered to give land to him.

"I want all the land along the Baltic Sea, and a commission to make up for the tight finances. In order to calm down the Viking King, my finances are no longer optimistic."

Gustav II sat down and immediately asked Attila for military pay.

The military pay provided by Attila was also an important reason for the financially distressed Gustav II to send troops.

Attila pondered for a while, and finally said: "I promise you, the first batch of military expenses, one hundred thousand taels of gold, I will send people to your capital with a teleportation array."

Gustav II was satisfied with this.

In "The Lord", firearms are expensive. With the national strength of Northern Europe, maintaining a large-scale firearms army caused Gustav II a big headache. As long as the opponent has money, Gustav can even fight as the commander of the mercenary army, and at the same time, expand the influence of the Kingdom of Sweden.

Attila looked at Batu again: "Batu, Temujin occupies Central Asia, the Ilkhanate and the Seljuk Empire, can't they send troops?"

"They also have their enemies."

Batu simply responded.

What he didn't tell Attila was that even if they were defeated, there would still be the Ilkhanate and the Seljuk Empire as a way out, and if Attila lost, there would be no way out.

"Which city do you want me to attack?"

Gustav found that most of the people present were the leaders of barbarian tribes, occupying half of the territory of Europe, and they could fight, so he took the initiative to ask Attila.

"Capture St. Petersburg, and then come to meet us and fight Alexander and others. We try our best to take advantage of the cavalry and attack from all sides. Before Gustav captures St. Petersburg, we will pull with Alexander, Hohenzollern, and Caesar to lure the enemy as much as possible. deep."

"St. Petersburg..."

Seeing that Attila assigned himself to attack St. Petersburg, Gustav II acquiesced.

St. Petersburg and the surrounding area have a population of several million, and the occupation of St. Petersburg is equivalent to increasing the population of Swedish civilization by half.


The Swiss Confederation and several Western lords held a meeting to plan to suppress Attila and Temujin and end the Fourth National War as soon as possible.

Because of the relationship between Yekaterina, Chu Tian intervened in the strategy of the Western Great Lord.

He was observing Alexander's team.

Rather than saying that Attila is a powerful enemy, it is better to say that Alexander, Constantine, Caesar and others are the real powerful enemies in the future.

The Grand Duchy of Moscow represented by Ekaterina is the European military police, and has also deployed spies in civilized areas such as the Kingdom of Macedonia.

She has noticed that the Roman Republic intends to advance to the Roman Empire and implement the system of co-governance by three emperors to avoid unnecessary civil wars.

The tradition of Rome has the basis for the realization of the co-government of the three emperors.

Chu Tian noticed that Solon, the Greek consul behind Alexander, was equivalent to the Eastern Minister of the Interior.

Even if Solon's reforms are recorded in Eastern textbooks, Chu Tian is familiar with them.

In addition to Solon, there is also the king of Sparta, Leonidas I, who is extremely strong, with muscles like bronze, and a blood-red robe.

If the Roman gladiators were the most powerful group of fools in Roman civilization, then the Spartan warriors were the pinnacle of the Macedonian kingdom.

Representatives of the armed forces of the West, there are also heroes such as the Knights of the Round Table, the Varangian Guards, and the Three Great Knights.

The three hundred Spartan warriors of Leonidas I may be much more ferocious than the Viking berserkers of Harald's Varangian Guard.

Chutian's reputation in the West is not good. The previous two national wars offended England, France, Germany, Rome, and Macedonia. Therefore, Chutian will no longer cause trouble at this conference of Western lords.

Behind Chu Tian, ​​in addition to the fierce general Dian Wei, there is also Xiao Chuo who is a clerk.

Alexander has a clerk, Eumenes, and Chutian's clerk, Xiao Chuo, has higher attributes than Eumenes.

"I don't know what level of heavy infantry the Spartans are..."

Chu Tian saw King Leonidas I of Sparta, and then looked at the heroes behind the Roman lord, Octavian, Spartacus, and Scipio the Younger. These are all legendary heroes in the western continent, and some of them are good at commanding Legionary characters, and brash men who have nothing but force.

German lord Hohenzollern, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, behind them are the head of the Teutonic Knights and several heroes of the Holy Roman Empire. These heroes may have been German princes, some generals, or even the Kingdom of Bohemia in history.

"The princes of Germany are responsible for attacking the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Rome and I are attacking the Hunnic Empire. Ekaterina is attacking the Golden Horde. This is the specific marching route. Whichever legion wins first will go to the other countries. The road army moved closer, completely wiped out all the barbarians, and then divided up their territories."

Because there is a situation of co-rule by the three giants in Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire, Hohenzollern, who represents the interests of the German aristocracy, and Ferdinand, who represents the interests of the Austrian-Hungarian aristocracy, are fighting, so Alexander, who has no infighting, has conditional orders other lords.

The basis for the cooperation of various western lords is to carve up the land and population of the Hungarian Empire camp.

Hohenzollern and Ferdinand planned to carve up Poland and Lithuania, while Alexander exchanged part of the territory with Rome for an equivalent exchange, monopolizing most of the territory of the Hunnic Empire.

Ekaterina asked the west for land.

In the end, driven by the interests of territory and population, several western lords reached a consensus.

Macedonia, Rome, Germany, France and other empires and kingdoms are equivalent to the great princes who occupied one or two states in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and there will be open and secret struggles among them.

Regardless of Rome, Germany, or Macedonia, these lords are ambitious and have the idea of ​​​​unifying the Western Continent.

The lack of hegemony in Europe is mainly due to the fact that the nation is too complex, lacks a unified concept, and theocracy prevents the emergence of a unified secular feudal country.

"If you destroy the Golden Horde, you might as well send troops to attack the Hunnic Empire. We are willing to pay a price that satisfies you."

Alexander the Great, took the initiative to invite Chutian and Ekaterina to participate in the war with the Huns. He had an intuition that perhaps Chutian and Ekaterina would take the first step and destroy the Golden Horde.

If the elite army of the Han Empire and the main force of the Grand Duchy of Moscow attacked the Hunnic Empire from the west, then the Hunnic Empire would fight on two fronts.

"The Golden Horde, how could it be so easy to perish? Temujin was only temporarily defeated. The army he brought to the Golden Horde from Mobei was at least 200,000."

Chutian is actually not very willing to go west.

This meeting, in fact, had almost no impact on the actions of the Western lords. More importantly, how to carve up the territory of the Hunnic Empire, so as to avoid the outbreak of civil war due to uneven distribution of spoils when fighting with the Hunnic Empire.

Seeing that Chutian was not willing to go west to relieve the pressure on the Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander still had a relaxed expression: "Even without your army from the east, we can defeat Attila. But you have to be careful of Gustav, the lion from the north. "

"Alexander, defeating the Hun Empire, I hope you can hand over some land and population controlled by the Macedonian Kingdom to us as agreed."

Caesar, Pompey, and Constantine, the three giants of Rome, took the initiative to put pressure on Alexander to keep his promise.

Rome has no border with the Hunnic Empire, so it can only get territory from the Kingdom of Macedonia, and the Kingdom of Macedonia gets the territory that Rome should have belonged to the Hunnic Empire.

"I swear to God, I will do what I say," Alexander said.

The Big Three of Rome nodded.

As the arbitrator, the Swiss lord sat on the throne and remained silent.

He is just the lord of the neutral zone.

Alexander, Hohenzollern, and the Big Three of Rome, these are all the objects that Switzerland sells mercenaries or weapons, and none of them can be offended.

After the Western lords agreed to carve up the Hunnic Empire, they also agreed on the marching route and mutual purchase of weapons, horses, armor, food and other matters.

The plate armor of the Holy Roman Empire was coveted even by Macedonia and Rome.

Several big lords discussed calmly and did not fight. The Swiss lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost every lord brought a team of guards. If heroes such as Spartacus, Leonidas, Dian Wei, Harald, and the head of the Teutonic Knights fought at the meeting, it is estimated that this Swiss church could be destroyed. Torn down.

In the end, after the meeting, the great lords of the Swiss Confederation left the neutral zone one after another.

"The Swiss Confederation is in the mountains, and their legion is good at fighting in mountainous terrain..."

Chu Tian just paid a little attention to the Swiss Confederation. In "The Lord", the Swiss Confederation also has a population of two to three million. If it is a war to destroy the country, it can also recruit more than 100,000 troops.

It's just that the Swiss Confederation was caught between powerful civilizations and had to declare it a permanent neutral zone. Its legions, as long as the emperor or king was willing to pay, could accept employment.

In other words, if Chutian is willing to pay, he can also hire a Swiss army to fight for himself.

However, the commission required by the Swiss Legion is expensive, and only Western civilizations that lack population will care about population.

The population of Chutian's territory is equivalent to that of several major European countries. Hiring the Swiss phalanx is better than cultivating the army yourself.

Chutian and Ekaterina returned to Moscow.

"This is the estimated marching route of various soldiers and horses."

Xiao Chuo was brought by Chutian's side as a clerk, and he seemed to have accepted his fate, and was responsible for recording the documents so that Chutian could read them at any time afterwards.

"How Alexander, Caesar, and Hohenzollern marched is not important to us. We have only one goal, to destroy the Golden Horde. As for how to seize the land in Eastern Europe, it depends on Ekaterina's own means. .”

Chu Tian did not check Alexander's marching route again.

"Hmph, you don't even read the documents, why do you need to record them?"

Xiao Chuo found that he had done nothing.

"Sometimes, it's always useful."


"Chu Zimou from the east, I heard that his power is much stronger than it was three years ago. He will be a stronger enemy than Attila."

Alexander returned to the Kingdom of Macedonia, and hundreds of thousands of Macedonian and Greek coalition forces were ready to go.

"Chu Zimou, he is still unwilling to return the two eagle flags in his hand!"

The three giants of Rome returned to the city of Rome. After the meeting, Pompey asked Chutian for the two eagle flags lost by the Roman legion in the Han Empire, but Chutian refused to return them.

Of Rome's twenty-four eagles, only twenty-two remain.

"He doesn't want to return it, and we have nothing to do. This time we conquered the Huns, and we triumphed with our military exploits. Those guys in the Senate should fear us. Our Rome will become an empire and implement the rule of three emperors. Rome, will will become a great empire."

Constantine made an agreement with Caesar and Pompey.

Pompey, who originally planned to provoke a civil war in Rome, chose to compromise under the power of Constantine. After all, Constantine had generals such as Scipio and Spartacus under his command. feel good.

Caesar also didn't like the Senate: "The Senate should retreat to the background. In Rome in the future, the three of us have the final say."

In Brandenburg, Hohenzollern returned to the fief with the Teutonic Knights. In fact, he has power comparable to the emperor here.

"It's not difficult to defeat the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It's just that after annexing the Polish plain, our opponent may become Alexander, or Ekaterina, or France."

"Our German legendary heroes, Redbeard, Otto, and the older Frankish heroes, Hammer, Dwarf, Charlie, they haven't appeared yet, so it's not good for us..."

Hohenzollern, think more.


In the Golden Horde, Batu left the Hun Empire and returned to Temujin's account.

"Attila apologized for the failure of his brother Bleda, and used a large price to hire Gustav, the northern army, to attack St. Petersburg as our support. He hopes that we can defeat Ekaterina as soon as possible. , and sent at least 300,000 cavalry to help, he intends to defeat Alexander in one go."

Batu reported back to Temujin.

"Gustav, how is it compared to Bleda? Will Attila let us down this time?"

Temujin was tricked by the Huns last time, and he didn't have much confidence in Attila.

Batu said: "Please rest assured, Khan, it is said that Gustav has a firearms army, and his military ability is far above Bleda."

"If he can help us win, I can give him an extra commission."

Temujin came to the West and acted in the Western way.

Jochi walked into the big tent: "Great Khan, the generals have forcibly recruited herdsmen from various tribes. You only need an order, and a million cavalry will sweep the Grand Duchy of Moscow. This time, the Golden Horde has exhausted all its national power , if it fails, the Golden Horde will perish."

"Shu Chi, if you lose this battle, you can go and seek refuge with your younger brothers, and I may choose to take a risk, otherwise, we will never be able to defeat Chu Zimou."


In the Kingdom of Sweden, Gustav returned to the royal city and led the Jums Viking warriors and Swedish matchlock gunners to gather at the port. The port has hundreds of warships, including many Viking warships.

The first batch of gold and silver that Attila promised to support Gustav had already been shipped to Stockholm.

"Even the greatest conqueror can't accomplish anything without population and gold and silver."

Gustav made people open the wooden box Attila sent, which contained the gold and silver looted by Attila.

"I will personally lead the army, land at the port of Tallinn, march from land to St. Petersburg, and the fleet will be responsible for attacking from the sea. If I am unfortunate enough to die in the war, then Christina will become your queen."

Gustav bid farewell to the nobles who stayed behind in the kingdom.

Because of the existence of players, and players have never paid much attention to rules and order, so Gustav does not know, if he is killed in the war, what will happen to his daughter Christina, and whether the players will support her to become the real Queen of Sweden, Or replace it.

After all, the current Queen Christina is only five years old.

Despite this, Gustav chose to go out for the hegemony of Sweden, the gold, silver and land promised by Attila.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Christina will be the eternal queen of Sweden."

The nobles of Sweden repeatedly promised Gustav.

A minister of the Kingdom of Sweden said: "There is also a group of Viking tribes attacking England, maybe they can take England."

"The English have produced a large number of warships in secret. They have a large number of navigating masters, Canute, who is doomed to fail... If the Viking tribes attacking England fail, take them in and use them for me."

Gustav is not very willing to go to war with the English who have the characteristics of sailing, but the leader of the Viking pirates who attacked England is not an ordinary hero. Legion.

In the end, under the escort of a legendary Viking hero, Gustav boarded a warship and led the Nordic fleet to march towards St. Petersburg.

The Ums Viking warrior wears a classic Nordic helmet and is burly, just like the Viking berserker led by the legendary Nordic hero Harald that Chutian saw in Yekaterina.

However, compared to Ums Viking warriors, Gustav's real elite is his firearms army. He is the hero of the firearms department, and Viking warriors need a dedicated Viking hero commander.


On the islands of England, the legendary Viking hero Canute the Great led thousands of Viking pirate ships to plunder the coast, and Umus Viking warriors fought fiercely.

Edward, the Black Prince of England, led tens of thousands of English knights and English longbowmen. After the outbreak of the National War, he fought against Viking pirates for a long time. Once the Vikings approached the coast, they led their troops to encircle and suppress them.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the battle was very tragic, with tens of thousands of Vikings and Englishmen killed.

"The Vikings' pirate ships are plundering everywhere, and fighting with them for a long time is not good for us."

Edward, the Black Prince, has a deep headache for the Viking hero Canute the Great.

The Umus Viking warriors of Canute the Great terrified the English and attacked everywhere, exhausting the Black Prince.

In the city of London, the legendary English pirate Francis Drake, the English commander who repelled the Spanish fleet in history, was summoned by the English lord Charlie (game ID: God will bless you).

In the early stage of "Lord", England's civilization has no sense of existence. However, in the middle and late stages, the presence of naval battles has strengthened, and England is also quietly rising.

"The new Galen ship is already being manufactured. As long as the new Galen ship comes out and we try to get the bronze cannon, the threat of Viking pirates will be removed forever."

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