"Now you understand."

Xia Liang found out that Rou Fu Di Ji wanted to upgrade from a maid to a concubine, and turned her head to Huo Qing.

I thought again, it's time to train Roufu Diji well, otherwise Roufu Diji who is completely unruly might destroy the order of the harem.

"Barely acceptable..."

Unexpectedly, Huo Qing muttered.

Anyway, she already knew that Xialiang and Hua Mulan were related to Chutian, and it would be acceptable to have another Roufu Diji.

"You're not a normal person..."

Xia Liang finds out that Huo Qing is also a strange person...

"It's been hard for you to look after the house during this time."

Chu Tian slightly comforts the tearful Rou Fu Di Ji of Li Hua.

Thinking about it carefully, Roufu Diji is a special hero with some memories, which is equivalent to coming to the main world alone, with no one to rely on.


Chu Wu was the first to hug his mother, while Xuan'er waved to Hua Mulan in Joan's arms.

Chu Tian was a little depressed, why his son and daughter became closer to Xia Liang and Hua Mulan.

Chu Tian suddenly discovered the role of the hidden attribute Charm in the game system.

Charm is the attribute with the least effect among the five-dimensional attributes.

In certain situations, though, charisma can make all the difference.

For example, the personalities of Xu You and Lu Bu may not be liked by some generals.

Liang Xia and Hua Mulan generally have high charms, especially for children.

"Uncle General!"

Ma Yunlu waved at Chu Tian, ​​beside her were the slightly older Ma Tie, Ma Xiu, and Ma Dai, who changed their expressions slightly when they saw their sister calling Chu Tian uncle.

Chu Tian was depressed again. It seems that in Ma Yunlu's eyes, he is really a figure of the uncle generation...

"Your father, it will take some time for him to come back to see you. During this time, you are still living in Xia City, playing with your younger siblings."

Chu Tian deliberately asked Ma Yunlu to stay with Chu Wu and Chu Xuan. The hot-tempered Ma Yunlu and the Xiliang people's brave and aggressive character might be able to influence Chu Wu and Chu Xuan.

Chu Tian worried that his descendants would lose their martial arts.

Tiger father and dog son are not uncommon. For example, Liu Bei's son, Zhou Yu's son...

Martial arts should not be abandoned at any time, especially the upper class, otherwise it would be a disaster for civilization if it paid too much attention to literati like the Song Dynasty.

The corruption rate of Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Qing was faster than expected, that is, after becoming strong, they gradually lost their martial spirit.

Moreover, attracting Ma Yunlu is equivalent to getting closer to the Xiliang Group, but it is not bad.

"Well, I will protect my brother and sister."

Ma Yunlu waved his small fist very seriously.

Ma Tie and Ma Xiu are more sensible, knowing that only Ma Yunlu dared to say that because of his young age.

As for Ma Tie and Ma Xiu, they really dare not speak out like Ma Yunlu.

They represent the families of Xiliang soldiers.

Chu Tian went back to the mansion, and everything in the mansion was as usual.

"I heard that the Ming Pass in Liaodong, because the heroes and legions of the Liao and Jin countries descended there, they needed to divide their troops to resist the enemy, and they were very passive."

Chutian hadn't had time to take a good rest, and at this time the matter had already come to Chutian.

As a lord, there are almost endless affairs to deal with.

"Liaodong, do we have a chance to intervene?"

Chu Tian looked at Zhang Zhao who provided this information. As a moderate person, Zhang Zhao generally does not advocate getting involved in this chaotic situation.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhao said: "My lord, during the long expedition to the Western Regions, lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and captured tens of thousands of cavalry. The losses are still greater than the captures...My subordinates think that they should rest and recuperate."

"It's good to consume the strength of Mingguan, but the power of Mingguan cannot be destroyed, otherwise, Liaodong will become more complicated."

Chutian is not a bad person, he goes to put out fires everywhere.

Just as Lao Qin wanted to use Tuoba Xianbei to contain Chutian, Chutian also wanted to use Jin and Liao to consume Mingguan.

This kind of consumption must be within a controllable range, that is to say, Chutian must ensure that Mingguan will not be really destroyed, and he has the strength to deal with the hard-hit Jin and Liao countries.

Chu Tian's decision coincided with Zhang Zhao's thoughts: "This is exactly what my subordinates think."

"Okay, you can go down, count the list of casualties and soldiers, and then, according to the original organization, recruit soldiers and horses again. The captured cavalry will be organized into the Mongolian Army, and I will be the commander."

Chutian captured a group of Mongolian cavalry who were good at fighting, so after King Arthur's Knights Legion and Joan of Arc's Saintess Legion, he set up a new legion.

This legion is mainly composed of cavalry, and under Chu Tian's command, it can explode a powerful combat force.

Zhang Zhao went down, thinking that Chutian was going to "rest and recuperate".

However, Chutian still had the idea of ​​conquering Mobei and suppressing Tuoba Xianbei, so he did not discuss it with the conservative Zhang Zhao.

Within Chutian's forces, there are also the main combat faction and the farming faction. The main combat faction is naturally a group of generals, while the farming faction is mainly civil servants.

"Miss Qingqing, how about you live in the house next to the Lord's Mansion?"

Chu Tian considered Huo Qing's unusual status, so he arranged Huo Qing next to the Lord's Mansion, which originally belonged to Hua Mulan's house.


Huo Qing seemed a little dissatisfied, but still nodded.

Chu Tian thought that he could have a leisurely time, but the matter was not over yet.

"Over there in the Liao Kingdom, the generals of the Liao Kingdom that have been known include Yelu Abaoji, Xiao Chuo, Yelu Xiuge, Yelu Xiezhen..."

Chu Tian got more information about Liao Kingdom from Xue Yue.

"Xiao Chuo?"

Chu Tian faintly felt that this person was not easy to provoke.

The Northern Song Dynasty attacked Liao, and the orphans and widows of the Liao Kingdom insisted on defeating the Song Army's offensive, killing Yang Ye, and then aggressively attacked the Song Dynasty, forcing the Song Emperor to sign the Chanyuan Alliance.

The most powerful female hero in the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xiao Chuo must have a share.

Yelu Abaoji and Yelu Xiu are not easy to mess with either.

No wonder Mingguan is so painful, Mingguan still has a group of generals who cannot guarantee absolute loyalty.

Mingguan forces are all due to Mingguan's own strength and the use of the antagonistic relationship between the servants to check and balance.

The servant army of Mingguan includes Goryeo, Goguryeo, Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Jurchen, which is quite chaotic.

Chutian's power is not bad. At present, the three major servant legions, the Knight Legion, the Saintess Legion, and the Mongolian Legion, all have their own masters.

Of course, King Arthur has nothing to do with Chu Tian, ​​but he is in the same circle as a group of female generals.

A group of female generals are also building their own circle, and Hua Mulan wants to draw Qin Liangyu into the circle.

In Chutian's view, this is a rather miraculous thing.

"How is the progress of Lao Qin's attack on Yinzhou City? Before he made an expedition to the Western Regions, he had already besieged Yinzhou City. Doesn't he plan to capture Yinzhou City?"

Chu Tian was a little surprised by Lao Qin's slow performance.

With the strength of Lao Qin's Guanzhong Army, the strength of generals such as Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Yang Dayan, Gao Shun, and Wanyan Zonghan, and Qin Chuan as a supply base, Xixia's Li Yuanhao should not be able to withstand the onslaught of the Guanzhong Army.

Xixia's performance was not particularly ferocious, and they used the terrain to fight back and forth with part of the Northern Song Dynasty's troops, which could not be compared with the peak of Jin and Liao.

Xue Yue said in the player system: "According to the players who transported grain and grass for the Guanzhong Army, Yinzhou City may be running out of grain, and Chang'an has sent envoys to negotiate with Li Yuanhao."

"Could it be that Lao Qin intends to recruit Li Yuanhao?"

Chu Tian thought of this possibility.

Lao Qin and Ming Guan are playing with fire.

On Chutian's side, unless he was close to him, he seldom appointed someone at the level of a foreign emperor as the chief general.

Even Cao Cao, who surrendered to him, Chu Tian had always been on guard against him at the beginning, and often kept him by his side. Until now, Cao Cao has behaved very honestly, and gradually began to take charge of himself.

Gong Ziwen and Zhao Gongzi have now given up their military power and changed their posts to civil servants.

Gong Ziwen is currently serving as the governor of Youzhou, but not in charge of military power. Mr. Zhao surrendered late, and served as the prefect of Bohai County in Jizhou to clear the remnants of Liu Bei's forces.

If Li Yuanhao took refuge in him, Chu Tian would definitely deprive Li Yuanhao of all his powers, and the best ending would be house arrest.

"What made Lao Qin willing to take risks?"

Chu Tian thought for a while, Lao Qin took such a risk, probably because of him.

Old Qin obviously planned to take a gamble.

"The order is to let Yue Fei and others prepare for the battle in Bingzhou, prepare to break into the Xihe area, and wipe out the Tuoba Xianbei tribe."

Even though Lao Qin disagreed, Chu Tian also forcibly entered Xihe.

Expedition to Mobei, we can't let Tuoba Xianbei stay in Bingzhou, stab himself in the back, and if Bingzhou falls, the Central Plains and Youzhou will also be shaken.

"The subordinate understands."

Xueyue, who was far away in Bingzhou, looked at the Xihe area on the other side of the Yellow River. With a wave of her right hand, hundreds of scout cavalry crossed the Yellow River to infiltrate the Xihe area occupied by the old Qin.


In Jincheng County, the prefect here was replaced by Xie Ai, a white-clothed scholar.

Behind Xie Ai, there was a hulking young general from Xiliang who acted as a guard.

With his stability and resourcefulness, he was gradually reused by Lao Qin.

Li Si, one of the two civil servants of the old Qin forces, ordered him to monitor the Qiang tribe that was about to move here.

Li Si probably sensed what was going on, so he replaced him with the strategic Xie Ai.

Xie Ai's military strength is not high, but his mind is extremely easy to use. Li Si is more inclined to this type of wise general.

"After Ma Teng and Han Sui left the Qiang tribe, and Beigong Boyu was killed, no one could win them over. These Qiang people may be plotting to rebel."

"It must be suppressed before the rebellion. Mobilize the soldiers and horses of the surrounding counties... Wait, send scouts to monitor the Qiang tribe secretly, ask the Lord to dispatch the Guanzhong army to form a siege of the Qiang tribe, and then Suppress it, and don't leak the news."

"I want to go personally to recruit Huangzhong Yi Conghu."

Xie Ai summoned the officials of Jincheng County and explained his intention.

There are many powerful Qiang tribes in and around Jincheng County. Yi Conghu in Huangzhong was not an ordinary Qiang tribe, but one of the servants of the Han Empire. It was originally composed of Yuezhi people, and later added a group of Qiang people.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Beigong Boyu and Han Sui rebelled, and the main force was Huangzhong Yi Conghu.

After Han Sui left, some Huang Zhongyi followed Han Sui from Hu, and some stayed in Jincheng County.

When the officials in Jincheng County heard that Xie Ai planned to lobby a group of rebels with uncertain loyalty and use them against the Qiang people, they couldn't help but change their colors.

If Huang Zhongyi Conghu plans to rebel again, then Xie Ai is likely to be held hostage by Huang Zhongyi Conghu.

Han Sui was hijacked by the rebels to rebel...

"Don't worry, Han Sui has already been expelled, and Huang Zhongyi is in constant panic. Pang De and I can just go and persuade him to surrender."

Xie Ai didn't seem to take it seriously, and took the young Pang De to the camp of Yi Conghu who was entrenched in Huangzhong.

Huangzhongyi Conghu's garrison, a group of Hu soldiers were farming here as usual.

As early as when Xu Fengnian ruled Jincheng County, Huang Zhongyi Conghu was prohibited from looting everywhere.

However, after Xu Fengnian was driven away by the Guanzhong Army, Huang Zhongyi looted from Hu You, and finally, under the pressure of the Guanzhong Army, he settled down again, asked Chang'an for peace talks, and then farmed obediently.

This group of Hu servants still maintained a fierce and aggressive character, and they were a group of qualified soldiers. They rebelled not long after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, fought for several years, and their average level was not low.

When a white-clothed scholar and a young general came to Huangzhongyi Conghu's farmland, almost all the Huangzhongyi Conghu soldiers put down their hoes and sickles, picked up spears and ring-shoulders, and stared fiercely at Xie who came. Ai and Pound.

This group of soldiers is different from ordinary bandits. They were originally part of the army of the Han Empire, they belonged to the servant army of the Han Empire, and they were a group of servants who were more capable of recruiting and fighting.

The folk customs of Xiliang are fierce, and the soldiers are brave and good at fighting. Huang Zhongyi conghu made the Han court a little headache.

However, Xie Ai and Pang De were not intimidated by Huang Zhongyi Conghu's aura. They are not ordinary generals.

"I am the new prefect of Jincheng County Xie Ai, where is your current leader?"

Xie Ai scanned the group of Hu soldiers who were forced to farm.

A burly Yi Conghu commander walked out of a group of Yi Cong Hu, with knife marks left on his face from the battle: "What shit, thank you, I haven't heard of it."

"General Li Wenhou of Yi Cong Hu betrayed the imperial court and rebelled against Beigong Boyu in Xiliang. He was defeated by Xu Fengnian and returned to Xu Fengnian. After Xu Fengnian was defeated and left Jiuquan County, he did not follow him, but chose to return to his original place."

Xie Ai told the background of this person.

Li Wenhou heard impatiently: "Stop yelling, speak up, and let go of your fart!"

"Serving for the imperial court to suppress the rebellious Qiang tribe, the imperial court can reuse Huang Zhongyi to follow the Hu, and let the past be ignored."

"It turns out that the imperial court came to recruit peace. We, Huang Zhongyi Conghu, are here to farm here, and we don't go anywhere. In the past few years, tens of thousands of brothers have died. If the beating continues, Huang Zhongyi will disappear without a trace after Conghu. gone."

Li Wenhou just snorted coldly, not interested in Xie Ai's proposal.

Huang Zhongyi Conghu rebelled at the beginning for burning, killing and looting, but with the rise of the princes, Li Wenhou realized that Huang Zhongyi Conghu, his commander, was just a chess piece for the princes to compete.

Huang Zhongyi from Hu, once involved in the war between the princes, then maybe he will really be removed from history.

The tragic battle between the princes caused tens of thousands of casualties, and Huang Zhongyi could not bear such a loss.

"Don't the brothers of Yi Conghu in Huangzhong want to get rid of the charges of traitors, get promoted, become marquises and worship generals? Don't they want to loot the rebellious Qiang tribes, get property, population, cattle and sheep? Don't they want to get money from the court every year?" Receive the salary, plus the harvest from farming, to support the family?"

Xie Ai did not argue with Li Wenhou, but openly announced the court's conditions to Huang Zhongyi Conghu.

Huang Zhongyi looked at Xie Ai from Hu's mid-level and low-level officers and soldiers. Their eyes changed, letting Xie Ai know that the conditions given by the court were enough to impress this group of unaffiliated soldiers.

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