"Let's rest here tonight and speed up the march tomorrow to see if there is a chance to intercept Temujin on the west side of the Ili River Valley."

At the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, Huo Qubing urged the cavalry to speed up their march.

According to Chutian and Huo'an's orders to them, it would be ideal if Temujin could be intercepted west of the Ili River Valley.

No matter how bad it is, strategic deployment can be used to force Temujin to voluntarily give up the Ili Valley to avoid being annihilated by the Han army.

Taking advantage of this time, Wei Qing looked at the parchment map and estimated the time it would take to reach the Ili River Valley from here.

"If Temujin retreats in time, it may be difficult for us to stop him, but we can definitely join up with the lord and others, occupy the Ili River Valley, and then set up fortresses in the valley, which can be attacked by advance and defended by retreat."

Wei Qing probably deduced the time, then shook his head.

Temujin was also driven by players and war hawks, so it was not easy to intercept Temujin who was determined to retreat.

Huo Qubing walked over, biting a piece of dried mutton: "It depends on the destiny to do one's best."

"That's right, do your best, look at the destiny, and see if the lord can hit Temujin hard."

Wei Qing put away the parchment map and looked at the majestic Tianshan Mountains.

At night, Temujin really led cavalry and a large number of servants to attack the camp of the Han army, trying to rescue Chagatai who was besieged in Ali Mali!

Anticipating Temujin's actions, the Han army set up defenses outside the city of Alimari according to Sun Bin's deployment, and fought with Temujin's cavalry!

Temujin was divided into three armies. He, Timur, and Krasu each led an army to attack the Han army's camp. There were falsehoods and realities, which reduced the effect of the Han army's ambush on it.

Even if Temujin knew there was an ambush by the Han army, he still had to try to rescue Chagatai, because Chagatai was his son!

There was a big battle outside the city, but Chaghatai, located in the city of Alimari, saw a fire dragon forming outside the city, and more than 100,000 soldiers holding torches were fighting, knowing that Temujin came to rescue him.

This is the only chance to escape!

"Soldiers, Alimari has become a dead city. We can only survive if we break through the siege. Otherwise, we will be destroyed together with Alimari."

"The Great Khan came to meet us, everyone should fight hard to kill the enemy and fight with me. As for Ali Mali, we will make a comeback! Even if it takes ten years to establish the Khanate again, the Khanate will still be established in the ruins, It's going to be even bigger!"

Chagatai drew out his saber and expressed his ambitions!

Dozens of households and thousands of households in the Chagatai Khanate pulled out their sabers at the same time and got on their horses!

Behind Chagatai and the generals of the Chagatai Khanate, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Chagatai Khanate are ready!

"Life or death, tonight!"

The north gate of the Chagatai Khanate opened with a bang, and the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate, led by tens of thousands of households, galloped out!

The Seljuk Empire was defeated by Wo Kuotai, Meng Ge, and Yelu Dashi, and the second Sultan of the Seljuk Empire was forced to flee.

In the Chagatai Khanate, Chagatai faced the fate of Arp of the Seljuk Empire!

The servants of the Wusun Kingdom outside the city seemed to be unprepared, and they were attacked by the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate, which was more elite than them.

Hundreds of riders were killed, and they rushed forward.

"More fragile than imagined!"

As the vanguard, Wanhu of the Chagatai Khanate broke into the servant army of the Wusun Kingdom and found that the cavalry of the Wusun Kingdom were vulnerable.

"Don't waste time, join the Great Khan!"

After Chagatai found that breaking through the siege was easier than expected, he led the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate to quickly approach Temujin.

Suddenly, there was a flash of fire in the darkness, and a pungent smell came!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Intensive matchlock guns sounded, lead bullets could not be seen in the dark, and a row of cavalry from the Chagatai Khanate fell to the ground!

All Chagatai Khanate cavalry panicked.

This almost defenseless attack makes everyone feel afraid!

The cavalry of the Wusun Kingdom who had escaped immediately counterattacked and shot at the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate with their horn bows!

In the dark, arrows are equally deadly, and from time to time cavalrymen of the Chagatai Khanate were shot and fell off their horses!

"Follow me to blaze a trail and clear the way for Khan!"

Holding a spear, ten thousand households of the khanate led the cavalry of their headquarters to charge in the direction where Temujin and the Han army were fighting, intending to save Chagatai and make a military exploit!

In this way, once reunited with Temujin, he can climb to a higher position!


Chagatai was also in a hurry. It was obvious that the Han army had ambushed long ago. The frightening Shenji Battalion aimed at the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate with the help of fire, and reaped the lives of the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate. The cavalry of the Wusun Kingdom are also trying their best to prevent the Chagatai Khanate from escaping!

The initial defeat of the cavalry of the Wusun Kingdom was only to lure the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate into an ambush!

Wusun Kingdom is acting again!

Wanhu, who was in the vanguard, moved forward all the way. Suddenly, the horse was tripped by the bridle rope, and the body of Wanhu of the Chagatai Khanate fell off the horse and fell heavily to the ground!

In the darkness, the crossbows and arrows were fired, and Tian Ji led a small group of Wusun cavalry led by Ma Yuan to shoot and kill the Chagatai cavalry who wanted to escape!

Tian Ji and Ma Yuan are temporarily the generals of the reserve team in the formation of the Guards.

Outside the gates of Alimari City, there are all ambushes. Once Chagatai breaks through, a broken army will attract Chagatai, and then ambushes will spread everywhere!

The thousands of households of the Chagatai Khanate who were left behind by the tripping horses were shot and killed by the Han army and the archers of the Wusun Kingdom with random arrows before they could get up from the ground!

The cavalry of its headquarters, under the intensive shooting of arrows, were killed and wounded everywhere!

Holding the saber in his hand, Chahetai looked around, shouting and killing everywhere, no one knew where there was no ambush.

"According to the established direction, forcibly break through!"

In addition to breaking out at all costs, Chagatai has no other way.

Alimari was a huge city anyway, and the Han army had a limited number of people. If they fought against Temujin at the same time and had to block all the city gates, then there must not be many people ambushing at each gate.

Chagatai's judgment was quite correct. The Han army outside the city was trying its best to block the Chagatai Khanate's cavalry assault.

Chagatai's cavalry rushed all the way. In the narrow ditch outside the city, they were fired by the Shenji Battalion, killing and wounding thousands of people. Then, they encountered crossbow fire from the Wusun Kingdom's archers and the Qi martial arts team.

However, Chagatai is still breaking through, using the cavalry of the former Chagatai Khanate as cannon fodder to clear the way for itself!

As long as you escape from birth, even if you sacrifice a group of cavalry from the Chagatai Khanate, then it's nothing.

"Chagatai breaks through the North City Gate!"

"Go and intercept immediately!"

Knowing the escape direction of Chagatai, Chu Tian immediately mobilized the cavalry ambushed in other directions, went to the north gate to intercept, and tried to leave Chagatai behind!

Once Chagatai escapes, the future will be very difficult.

After all, Chagatai was also a khan of a khanate.

The rest of the lords are also dispatching troops.

In order to rescue Chagatai, Temujin attacked the Han army extremely fiercely. The Han army relied on fortifications such as camps and arrow towers built by Li Jie and other craftsmen, so they blocked Temujin with a small force.

Temujin personally commanded the cavalry to attack the defense line of the Han army, and tried to rescue Chagatai while fighting in the dark.

Timur cooperated with Temujin, and he attacked the Guanzhong army of Jiujiu Lao Qin.

Timur's cavalry was equally fearsome, putting great pressure on the old Qin's Guanzhong Army.

"The momentum on the other side is not like that of Temujin, but why are my subordinates so seriously injured?"

Lao Qin shrunk his line of defense, still firmly blocking Timur's attack.

In order to make military exploits in front of Temujin, Timur personally stepped forward to supervise the battle and boost morale!

Timur's cavalry offensive became more and more fierce!

"Chagatai Khan, I have already restrained enough soldiers and horses for you. Whether you can break out of the siege depends on your luck!"

Timur even held the spear himself and charged the Guanzhong Army's defense line. After assassinating a Qin Rui soldier, he retreated to give space to the cavalry who charged from behind.

The fighting on both sides was quite brutal.

In order to free up more troops to intercept Chagatai, the Han army had fewer troops to resist Temujin.

The cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate had stepped through the trenches dug by the Han army. Many cavalry fell into the trenches, and the cavalry behind almost trampled on the corpses of the former and rushed out of the encirclement!

Tian Ji and Ma Yuan only had a small group of Qi Wushu and 10,000 Usun cavalry. Facing the tens of thousands of Chagatai Khanate cavalry who fought to death, they could not block it.

The Shenji Battalion was deployed in the trench area, and had shot and killed about two to three thousand Chagatai Khanate cavalry, but could not compete with the cavalry in speed.

At this time, King Wusun and Ban Chao led a team of cavalry to kill from the side. Without a word, they broke into the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate and cut off the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate!

"Don't shoot arrows, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure the friendly army, let's go forward and fight hand-to-hand!"

Ma Yuan stopped Tian Ji, mounted his horse with Tian Ji, cooperated with King Wusun and Ban Chao, and attacked the cavalry of Chagatai Khanate!


Chagatai found that if he didn't retreat as soon as possible, then the Han army would have more and more cavalry, and sooner or later all his cavalry would be wiped out!

In the melee at night, Chagatai could no longer control so many troops, and the worst situation appeared-every thousand or ten thousand households fought on their own.

Chagatai had no choice but to lead thousands of elite cavalry around him to break out to the west.

To the west, Qin Liangyu led the white pole soldiers to support the north gate on foot.

In the darkness, the sound of horseshoes sounded, and Qin Liangyu ordered the white soldiers to stop advancing, relying on the terrain, and formed a temporary formation.

"This is the enemy army!"

When the cavalry in the vanguard passed by with torches in the dark, Qin Liangyu discovered that this cavalry was the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate.

"All the soldiers obey the order and follow me to kill the enemy!"

After Qin Liangyu realized that it was the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate, he didn't care how many people Chagatai had around him. Now the morale of the Chagatai Khanate has dropped and they are eager to flee for their lives. No matter how many troops there are on both sides, when they encounter the Han army, their first reaction is to flee for their lives.

Therefore, at this time, the comparison of troops is not important!

Qin Liangyu and the white-armed soldiers with long spears rushed down from a high place on foot to attack the flanks of the Chagatai cavalry!

The cavalry in Chagatai did not expect that there was a group of infantry hidden in the darkness, and they were suddenly attacked by white soldiers, who took hundreds of cavalry away in a wave!

Stab the horse and the cavalry on horseback with a long spear!

"Go, don't love to fight!"

Chagatai didn't know how many infantrymen of the Han army were left in the dark, and he didn't dare to fight Qin Liangyu, who was much smaller than himself, but wanted to leave this place and escape!

Qin Liangyu rode a war horse, killed more than ten Chagatai Khanate cavalry in a row, and then cut the Chagatai cavalry into two sections!

Chagatai was located in the rear, and tens of thousands of people were divided and intercepted several times. Only thousands of cavalry were left around. Siege!

Qin Liangyu caught a glimpse of Chagatai, who was about to break out of the siege, so he leaped forward with his spear and aimed straight at Chagatai!

If you kill Chagatai, you can make a great contribution!

On the battlefield, there were all Chagatai Khanate cavalry fighting with white soldiers. Qin Liangyu killed more than ten cavalry in a row, and was quickly approaching Chagatai!

"Stop her!"

Chagatai was struggling to break through, and noticed Qin Liangyu approaching him on horseback, and ordered a group of cavalry guards to intercept and kill Qin Liangyu.

Those who are qualified to serve as personal soldiers next to Chagatai are either high-level troops or ordinary heroes. Their force may be above 60, and there are even generals with 70 or 80!

Around Chutian, there is also a group of reckless men with high military strength but extremely low command value as personal soldiers.

This group of cavalry guards encircled Qin Liangyu, spears, sabers, hammers and other weapons came at him!

Qin Liangyu rushed into the cavalry guards alone, held guns in both hands, knocked off the oncoming weapons, and killed several people in a row!

Qin Liangyu broke through among the guard cavalry, but a sword also fell on him, leaving scars on the armor!

Even so, Qin Liangyu was still killing Chagatai's cavalry and was approaching Chagatai!

"Both of you, go and kill him!"

Chahetai knew that he could not be chased by Qin Liangyu, otherwise he might be killed, so he sent two reckless generals with a force of more than 90, one of them was Wan Hu, and led a team of cavalry to kill Qin Liangyu!

Facing an increasing number of enemy cavalry, Qin Liangyu fell into a bitter fight.

The Chagatai Khanate also has fierce generals with a force of more than 90. Two king-level generals led two to three hundred Chagatai Khanate cavalry to deal with Qin Liangyu. They wanted to kill a general of the Han army to make up for the loss when they broke through. !

The number of white soldiers was too small. In order to kill Chagatai, Qin Liangyu rode into the cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate alone. Enemies were everywhere, and wounds were added to his body.


Qin Liangyu fought with two powerful generals of the Chagatai Khanate at the same time, and finally stabbed a king-level general of the opponent to death, and a white spear pierced through his back!

This is a million households of the Chagatai Khanate!

Qin Liangyu didn't care whether he killed a historical general, but immediately drew out his spear to block the attack of another fierce general!

An arrow hit the armor on Qin Liangyu's back!

The cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate used crossbow arrows to sneak attack!

Qin Liangyu snorted coldly, and continued to fight with two hundred Chagatai Khanate cavalry with guns.

However, the situation is not good for Qin Liangyu, and she is likely to be killed by the opponent.

At this time, a war horse came galloping, and Tang Dao glowed coldly, cutting down the cavalry surrounding Qin Liangyu until he joined forces with Qin Liangyu.


Qin Liangyu was a little surprised that the person who arrived was Hua Mulan, whom she had known not long ago.

Hua Mulan said: "Let's join forces and kill Chagatai."

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