In the Battle of the River, the third difficult city to conquer was Samarkand in Khwarezm.

Samarkand is an extremely ancient city. Timur commanded the Indian Mughal Empire army to launch a fierce offensive and defensive battle with the Monan Army, Mobei Army, Western Region Army, and Tubo Army in this city.

Tamerlane used Samarkand as a supply point, using the grain, grass and weapons continuously transported from the Indian Peninsula to supply the army and engage in a war of attrition.

Timur's army is in front and the Xia army is not besieging the city. The teleportation array in Samarkand can transmit supplies, troops and horses day and night.

The Xia army's supplies mainly came from the Kingdom of Dayuan, and they needed to maintain a long supply line. Therefore, the four-pronged army had nothing to do with Timur.

Timur had the populous Indian Peninsula as his backing and a teleportation array at his back, which gave him a unique advantage when conducting a war of attrition.

Shi Wansui, Han Qinhu, and He Ruobi rushed to Timur's camp overnight, trying to break Timur's protection of Samarkand. However, Timur was well prepared and drove out armored war elephants at night, severely injuring three generals of the Sui Dynasty. He Ruobi seriously injured.

Every time the Xia army organized an offensive, Timur used armored war elephants as human shields, fired volleys of bows and arrows from behind, and asked priests to provide buffs to the cannon fodder units, using human sea tactics to repel the Xia army.

As time passed, Xia's army ran out of food, grass, and weapons, and its attacks were weak.

When the decisive battle in Hezhong broke out, Li Mu, Di Qing, Lun Qinling and other generals gathered their last supplies and weapons to attack Timur, leaving Timur unable to support the Golden Family.

The battle between the two sides outside the city of Samarkand was extremely brutal. Because the supply line was too long, many Xia army soldiers could only fight with weapons with reduced durability. Their durability disappeared and their blades curled up during the process, and many of them were killed by Timur.

As many as thirty generals were killed in the Tubo army!

The heart of Tubo Protector Tashi was bleeding.

Since the beginning of the game, the elites accumulated by the Tubo Protectorate were almost all killed or injured in the battle with Timur.

At his peak, Timur was second only to the saint-level commander. He also had many Indian generals under his command. With his huge population, he severely damaged the Xia army.

You know, the Tibetan army could only muster 100,000 people to participate in the first Western Expedition of the Great Xia Dynasty, while Timur mobilized millions of soldiers and horses from the Indian Mughal Empire. This was not the limit of the Indian peninsula.

At the limit of the Indian peninsula, three million or even five million troops can be dispatched.

In a series of battles between the Tubo army and Timur, there were only 40,000 survivors left, and 60% were killed!

Although Tubo lacked strategy when fighting, they charged into battle and were extremely brave. The front team was often killed, and the rear team could advance again.

Now, in the north of Samarkand, some of the 40,000 surviving Tibetan troops have fallen!

Timur's war elephant army no longer led the battle, but reappeared on the battlefield after a fierce battle between the two sides. Timur directly let the war elephant army trample on the enemy without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy!

Cooperating with the War Elephant Legion's attack are the lower castes who serve as cannon fodder. In Timur's eyes, sacrificing the lower castes can exchange for the Xia army's battle-hardened divisions, so it is worth the money. Anyway, the meaning of the lower castes' existence is cannon fodder. !

"Master Protector, if this continues, our Tibetan army will be completely wiped out!"

A Tubo warrior could no longer endure the extremely brutal battle and the horrific loss ratio.

He shouted to Tashi almost in a tearful voice.

It can make a man who has been on the battlefield for a long time cry with tears in his words, which shows that the cruelty of this battle has exceeded the psychological endurance of most people.

"I know! But behind us are the mountains and rivers and the country, we can't retreat!" Tubo Protector Tashi drew his sword, "Guards of the Protectorate, follow me!"

Tashi led the last reserve force of the Tibetan army, the 1,000-man Duhufu Guards, and threw himself into the fierce battle, treating death as life.

Their mission is to contain Timur. Even if they use up all their troops, they must complete the mission!

Even if Timur could defeat them, the price he paid would be a severe loss of vitality, and he would be unable to continue fighting for the Transoxiana region.

At this time, the Tubo army could only go all out.

The only thing that can make them stop fighting is the news of victory from the battlefield of the decisive battle in the river, so that the Xia army on the battlefield in Samarkand can calmly withdraw.

This is division of labor and mission.

If you lose the decisive battle in the river, the mountains and rivers in the Central Plains behind you will be conquered by the enemy!

At this time, Chutian had won, but the news had not yet reached the Xia army in the Samarkand battlefield in the wild!

A thousand guards of the Tubo Protectorate, led by the Protector, attacked Timur's heavy cavalry!

The two cavalry collided, one Tubo cavalry hit the other's helmet with an iron bone flower, and the latter's spear penetrated the Tubo cavalry's chainmail!

In a crowded battlefield, there are few fancy moves and little room for avoidance. All soldiers are using the most effective way to kill the enemy in front of them!

"Mom, I have never experienced such a tragic battle. If I could capture and kill Timur, it might not be so difficult."

The situation of the Western Region Army, which protects Huo An, is only slightly better than that of the Tubo Army.

The population of the Western Region Protectorate was three to four times greater than that of the Tubo Protectorate, and there were also many generals.

Even so, Huo An was caught in an extremely fierce battle.

The Western Region Protectorate's 200,000 troops participated in the Western Expedition and the battle to conquer the Kingdom of Dawan, resulting in about 40,000 casualties. They captured a group of Uzbek cavalry and maintained their strength to 200,000.

However, in the battle of Samarkand, the Western Region Army has killed 60,000 people so far!

The fierce general Li Siye of the Tang Dynasty cooperated with Gao Xianzhi to attack Timur's army, but was trampled by Timur's war elephant army regardless of the enemy or ourselves!

Li Siye's Datang Modao team could deal with the heavy cavalry, but they were a little weak against the war elephant army. Li Siye was knocked away by the armored war elephant and was immediately seriously injured!

Gao Xianzhi's Anxi Army also suffered heavy losses under the attack of the War Elephant Legion.

Timur was frantic in order to win. After the Indian soldiers and horses fought with the Anxi army, he drove the war elephant army to rush all the way from the rear of the Indian soldiers and horses, making it difficult for the Anxi army to avoid.

In the Monan Army, Wanyan Yinshu could lead the Jurchen cavalry to continuously attack the enemy formation. The Jurchen cavalry was almost exhausted, and was eventually besieged by thousands of Indian soldiers and died in the enemy formation!

The Xia army's successive restraints made Timur realize that something big was bound to happen, so he was even more anxious to join Ogedai, so he tried his best to attack.

Some generals in the Xia army were killed, and the Mughal Empire in India also lost troops and generals.

The various Indian princes looked at each other. The generals under their command had suffered casualties, but they had already stopped.

Timur and these princes are like avid gamblers. Now that they have invested the cost, they want to see the results.

"Master Protector, there is finally news from your Majesty. Our army has won a great victory!"

When Huo An could hardly hold on due to heavy losses, news from Chutian finally came from the nearest city!

In order to bring the news to the battlefield of Samarkand as quickly as possible, the cavalrymen who delivered the order killed three horses alive!

"It's finally time to withdraw our troops. Tell Li Mu of the Monan Army, Prince Yan of the Mobei Army, and Tashi of the Tubo Army to retreat alternately! The Western Region Army and the Tubo Army form one team, and the Monan Army and Mobei Army form one team!"

Huo An was relieved.

Timur, who had gained support from the Indian peninsula, used the human wave tactic. Huo An's current military strength really couldn't defeat Timur, so he decided to withdraw.

The decisive battle in Hezhong was won, and the strategic goal was achieved.

Timur won a tactical victory with the support of Samarkand and Indian princes, but it could not change the outcome of the Transoxiana region belonging to the Bactrian Dynasty at all, and it was very likely that Timur would be forced to give up Samarkand.

The strategic level is a higher level than the tactical level.

When Li Mu, Prince Yan, Tashi and other coaches received the news, they were relieved. They cooperated with each other and retreated alternately, not giving Timur a chance to win completely.

"The Xia army begins to retreat!"

"Catch up and destroy them all at once!"

The Indian princes suffered a lot. Seeing the Xia army's four armies retreating alternately, they thought that their side had won a complete victory, so they wanted to pursue them to expand the results.

Timur saw the Xia army retreating, but he hesitated.

If the Xia army suddenly launched a massive attack and then retreated, then the result of the decisive battle in the river was probably already known.

Timur was always delayed in Samarkand by these four Xia armies and was unable to go north to join Ogedai. This made Timur unable to face the powerful people of the Golden Family.

"If the Great Khan wins, then he can completely pursue and completely wipe out the hundreds of thousands of Xia troops in front of him. If the Great Khan fails...perhaps he should retreat to the Indian peninsula, quell the rebellion, and then proclaim himself the king of India."

Timur already had a plan in mind.

The ideal situation is for the Golden Family to win. He can take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory, and then take possession of the Indian Peninsula with military exploits.

If the Golden Family fails and the grassland empire collapses, then he can only separate the Indian Peninsula.

“There’s no news about Dahan yet!!”

Timur suddenly became impatient.

He needs exact information to make corresponding decisions.

At this time, Tanmachi, a member of the Golden Family, came to report: "Lord Timur, the Great Khan has been defeated and is retreating to the Caspian Sea to enter Persia! The Great Khan has an order, please Lord Timur to stick to the Indian Peninsula and make a comeback!"

"how come……"

The faces of the Indian princes who finally defeated the Xia army in Samarkand turned pale.

They fought fiercely with the Xia army for a long time, and relied on their numerical and supply advantages to achieve tactical victory, but strategically, they suffered a complete defeat.

The main force of the powerful Golden Family was defeated, and most of the Hezhong area became the territory of the Daxia Dynasty!

Although they won a partial victory, they were unable to occupy a single point of land and could not even defend Samarkand.

Sometimes, what appears to be victory is actually failure!

"Return to Delhi one after another, take away all valuable belongings in Samarkand, and leave nothing to the Xia army."

Although Timur was a little frustrated, as a hero, he had already imagined this result, so Timur was not discouraged.

A true hero starts from scratch, his willpower is much firmer than ordinary people, and he fights despite repeated defeats.

This is also the difference between heroes and ordinary people.

After the failure of the decisive battle in the river, the Seljuk Empire basically fell into the scope of the failure of the Great Xia Dynasty. Samarkand in the Kingdom of Khwarezm was under attack by the Xia army. Chutian may come to join Huo An at any time. Attack Samarkand together.

This is why Timur took the initiative to abandon the city after learning that the Golden Family was defeated.

If you take away all the property in this city and then destroy it, you can actually reduce some losses.

On the contrary, if you continue to hold on, you will fall sooner or later.

"Keep the Kushan Empire and the Mughal Empire while Wokuotai and Batu are still in exile. Then I, Timur, will be the governor of the two countries' armies!"

After Temujin died in battle and Ogodei failed, Timur's ambitions finally began to expand, and he took the two countries' regions as his own, with a territory equivalent to Afghanistan and the Indian Peninsula.

"What should we do?"

"It's better to continue to follow Timur. Timur allows us to keep our fiefdom, but the Chinese have always been at odds with us Indians. If I were ruled by them, I would rather drown in the Ganges River."

"That's all."

After a simple weigh, a group of Indian princes chose to support Timur.

Indian princes also have a lot of servility, and they obey the heroes who conquer them.

After Timur made up his mind, the troops he assembled in Samarkand began a large-scale retreat.

The teleportation array in Samarkand could only teleport a limited number of people every day. Therefore, Timur simply took the entire city's residents and marched on a large map, retreated to the mountains of Afghanistan, and then set fire to the ancient city.

"Goodbye, beautiful Samarkand..."

Timur was riding a war horse and saw the black smoke billowing from Samarkand, and the taste was unspeakable.

Millions of Indian troops took hundreds of thousands of residents with them and headed south. Along the way, Indian princes would inevitably loot and loot, leaving corpses everywhere.

Huo An learned that Timur actually set fire to the city and retreated to the mountains of Afghanistan. Although he was surprised, he did not pursue it.

Timur's army was too large in number, and Huo An's troops were at the end of their strength.

In addition, among the lords, the scope of the Kushan Empire was the mountains of Afghanistan plus the north of the Indus River.

The mountainous areas of Afghanistan are famous as the "Graveyard of Empires." Even the Mongols suffered losses in the mountainous areas of Afghanistan during the epic and magnificent Mongolian Western Expedition.

If the army is in poor condition and rashly pursues it into the mountains of Afghanistan, it may result in a bloody blow.

"No matter what, this time, it will be much easier to capture the Transoxiana area and conquer the mountains of Afghanistan and the Indian Peninsula in the future."

Huo An is not in a hurry. If he destroys the main force of the Golden Family in his first western expedition, then the next thing will be much simpler.

According to Chutian's plan, the Kushan Empire and the Indian Mughal Empire were both within attack range during the second western expedition.

"In this way, the biggest obstacle to attacking the Indian Peninsula is Timur."

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