
The    army entered the barren battlefield mightily, leaving **** footprints on the crimson land.

   In the mouths of those dwarves, I learned that the wounds will be infected with poison.

The creatures in the    army have been reduced.

   to reduce the possibility of accidents.

   Fang Hao's body remained in the fortress outside the battlefield, controlling the demon doll, riding a bone horse, and following the team.

   After many days of diligent practice.

   Fang Hao's ability to manipulate dolls has become more and more proficient. Even if he controls his body and dolls at the same time, he can do two things with one heart without delay.

   But controlling both sides to fight at the same time will still be very difficult.

What    can do is to fine-tune one side and slow down the other.

  The team moves forward.

   After walking a distance of 500 meters, something happened.

   A monster in the shape of a carrion crawled out of the soil and looked at the army of undead coming in from a distance.

  It seems that these are the carrion among the dwarves.

   After someone is infected, they will turn into these monsters if they are not treated.

   This line of corrupt monsters is very different from ordinary carrion.

   Their bodies are not obviously stiff, even more flexible than normal people, and have great strength at the same time.

   Looking at these monsters, Fang Hao remembered the corrupted troops he had encountered.

   is very similar to the monster that appears in front of him, and it is equally flexible.

   The reason for the corruption should be related to the corpses of powerful species.

   There are more and more corrupted monsters crawling out.

   There are corrupt animals, and more are corrupt soldiers in tattered armor.

   All kinds of different creatures are mixed together, the number has reached nearly ten thousand, and they are still appearing.

   No wonder no one dares to enter here.

   As far as these corrupt troops are concerned, it is not something that ordinary forces can handle.

   "Prepare to attack." A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the demon doll.

   In other words, not the mouth, because the hollow jaw of the doll was not opened.

  Shhhhh! !

  The shield of the skeleton warrior stood up, forming an overlapping iron wall.

   "War Drums!"

   Dong Dong Dong! !

   The undead war drum rang, and the gray-white aura spread, covering the undead army.

   "The first row, the second row, release the lightning strike!" Fang Hao continued to order.

  The messenger grabbed his horse and passed it on in all directions.

   First row, second row of skeleton warriors.

   There is an extra lightning spear in the right hand, flashing blue thunder.

   Then, two rows of lightning strikes were thrown straight ahead.

  Boom boom boom... zizi!

   Lightning Spears bombarded the camp of corrupt creatures, and a large number of enemies were bombed.

  The current spread rapidly, connecting the nearby corrupt creatures in series.

   The body trembled like an electric shock, and the large corrupted creatures melted into the dark red soil like melted butter under the thunder and electric shock.

  After two rounds of lightning strikes, the large piece of corruption was weird, and it still charged forward regardless of its own health.

   The skeleton warriors and skeleton spearmen in the back also began to appear in the right hand of the thunder spear.

   He threw the Lightning Spear in his hand and killed the corrupt creatures that rushed like a mad dog.

   bang bang bang bang! !

   Soon, the corrupt monsters had rushed to the front of the queue.

  's body slammed into the warrior's iron wall.

   Relying on the powerful collision force, many corrupt creatures directly smashed the first row of shield formations.

   rushed into the queue.

   But behind the 1st row of iron wall shields, there are still 2nd and 3rd rows of shields, and there are even gun shields behind the sword shields.

   The corrupted monster that just rushed in was immediately slashed by weapons from all directions.

   turned into streaks of ashes.

   At the same time, the skeleton shooter, under the command of Shigeya, started to fire round by round.

  The Necromancer, the magic missile, turned into a dark sky above the army, and smashed into the enemy in front of him in an arc.

   deals massive damage.

The    skeleton army remained in place and did not advance, resisting the constant emergence of corrupt monsters.

The    army is like a mountain that you don't understand. There are only messengers who keep shuttle in the team, conveying orders one after another.

   The movement of the battle is getting bigger and bigger.

   The corrupted monsters in the depths also crawled out one after another.

   At this time, there were no more corrupted beasts and monsters. All that appeared were corrupted human soldiers in uniform.

   After they came out, they simply searched for the rotten weapons around them, picked them up, and continued to attack.

The sound of    hitting the shield formation was banging.

   There are constantly corrupt monsters rushing in in various ways and then being killed.

   The archers and mages in the back are also constantly outputting, the sky is like being covered with a sky, and magic bullets and arrows are flying in the sky.

  Three hours later, the battle gradually came to an end.

   The dark red earth has become devastated.

   Looking around, scorched, sunken pits, and all over the ground

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1/3 pages full of arrows.

   This battle is a war of attrition.

   Corrupted monsters have an absolute advantage in this land.

  If Fang Hao brought a living army today.

   Then in the battlefield, the rules of infecting creatures are very unfavorable for the convenience of attack.

   As long as someone is injured, they will become infected and become corrupted monsters.

   This is more like the plot in Resident Evil, the monsters will only increase with the battle.

   ends up being an endless, invincible war.

   Fortunately, the army led by Fang Hao is an army of undead.

  The two sides collide together, and the bones will not turn into corrupt monsters.

   also reduces a lot of concerns.

  When the battle is over, after the corrupt monster dies, it will turn into a pool of decayed ashes.

   No corpses were left, but a lot of rare resources were dropped.

   The number is huge.

   Rare resources are worth more than most loot.

   is also a huge gain in this battle.

   "Move forward, sweep the battlefield along the way, and be careful of the enemy." Fang Hao gave the order.

The    army continued to advance.

  Shield Warrior, holding an iron shield, crossed the battlefield directly.

   And the soldiers behind began to collect loot and arrows along the way.

The    team continued to move forward, and encountered several waves of corrupt monsters one after another.

   was knocked back one by one.

   At 4 pm, in front of the army, a collapsed stone tower appeared.

The    stone pagoda was broken in the middle, and the upper part of the pagoda fell to the side, and most of it was buried in the soil.

  The stone pagoda is severely weathered and very dilapidated.

   A tower suddenly appeared here, which is still a little curious.

   "Sir, there are no corrupted monsters around here. There may be some threats in the stone tower." Heijian walked over from the front and said to Fang Hao.

   This is indeed a doubt.

   Corrupted monsters appeared along the road, but there is no danger when approaching here.

   It is very likely that there is a more powerful enemy nearby, and before the creature is transformed into a corrupted monster, it has been eliminated by this powerful enemy, and the corpse has been cleaned up.

   will lead to, in this piece of land, no corrupt monsters have drilled out.

   "It's good to arrange for someone to take a closer look." Fang Hao continued.

  Tani "Yes, my lord."

   Heijian agreed, and immediately went down to prepare.

   After a while, two skeleton warriors walked straight out of the team and approached the direction of the stone tower.

   The skeleton warrior approached, with metal iron boots, stepping on the hard stone steps, making a sound.

   Just near the arch of the stone tower cavity.

The entire building of the   Stone Pagoda trembled suddenly.

   Swish! !

The sound of    rustling sounded, as if countless tentacles were climbing rapidly, making the scalp tingle.

   Black Sword gave the order to retreat.

   The two skeleton warriors just turned around, and a dark red giant centipede suddenly sprang from the top of the broken stone tower. It opened its huge mouth and swallowed the two skeleton warriors. The bones were chewed and swallowed into the stomach.

  The centipede is more than ten meters long, covered with dark red scales on the surface, and densely slender feet under the abdomen, wrapped around the stone tower.

The edge of   's huge mouth is covered with jagged fangs, chewing on broken bones while watching the army of undead appearing below.

   For a moment, both sides were stunned, and neither side attacked first.

  Fang Hao widened his eyes and looked at the centipede in front of him in surprise.

  Look at the name, the scavenger centipede, it should be it, eating all the corrupted monsters nearby.

   Only made no corrupt monsters appear near the stone tower.

   Looking at the opponent from above, waiting for the round eyes of the insects to observe the undead army, it can also be seen that this centipede has a certain intelligence.

  Fang Hao observed, but in the next second, the scavenger hundred-legged beast meandered down from the stone tower and charged straight towards this side.

   Looking at the constantly wriggling jagged fangs and the speed of the attack, it is obviously not here to negotiate.

  Fang Hao directly ordered, "Attack!"

  Whoa! !

   All the skeleton soldiers drew their weapons, and the right hand of the first row of skeleton soldiers had already appeared the lightning spear.

   Just wanted to throw it at the target, but saw the scavenger hundred-legged beast, its head stabbed down.

   The whole body burrowed directly into the soil.

  The ground began to arch quickly, approaching this side quickly.

   "Be careful with the ground." Fang Hao shouted loudly.

   But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the constantly bulging dirt bag, which had come to the bottom of his carriage.

   didn't dare to stop, flapped the bat wings, and the whole person flew directly.

   just took off.

  Under the carriage, the scavenger hundred-legged beast emerged from the ground, stood upright, and swallowed the carriage and the white-boned horse into its belly.

Around   , the skeleton warriors gathered around, and the dense arrows also shot at the hundred-legged beast.

   Ding Ding Ding! !

  The arrows hit the scales of the centipede, and there was a sound of collision.

  The centipede saw that more and more people were approaching, and plunged into the ground again.

  The soil is wrapped under the feet of the army, and it keeps spinning.

  The Troubled Army

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 2 of 3 is a mess.

   Fang Hao flapped his bat wings and stayed in mid-air.

   I was a little surprised that the scavenger centipede attacked me first.

   It heard the order from itself, and it killed itself first.

   is pretty smart.

  The mutant monsters of the tenth order, coupled with their high intelligence, are indeed difficult to deal with.

   However, there is only one such monster, and it has long been no threat to them.

   flew down, and at the rear of the team, he issued a few more orders.

   Following the army, Nisbit and Bone Dragon began to approach the central area.

  Standing in the army, waiting for the next attack of the centipede.

   Soon, the hundred-legged beast, which was constantly wandering underground, found the opportunity to attack again.

  's body suddenly sprang from the ground and swallowed several skeleton warriors in one bite.

   As soon as you hit it, you have to drill back to the ground.

   But out of the corner of the hundred-legged beast, he saw a dog-headed skeleton pointing at him not far from the team.

   Above its head, a dark cloud suddenly appeared.

boom! !

   The body that could have broken through the ground and burrowed down directly hit the ground.

   With a muffled sound, the hundred-legged beast slammed into himself, feeling a little dizzy.

  The centipede was a little stunned, not understanding why he couldn't break the ground.

   Try again.


   The result was still the same, his forehead hit the ground heavily, making him dizzy.

   And right now.

  In the sky, a huge bone dragon swooped down, and two dragon claws grabbed the body of the centipede.

   took them to the sky with them.

  In the air, the dragon claws pulled hard, trying to break the body of the centipede.

  The centipede struggled in pain, its body wrapped around the dragon's claws, and its serrated fangs gnawed on it.

  The dragon claw has been equipped with iron armor.

   Even if the teeth are fangs, they can only twist and deform the iron armor and bite.

   In the struggle of the centipede, the body was directly withdrawn in half.

   Green blood, falling from the air.

   The body of the hundred-legged beast became two halves, but it still did not give up the struggle, and kept attacking the bone dragon, trying to get rid of the shackles of the other party, so that he could live on his own.

   But the strength of the bone dragon and its superiority in the air are completely above the centipede.

   The Bone Dragon circled in the air with the centipede, and a large number of sums immediately surged up from the rear of the undead team, covering the body of the two-segmented centipede.

   Tear and peck at the flesh and blood of the body.

   The dark red scales on the centipede were torn off piece by piece, and the flesh and blood, accompanied by green blood, kept falling from the sky.

   The hundred-legged beast's struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally slumped weakly on the dragon's claws.

  It was also at this time that the bone dragon released its claws and threw it from the air.

  Nisbet, who was waiting on the side, just landed, and several giant axes were cut off.

   directly slashed the hundred-legged beast to death on the spot.

   The head of the centipede no longer struggled, but the remaining segments of the tail were still twisting.

   Just in case, the soldiers slashed at the tail again.

   When the body of the centipede was completely motionless, it stopped attacking.

  Fang Hao and several people walked over from the rear and confirmed that they were dead.

   Start cleaning the battlefield.

   "Collect the corpses and bring them back." Fang Hao said.

   Although he doesn't like centipede-shaped units.

   But the tenth-order strength, coupled with some of the characteristics it carries, still has certain advantages.

   Take it back first to expand the number of units in the Skeleton Transformation Field, and then see if you will recruit or not.

The    troops began to move, sweeping the battlefield and treating the wounded at the same time.

Beside   , two orc messengers were injured, and the wounds began to show signs of decay.

   Fang Hao ordered the retreat, while using it to heal the wounded orcs.

   As the two dwarves said, the Holy Light spell has a strong effect on the corruption effect here ~www.readwn.com~.

   The decay at the wound did not spread and the wound started to heal.

   A fight is down, it's already 7 o'clock in the afternoon.

   Fang Hao marked the location of the stone tower on the map and returned directly to the camp.

   After returning to the camp, he handed over the work to Heijian and others, and walked into the teleportation light curtain with two heroes and the corpse of the centipede.

   "You said, is this stuff delicious?" An Jia followed behind Fang Hao.

  Fang Hao ignored her and ordered someone to throw the centipede into the transformation pool.


   The next day, early morning.

  Fang Hao got up early and came to the skeleton transformation field.

   The hundred-legged beast transformed yesterday should also be completed.

When    came to the transformation field, he had already seen a hundred-legged beast climbing on the side of the building.



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