Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 950 Repel

"This is……"

Within the world.

Jiuhua Lingshan.

Cen Hongyue, who had already built a dojo and was about to start a sect, suddenly felt a palpitation in her heart.

She raised her head and found that the sun was rising as usual. It seemed that the world had not changed, but she didn't know why, but she always felt like a disaster was about to happen if she was not careful.

"Could it be that there is really going to be another heavenly demon coming...the battlefield of Mount Taishi, Mount Taishi?"

Cen Hongyue suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the statue of Taiyi Ancestor she enshrined: "I remembered...it was recorded in the classics that when Taishi Mountain turned into a demonic realm, it was fortunate that Taiyi Ancestor took action and severely damaged the supreme demon. Retained a trace of vitality for the right path! Protected the entire world..."

Right together.

Gu Wuwang was summoning the elders to discuss a strange matter.

"Have you heard of this Great Patriarch?"

"Hasn't it always been true that only the authentic Taoist sect can give birth to Taoist ancestors? And the only ones who are widely worshiped are the three Taoist sects of the past, Fang Xian, Zhengyi, and Taishi..."

An old Taoist said in surprise.

"No, no, I once heard Master say that there is another Tai Dao ancestor in this world who sacrificed his life to join the side sect and became the ancestor of the side sect."

Another old man with gray hair shook his head and said.

"That's the case. I've heard this too, but I always feel that something is wrong..."

Gu Wuwang's expression was a little strange: "Since Taoist ancestors can also appear among casual cultivators, the name of the side sect is indeed a bit biased... This Taoist master has decided..."

At this moment, a strange wave swept across.

The curtains of history are falling layer by layer, and even the great sage cannot resist it.

Everyone's expressions instantly became confused, and then there was a hint of surprise.

"I remember now……"

An elder clapped his hands and said: "Tai Dao Ancestor once took action when Taishi Mountain was demonized. All the monks saw it at that time. It is definitely not a fiction!"

"That's it. How could I forget it before?"

Another elder in charge of the classics looked surprised.

He also deliberately took out a classic book and read the text on the Great Dao: "Well, thanks to the help of the Taishi Daozu, some Taishi Mountain disciples escaped with their lives, but they lost most of the classics. The [Taishi Zhenjing] itself It became extremely dangerous again, and the inheritance gradually declined, and now it has become the 'Tai Xuan Sect'... There are still successors to this day."

"I understand, you go down!"

Gu Wuhua waved his hand and told the elders to step back.

He himself was stroking a white jade Taoist spirit treasure, and his expression became extremely uncertain: "... If you don't become a Taoist ancestor, you will always be an ant! Wantonly tampering and distorting history... This is also the power of the Taoist ancestor and the supreme power. What?"

Even ordinary great saints may not be able to detect the tampered history.

But since he was the ultimate great sage and had the help of top spiritual treasures, he finally discovered something was wrong.

But if you find it, what can you do?

History has been tampered with, and only the same Taoist ancestors can set things right.

"It's rare to be confused..."

A pale and bitter smile appeared at the corner of Gu Wuwang's mouth.

Outside the crystal wall system.

[Xuanjun] took back his robe and let the crimson moon fully appear.

The strange world also disappeared without a trace.

After the other three supreme beings were injured, these two finally seemed to wake up a little and chose to retreat briefly.

As they receded, the other supremes also disappeared.

Countless historical curtains have fallen, and the figure of Zhong Shenxiu has emerged.

"A horizontal attack on history will actually change the historical process of the real world... In Mount Taishi, where all the clans were originally wiped out, there is still a branch of the Taixuan Sect spreading?"

His expression was also a bit strange.

This sense of dominating history is indeed intoxicating.

"Hiss... For us beings who have the authority to control history and time, the history of the world is nothing but a matter of arbitrary decision... The history of any world is determined by our struggle, unless we obtain the supreme existence. Definition……"

Ouroboros of Time said: "For us, history is like a little girl who can dress up as she pleases... No, it should be said that whether history is a man or a woman, it is up to us to decide!"

'I know this sentence well...'

Zhong Shenxiu added in his mind and asked: "So... is this war over?"

"Hiss... our mission is about to be completed."

The Ouroboros of Time seemed to move forward and saw the future scene: "Originally, even with the three of us guarding it, the five incarnations are still extremely easy to transform into Taoism. After all, they come from the same origin as the original one, even if they are separated by A world,... But the great power has descended into the will. To a certain extent, the current incarnation is a little higher than the original... As long as enough power is accumulated, you can even reverse the direction. Corrosion affects me!"

"Time is on our side, and the five existences have just been severely damaged by several figures... It is even more difficult to resist the impact... As long as you wait quietly, you will definitely get good results."

The owner of the door opened his mouth to add.

"That's great."

Zhong Shenxiu said in a long voice: "When will that great man get better? I would like to ask some advice about the eternal battlefield and the future path."

"If it were just an eternal battlefield, I can tell you now... With our current strength, we cannot enter the center of the battlefield. At most, we can only linger on the edge..."

The voice of the master of the door came calmly.

"There are many areas on the edge of the Eternal Battlefield. There is one place among which you should be very familiar with, or... have heard of its name."

The master of the gate said in a calm tone: "Taihuang Tian!"

Zhong Shenxiu's heart trembled, and her body felt like electricity was flowing through her body. She sighed: "Sure enough..."

If a very terrible event hadn't happened, how could it have been possible for a large number of immortals from the Taihuang Heaven to flee, and some of them to come to the Seven Lights Heaven and establish the Yanhan Empire?

After all, Taihuangtian is a world protected by Dao Ancestors!

But a Dao Ancestor is indeed nothing to those supreme beings, and it is difficult to protect all his people on the battlefield.

And in the end, Taihuangtian's end didn't seem to be good either.

Zhong Shenxiu couldn't help but think of the small world where he tried his soul - Xiaoyou Taihuangtian!

That world seemed to be part of the Emperor's Heaven, but it was broken up, cutting off the monks' path forward.

"Hiss... Taihuangtian, as a marginal battlefield, was once broken into pieces, and countless fragments were scattered across the three thousand worlds, but most of them still remain..."

Ouroboros of Time added: "The fighting form of the supreme being sometimes exceeds your imagination. For example... it is not just a competition of strength, but also a competition of roads, symbols, and power... We, the top true gods, have already gained a little Qualifications to participate in the edge battlefield..."

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