Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 934 Immortality (3000 plus)

Sun Yuan behaved very innocently, without any of the anxiety and uneasiness that he had when he burned someone before.

Facing the questioning of the female police officer 'Qin Yun', he showed great ease, vividly showing the panic and fear of a college student suddenly faced with things.

It's like...a little white rabbit who has just entered society.

Even Sun Yuan himself was very surprised by this.

He felt that after the last time he cast the spell, not only was there a touch of darkness in the depths of his soul, but what frightened him even more was this unknowing change.

Sun Yuan felt that he was becoming a stranger little by little.

But at this time, he used his disguise to skillfully obtain information from Qin Yun.

"Then...thank you for your cooperation. If there are other matters later, I will inform you."

Qin Yun looked at Sun Yuan, his expression softened a lot.

This college student not only studies well and is diligent, but also has a sense of justice and compassion. He is really a rare good kid.

Especially that shy smile, which made her feel as if she was seeing her younger brother, giving her a lot of intimacy.

After Qin Yun left, Sun Yuan's eyes suddenly darkened.

"despicable Me……"

He muttered, quickly took out his mobile phone, and began to search for information one by one.

[Little Heavenly Master Sun En]!


Press the search button, and lines of information quickly appear on the browser.

"During the period of Emperor Shenwu of the Yanhan Dynasty, people from the original Taoist Taiping Way? It is said that... they became immortals?"

"Why? This person appears in my vision?"

"Could everything I saw be true?"

"Then why? There is no response from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?"

Sun Yuan thought about the previous illusion again, and had some vague guesses in his mind.

But at this time, we can only put it down for the time being and search for the most important information obtained from Qin Yun.

——[Eternal Life Order]!

Ancient emperors all wished to live forever!

Regardless of the past tens of thousands of years, the richer and more powerful people are, the more they fear death. Naturally, there are also a group of people who pursue supernatural powers and want to become immortal and immortal.

This organization seems to have existed a long time ago and is a loose alliance.

Its members are all-encompassing, including ancient emperors, Taoist priests, knights, and rich men... The only goal is to pursue supernatural powers and achieve immortality, or at least prolong life.

Some of its tentacles even extended to the Western world, renamed the "Eternal Life Society", controlled several large financial groups, and also had a deep influence in the West.

This term was accidentally leaked by Qin Yun after Sun Yuan revealed the kidnapper's tattoo symbol.

'It's just that it's not secret. After all, it's normal for rich people to pursue immortality. As long as the means are not illegal, it's okay...'

'Furthermore, the Immortal Order has actually suffered a lot of setbacks and blows in history, and the biggest blow came from their own beliefs! ’

After all, the Immortal Order has always believed that there were immortals in ancient times, and that they could become immortals through cultivation, or at least extend their lifespan.

But it is a pity that no matter how much information and ancient cultural relics they collected, they even spent a huge price to obtain some specious "immortal cultivation techniques" from ancient tombs. It is said that they were passed down from the Yanhan, Xianqin, and even the Shang and Zhou dynasties. ', but the result was... completely useless!

Science has proven that those ancient exercises are no different from deceiving people. Even if they recruit a large number of children and volunteers to practice at any cost and spend decades, it ultimately proves that they can't even practice them!

Therefore, in modern times, the Immortality Order has actually been shaken to its core by the impact of scientific theories. Most of its members have quit the group, and some of the remaining wealthy people have also changed their ways and are preparing to invest funds in biotechnology and use science to achieve the purpose of extending life. It is the [Eternal Life Society] in the West that is leading the way.

But I don’t know why, just recently, the Immortal Order has made a resurgence!

Even Qin Yun didn't know the specific content. He only knew that a handful of the most die-hard members suddenly started to tremble.

It even developed a large number of other members, showed extraordinary fanaticism and brainwashing capabilities, and gained great support.

Taking several Taoist symbols from the ancient Yan-Han Dynasty as symbols, they began to collect ancient books and cultural relics, and they were even more interested in some tombs that frequently had miraculous features!

Most of the information was found online.

Another part comes from Sun Yuan's own speculation.

He used his own knowledge to piece together the scattered, fragmented, and even ambiguous information on the Internet to piece together a rough truth!

"The Order of Immortality..."

After checking the information and thinking about it all, Sun Yuan sat on the bench and tapped his fingers on the wooden board subconsciously.

"An organization that was already on the verge of extinction suddenly revived. The reason is that it saw hope!"

"You can practice it even though it's not an ancient technique..."

Although those ancient exercises looked very similar to what they said, such as building the foundation, elixir, Yuan Ying, etc., they were later proven to be pseudoscience.

However, it spread to the Internet, and many writers were inspired by it and wrote many novels about cultivating immortals.

Some of them are surprisingly good and best-selling!

After discovering that he had the ability to cast spells, Sun Yuan also found a secret book on the Internet called "Evergreen Gong" written by ancient immortals. He came to the conclusion that it was similar to Wuqinxi and the like, and had some health-preserving effects, but it was more Most likely...it was made up by the ancients!

Not only did reciting it in ancient Chinese have no effect at all, but even "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" had no response at all.

"So... it was the Immortal Order that also discovered the true source of power of the ancient monks... the spell!?"

Sun Yuan nodded.

I am afraid that only the discovery of this kind of supernatural power can rekindle the enthusiasm of those big shots!

"And with the discovery of the spell, they will soon trace it to places like Kunlun... That monk's tomb is very attractive to them, so theft and kidnapping... are not surprising at all!"

The boat is easy to turn around, not to mention that the Immortal Order is a group of semi-madmen who paranoidly believe in the existence of supernatural powers.

Coupled with the accumulation they have made during their long history, it is not surprising at all to accidentally discover the power of spells.

What really makes Sun Yuan strange is why they only discovered it recently!

"But I can't say for sure. Maybe the Immortality Religion has made a breakthrough in their recent research, or maybe they are too memorized. They have collected fakes for hundreds of thousands of years, and only recently received a genuine one? That's also possible. Maybe... the spell has only recently begun to revive?"

Sun Yuan shook his head and drove away some unbelievable thoughts from his mind: "In short... it will be easy to handle if the enemy is confirmed!"

Although he is just a student, he still has a temper!

What's more, after awakening to the darkness, Sun Yuan gained a more decisive temperament.

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