Lord of Puluo

Chapter 264 We are all brothers

Haiqin, who did you listen to about this?

He Haiqin said with a dull expression: News from the Lu family. New.

He Yuxiu waved her hand and said, Can you believe the news from the Lu family? This is obviously trying to sow discord!

He Haiqin looked at He Yuxiu: The Lu family will not make things up out of thin air. I must find out this matter.

He Yuxiu pinched her chin and thought for a long time before saying: Let the third child go to Yuezhou first. I have seen Jia Qing since he was a child. He is an honest boy. How could he lie to you.

You don't need me to go! He Haiqin stood up, I've already asked someone to buy a ticket. I'll go to another state in person to see if it's him lying in the hospital!

Haiqin, you can't mess around. You are the head of the He family. If you go to other states, how much noise will there be!

The commotion was really loud.

He Yuxiu couldn't stop He Haiqin.

The next day, He Haiqin got on the train to another state.

The village was busy. The third part of Blood Gun Detective was about to be completed. Ma Wu took the crew around to shoot the scenes and reshoot key scenes. Li Banfeng went to Green Water City to prepare for publicity and ticket sales.

Cinemas everywhere were waiting eagerly. Li Banfeng didn't even need to say hello. Reporters from major newspapers all came to visit.

It is not convenient for him to show up, and everything is left to his subordinates. The popularity can be seen from major newspapers. News related to Blood Gun Detective accounted for more than half of the front pages of newspapers.

In addition to Blood Gun Detective, there is another important news.

The eldest son of He is suspected to be in Puzhou.

Not every newspaper has this news. The Ling family's newspaper didn't mention it at all, while the Lu family's newspaper featured it in big letters.

Li Banfeng read the news carefully. The general content was that He Jiaqing was impersonating the famous movie star Zhou Changhong and was discovered by an acquaintance in Green Water City.

Who is this acquaintance?

Putting this question aside for the time being, Li Banfeng put down the newspaper and felt a chill run down his spine.

He had boarded the train to Wuqin's hometown with the purpose of following Zhou Changhong and asking who was behind the Ling family.

It seems now that Zhou Changhong at that time was He Jiaqing.

What will be the consequences if I really get off the bus in Wuqianxiang?

At that time, Zhou Changhong was suspected of using stupid skills on me, which caused me to be entangled for almost all the way on the train.

Yuxiu still has two descendants alive. Could it be that He Jiaqing is the other descendant?

He lured me to get off the car at Wuqianxiang, was he trying to attack me?

He wants to get the copper lotus back?

If I don't give it, will he kill me?

Even if I give it to him, can he let me go?

The thin line between life and death, really the thin line between life and death.

Fortunately, I used the Judge's Pen to break the situation and got off the bus at Bitch Post.

Li Banfeng drank a glass of wine to calm down his mood gradually, and then browsed the relevant news.

There is a lot of news related to He Jiaqing. Why did he make such a big fuss when he came back?

After reading other news, Li Banfeng saw the clues.

In the Lu family's newspapers, the relevant news comments were mainly to explain one thing. He Jiaqing's injury by Lu Xiaolan was purely a scam, and the Lu family had suffered an unjust injustice.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Lu family has been cleared of their grievances this time.

From the perspective of insiders, it doesn't matter whether they were wronged or not. What really matters is that Xuansheng Honglian has nothing to do with the Lu family anymore.

Judging from various signs, Xuansheng Honglian was still in He Jiaqing's hands, and Lu Xiaolan became the scapegoat.

Who could have imagined that Xuansheng Red Lotus is in my hand?

The eldest son of the He family is too eye-catching, which may be one of the reasons why he could not bring Honglian back to Puluozhou in person.

Are there any other reasons?

Maybe, but I can't see it yet.

In addition, there is another key piece of news: He Haiqin went to another state.

Jiaqing, your father is here to see you, so you should treat him well. Your father is also your good brother.

Li Banfeng put the newspaper aside and picked up the oil can.

The wife trembled: Hey, sir, what day is it today? Why do you suddenly need to put on engine oil?

Li Banfeng said with a simple and honest smile: Today is a good day, very good!

Hey, sir, sir, please let me get ready. Sir, don't be in a hurry to apply oil on the brush. I haven't done this yet...

While the voice was hoarse, steam spewed out rapidly.

Hong Ying woke up from her sleep and shouted: What's wrong? The enemy has invaded?

The record player gritted his teeth and said, Come in, come in!

In the Lu family's mansion, Lu Yuanhai cursed loudly: He Jiaqing, this bastard, what the hell did he do to turn our family upside down! I'll ask the newspaper to publish a few more articles tomorrow. I don't see how the He family will be in Puozhou in the future. Get a foothold!”

Lu Yuanshan remained silent.

Monkey Qiu asked: Did this news really come from the old lady?

Lu Yuanhai said: How can this be false? My uncle's housekeeper told me that my uncle recognized He Jiaqing with his own eyes!

Hou Qiu lit a cigarette and said with a serious expression: Why did the old man want to spread the news?

Lu Yuanhai said in surprise: Uncle Qiu, do you suspect that this news is false?

Qiu Zhiheng shook his head and said nothing.

Lu Yuanshan said: No matter whether the news is true or false, my uncle should not tell it.

The He family has always been at odds with us because of the matter of Xuansheng Honglian. They have always suspected that Xuansheng Honglian is in Xiaolan's hands, and they even suspect that it is in our hands.

This situation is beneficial to my uncle. We are restrained by the He family, so my uncle has the opportunity to make trouble behind his back.

Now that the He Jiaqing incident has come out, our suspicions have been cleared, and my uncle has no chance to make a comeback.

Lu Yuanhai suddenly realized: According to what you said, my uncle had other intentions for spreading the news.

Lu Yuanshan looked at Monkey Qiu.

Monkey Qiu was speechless for a long time, and he couldn't tell what Lu Maoxian was thinking.


Lu Maoxian himself didn't want to expose the matter, but he had no choice. This was the order of the saint.

The young man in white said: Senior brother, Master made it very clear. He Jiaqing is a very dangerous person. He cannot be allowed to gain a foothold in Puzhou from now on. The more people who know about him, the better. He must not be tolerated secretly making trouble. .”

Lu Mao nodded first: Everyone obeys Master's instructions.

Zhou Changhong, who was lying on the hospital bed in the Yuezhou Third Hospital, felt someone beside the bed and suddenly opened his eyes.

He thought it was Xiao Zhenggong who came, but he didn't expect that it was He Jiaqing standing next to him.

Zhou Changhong let out a sigh of relief, then became nervous again.

He had a thorough knowledge of Xiao Zhenggong. Did He Jiaqing know about this?

He Jiaqing lowered his voice and said: Brother, you have worked hard these days. Here are your tickets and directions back to Puuluozhou. After you go back, you first go to Miaoying's place to hide for a few months. Try not to show your face these days until the limelight passes. , I asked Miaoying to buy you another house in Green Water City.

Zhou Changhong waved his hands repeatedly and said, What are we brothers talking about?

There was another person standing behind He Jiaqing. Zhou Changhong knew him. This person was Zhu Junlong, the manager of the Tea Mountain Hotel.

Changhong, you stay at Junlong's place tonight, and he will take you to the station tomorrow.

He Jiaqingwei and Zhou Changhong prepared a set of casual clothes. Zhou Changhong immediately changed into clothes and followed Zhu Junlong out of the hospital.

Not long after they left, Da Tou entered the ward.

You just let him go? Datou pointed to Zhou Changhong.

He Jiaqing smiled bitterly and said: Who makes him my brother? If my brother can't live with me, I will bear it on my own, but I can never live with my brother.

Zhou Changhong followed Zhu Junlong to the hotel, and Zhu Junlong arranged him in the suite.

Zhou Changhong was very tired after pretending to be He Jiaqing for such a long time. Zhu Junlong originally wanted to give some advice, but Zhou Changhong yawned, got into bed directly, and fell asleep.

After sleeping until two o'clock in the morning, Zhou Changhong opened his eyes.

He was groggy, as if he was going to the toilet. Along the way, he carefully observed the location of every surveillance camera.

There is one in the bedroom, one in the living room, and one at the door.

With his level of cultivation, it was not difficult to avoid these three cameras, but he had to make some preparations.

There are no cameras in the bathroom, which is great for getting ready.

He took out a disposable toothbrush cup and took a glass of water.

He cut his finger with a disposable razor and squeezed the blood into a dental cup.

The blood spread evenly in the water. Zhou Changhong drank half of it and left the remaining half in the bathroom.

He went back to bed and went to sleep.

Ten minutes later, the remaining half of the blood quickly evaporated and turned into a thin mist, filling the entire suite.

A fantasy appeared in the suite.

From the outside, nothing happened in the house, and Zhou Changhong was still sleeping in bed.

But in fact Zhou Changhong had already left the room. His clothes and appearance had undergone tremendous changes, from a tall and handsome middle-aged man to a petite young girl.

Taking the elevator to the first floor, the staff on duty in the hotel lobby was taking a nap.

Zhou Changhong walked out of the hotel door calmly, picked up a flyer from the ground and stopped a taxi.

After getting in the car, he asked the driver to take him to Eagle Mountain Apartments.

He had no money or mobile phone with him, so when he got off the bus, he handed the flyer to the driver.

In the driver's eyes, he received a hundred dollar bill.

These days, not many people give money with banknotes. The driver was thinking about how to give change, but he heard Zhou Changhong generously say: No need to change.

The driver thanked him profusely and drove away.

Zhou Changhong entered the apartment building, arrived at Room 208, and opened the code lock.

This is the escape route he left for himself.

Xiao Zhenggong warned Zhou Changhong that after He Jiaqing came back, he must notify Xiao Zhenggong as soon as possible, otherwise He Jiaqing would kill Zhou Changhong and silence him.

He Jiaqing and Xiao Zhenggong are both in front of him, who will Zhou Changhong believe?

He doesn't believe in anyone, he only believes in himself now.

He had the road guide and the bus ticket. He had a brand new identity that even He Jiaqing didn't know about.

After returning to Prozhou, he planned to disappear. The savings from the first half of his life were enough to maintain his luxurious life.

He bought this apartment with all expenses paid, but he has never lived in it.

The bed was full of dust. Zhou Changhong patted it a few times and found that there was more and more dust.

Strange, where did this dust come from?

It seemed like it didn't come from the bed, but from his hands.

Zhou Changhong looked at his palm and found that his right hand was cracked along the palm lines, and large amounts of dust were spurting out along the crack.

Zhou Changhong was shocked, his feet softened, and he fell to the ground.

After this fall, he found that his leg was also split. There was no blood in the wound, only countless dust.

He wanted to shout, but as soon as he opened his mouth, dust spewed out from his throat.

Half an hour later, there was only a cloud of dust left in the apartment, and not even the clothes were left.

In the ward of Yuezhou Third Hospital, Lao Wan looked at the time and said to He Jiaqing: It's almost time for him to get sick.

He Jiaqing said: It can be dealt with cleanly.

Don't worry, there's nothing left. Wan Jinxian looked at the vase next to the hospital bed.

I would like to see what my classmate looks like.

PS: Zhou Changhong’s clothes were given to him by He Jiaqing.

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