Lord of Puluo

Chapter 214 He is my junior brother

He paid 100 yuan in gold repair and defrauded him of 300,000 yuan?

The price difference is a bit outrageous.

Sui Donglan looked Li Banfeng up and down and asked, Are you really a salesman?

Li Banfeng snorted coldly, ignored Sui Donglan, pushed the car, and continued walking forward with the rattle.

Sui Donglan quickly stopped Li Banfeng: Don't worry, let me ask first, what kind of sect is this Jin Xiu?

Good Daomen! Li Banfeng took out a toilet and a toilet brush, You put this one on your back first, this one is for collecting golden juice.

And this brush, this is for blending the golden juice!

Li Banfeng didn't buy the spoon for fishing out the golden juice. That thing was not common.

Sui Donglan got excited, pushed the bucket aside, covered her nose and said, What kind of door is this? Isn't this a place for collecting shit?

Girl, what you say is so unpleasant! Don't push me down, wait until next time! Li Banfeng put away the toilet and brush and continued to push the cart forward.

Sui Donglan chased after her: I want to become a cheat.

Such a handsome girl, with such a good time, why do you want to learn how to cheat? I won't sell you, you can choose a good sect next time.

The girl stopped Li Banfeng: I just want this Taoist door!

You have such a bad temper, what can you do if you want to enter the Taoist sect? I won't sell you!

Li Banfeng pushed the cart and left, and Sui Donglan realized that some of the rumors might be true.

She didn't see the salesman the first two times, not because of bad luck, but because the salesman deliberately avoided her.

There is no mistake, the man in front of me is a real salesman.

In Green Water City, someone once told her that peddlers sell medicinal powder not to make money, but to deliver the powder to the right person.

He may think that I am not suitable for cheating.

I really want to cheat Xiu, so just sell it to me!

The more Li Banfeng refused, the more Sui Donglan believed that he was a real salesman. After repeated begging, Li Banfeng reluctantly agreed.

Three hundred thousand in medicinal powder, not a penny less.

Sui Donglan looked aggrieved and said, How can I have so much money?

What's the point if you don't have money!

Sui Donglan grabbed Li Banfeng's arm: Can you sell it cheaper, maybe 200,000?

This girl is good at acting, and her pitiful appearance is really painful to see.

Li Banfeng gritted his teeth and said, Okay, seeing as you are so sincere, if you want to choose Jin Xiu, I can give you an extra bucket.

I don't choose Jin Xiu...

There is no negotiation for the cheating cultivator, it's three hundred thousand.

When Sui Donglan saw that the salesman didn't bargain, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

Does she have three hundred thousand?


It's easy to get money for house repairs, and she defrauded her of more than half a million yuan back and forth in Iron Gate Castle.

Now she had to spend more than half of it, which made her feel distressed, but if she could really enter the Taoist sect, she would be able to earn back the money quickly.

She returned to her residence, took out the hidden cash and gave it to Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng counted them correctly, grabbed a handful of medicine powder from the jar, and said to Sui Donglan: Come here, stick your face over.

Sui Donglan was startled and said in astonishment: Why do you put it on your face?

Li Banfeng frowned and said, Then where do you want to apply it?

Sui Donglan rubbed her peach: Isn't it always applied on thick areas?

She's quite knowledgeable.

Aren't you ashamed? Li Banfeng scolded, A girl is showing off her beauty in front of a man like me!

Sui Donglan didn't even blush: You are an expert in this world, you can just look at it, and you still care about my cheapness!

Li Banfeng shook his head: Other Taoist sects apply it on the thickest part of the body, but the cheating cultivator must apply it on the thickest skin. In this Taoist sect, the thickest part is the face.

Sui Donglan didn't believe it. She had never heard of these things.

Li Banfeng still had the same attitude: If you don't want to buy it, forget it. I'll give you your money back.

Sui Donglan quickly stopped Li Banfeng: I'll buy it, I'll listen to you...

I don’t know why, but the more troubled Sui Donglan was, the more trustworthy she felt about the salesman.

Li Banfeng took a writing brush from the truck, mixed the medicinal powder with water, and said to Sui Donglan: Stop and don't move!

Sui Donglan didn't dare to move.

Li Banfeng took a writing brush and wrote the word liar on the left side of her face and the word xiu on the right side of her face.

You have already started cheating cultivators!

After the words fell, Sui Donglan felt happy.

After the joy, there was unbearable pain.

Sui Donglan covered her face and cried in pain.

This is normal. Those cultivators have said that the introductory medicinal powder hurts terribly when applied on Tao Zi, let alone on the face.

After waiting for a moment, Sui Donglan felt as if her entire face had been peeled off with a knife. The pain caused her vision to blur, her whole body to shake, and she could not breathe.

This is normal, just bear with it for a while and it will be fine...

After enduring it for a while, the terrible pain moved from the flesh to the skull. Now Sui Donglan couldn't bear it anymore and lay on the ground rolling.

She looked at Li Banfeng with tears in her eyes: It hurts too much. Is there any painkiller? It hurts too much...

Li Banfeng sat in the truck and said with a smile: Do you still know it hurts? Those honest people you deceived, you ask them if it hurts?

You... Sui Donglan realized that she had been deceived and rushed forward to fight Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng ducked out of the way, and Sui Donglan bumped into the truck without even seeing Li Banfeng's shadow.

Why is he so skilled?

None of the bandits on Feiying Mountain are as skilled as him.

I heard from Old Liu, who sells dried fruits, that the seller is an expert.

He is really a salesman!

But why did he lie to me?

Sui Donglan saw that the hard fight was unsuccessful and quickly defended herself.

Seller, I didn't lie to them. I am a flower seller, and they are willing to buy my flowers.

Li Banfeng smiled and said, As you said, aren't you willing to buy my medicine?

I, I, Sui Donglan stammered, and replied after a while, I am also willing to do it. Mr. Salesman, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again!

Li Banfeng sighed and said: Okay, I'm a generous person. You go to Tiemenbao again and pay back all the money you cheated. One household at a time, and after you've finished paying, you kowtow three times, and I'll give it back. I’ll give you the antidote, go ahead.”

Sui Donglan knelt on the ground with a thud: Seller, I'll do it right away. Please relieve the pain first. I really can't bear it anymore.

The severe pain made her whole body twitch. Li Banfeng took out the wine gourd, poured a cup of wine and gave it to Sui Donglan.

Sui Donglan picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. After a while, the pain eased.

Thank you, Mr. Salesman! Sui Donglan kowtowed twice, got up and left.

Did she pay back the money?

The money will not be returned.

Having been defrauded of 300,000 yuan by a good guy, my heart is still bleeding, so I am not willing to spend any more money.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Banfeng threw a mirror to her: Don't worry, let's look at your face first.

New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Sui Donglan looked in the mirror and saw the word liar written on the left half of her face, and the word correction written on the right half of her face.

Sui Donglan rubbed her face desperately, but the two words could not be rubbed off.


Li Banfeng put away his smile and said, Don't you want to cheat cultivators? I will help you. These two words will never be washed away for the rest of your life. No matter where you go, others will know that you are cheating cultivators.

Mr. Merchant, please spare me once. I really know my mistake! Sui Donglan ran back to Li Banfeng and kowtowed.

Li Banfeng frowned and said, Why are you kowtowing to me? Go to Iron Gate Fort.

Master, how can I meet people with my appearance!

If you don't want to see anyone, just wait to die. At this time tomorrow, when the alcohol is over, you will still be in pain. It will hurt to death. Even if you die, you will still have these two words on your face.

After saying that, Li Banfeng pushed the truck and shook the rattle to leave. Sui Donglan hugged Li Banfeng's trouser legs and cried: Master, I'm going to pay back the money, but, I gave you all the money, I Can’t take it out…”

Li Banfeng turned around and smiled: You gave it all to me? Didn't you keep any for yourself?

I've kept a lot... Sui Donglan didn't dare to lie.

Take them all out!

Sui Donglan returned to her residence and took out the remaining two hundred thousand yuan.

Li Banfeng said: First pay back the money in your hand, and then pay back the remaining 300,000, but this is what you owe me, so you should pay it back yourself.

Sui Donglan blushed and said, Can you give me a title?

Yes, you have the status. From now on you will be a cart puller!

Pulling a cart?

What kind of status is this?

Li Banfeng handed the truck to Sui Donglan and walked to Tiemen Fort with a rattle.

Sui Donglan followed behind with the truck. As they walked, Li Banfeng asked her about Iron Gate Fort.

How many houses are there in Iron Gate Castle?

Sui Donglan said: There are two to three hundred households. The Iron Gate Fort is very big. Walking in from the door, there are more than ten miles.

Is there an exit at the end of the mountain stream?

No, Iron Gate Fort is a dead end. There is only one door in and out.

Did these house cultivators enter the Taoist gate in Iron Gate Fort?

Sui Donglan shook her head and said, I haven't been here long, but I haven't seen anyone here at the Taoist Gate. The few homesteaders I know all moved here from outside.

Li Banfeng looked back at Sui Donglan, suspecting that she was not telling the truth: How can the house repairer move so casually? Don't want the house and the house spirit anymore?

I don't know about that. I'm a white kid, and I don't know much about cultivation. I just heard an uncle say that he carried the spirit of the house on his back.

Moving with a house spirit?

The key to home repair is the balance between the home, the home spirit and the cultivator. The home spirit will turn into an evil spirit when it leaves the house. How much risk does this uncle have to take when moving with the home spirit?

Why did he move to Iron Gate Castle?

He said Iron Gate Fort is a good place and the owner is a good man.

Is the castle owner also a homesteader?

I heard it was an eight-story house builder, but I have never seen it before. The uncle has only seen it once. The bandits from Feiying Mountain broke into the fort, and the owner of the fort personally took action and drove them away.

Zha Xiu ran to Iron Gate Castle to seek protection.

The castle master is an eighth-level master. It seems that I can really learn a lot this time.

But through what channels can we approach the castle owner?

I have a friend who wants to settle in Iron Gate Castle. Does he need the permission of the castle owner?

Sui Donglan nodded and said: You must first obtain the consent of the fort owner, then buy a piece of land from the fort owner, then build a house according to the fort owner's rules, sign a deed, and pay rent every month before you can settle down in Iron Gate Fort. .”

I bought a house, why do I still have to pay rent?

This is the rule of Iron Gate Fort. Not only do they have to pay rent, but everyone who does business in Iron Gate Fort must pay rent to the owner.

While they were talking, the two of them arrived at Iron Gate Fort. Sui Donglan said with tears in her eyes: Master, please give me another medicine to remove the marks on my face first.

Li Banfeng smiled kindly: That won't work, let's return the money to them first.

Sui Donglan sobbed twice, found a scarf, wrapped her face, and went door to door to pay back the money.

The word cheating repairman was written in large letters, and the headscarf could not cover it after all. The home repairmen who had been defrauded of money had different reactions when they saw Sui Donglan come to apologize, pay back the money and kowtow.

Someone chose to forgive her.

Someone not only forgave her, but even sympathized with her.

Some people were very angry, but after receiving the money, they did not continue to pursue the case. The young man who gave Li Banfeng directions was in this category.

He was very angry with Sui Donglan, but very grateful to Li Banfeng, who took the initiative to tell his name and cultivation level.

My name is Wu Yongchao, and I am a house builder on the fourth floor. This is the kind of person he is. As long as someone is nice to him, he will give it his all.

Li Banfeng is also a real person and responded: I am a salesman.

Wu Yongchao stared at Li Banfeng for a while, shook his head and said, I've seen the salesman before, you seem to be...

The home repairman has a very serious attitude towards life and usually does not forget other people's looks. He remembers that the salesman does not look like this.

Li Banfeng explained: The salesman you met is my junior brother.

You come from the same sect, so your cultivation level is also the same as his... In Wu Yongchao's impression, the salesman's cultivation level was very high.

Li Banfeng replied tactfully: He and I are different.

Wu Yongchao looked at Sui Donglan who was going door to door to apologize, and he agreed very much with Li Banfeng's statement: If this happens, the salesman will not care about it. Your character is better than him.

Li Banfeng sighed: Anyway, it's not the same...

Sui Donglan apologized and paid back all the money she could, but there was nothing she could do if she couldn't.

Some money has already been spent.

I do business here, and I have to pay rent to the castle owner. I don't care if the homesteaders ask for more, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Li Banfeng frowned and said, Liars also pay rent?

Pay! Pay more! The castle master said that people like me shouldn't enter the castle. I must pay twice as much.

If you knew she was a liar, why did you let her in?

Li Banfeng frowned secretly.

Seller, I've paid back the money, so just give me an antidote.

No hurry, I have something else to ask you. Do you know where the castle owner lives?

Sui Donglan shook her head: I have never met the castle master, I have only met two of his subordinates...

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud whistle.


Wu Yongchao was shocked: No, the big iron gate is going to be closed!

Sui Donglan shouted: Salesman, leave quickly. If you don't leave, you won't be able to get out!

PS: Why did it close suddenly?

Because the bandits are coming!

What methods are used to repair the eighth-floor house? I’m really looking forward to it!

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